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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2008年乐陵市第二次练兵模拟考试英语试卷第 I 卷(选择题,共75分)一、听力测试(共15小题,计分15分) (一) 听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。(5分) 1. A. lost B. last C. waste 2. A. turned off B. turned down C. turned on 3. A. 120.35 B. 112.35 C. 120.15 4. A. The black bag is cheaper. B. The red bag is cheaper. C. The two bags are at t

2、he same price. 5. A. My teacher didnt help me. B. I didnt pass the exam. C. My teacher helped me pass the exam.(二) 听句子,选择该句的最佳答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分) 6. A. Good news! B. Have a good trip. C. Id love to. 7. A. Ill take it. B. Two hundred yuan. C. It is so nice! 8. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Well done! 9

3、. A. Orange juice. B. Coffee. C. A hot dog. 10. A. Yes, Im looking for a pen. B. No, I am full. C. No, I can do it by myself. 听对话,选择适当的选项。每组对话读一遍。(5分) 11. How does the man feel? A. Very well. B. Very tired. C. Very sick.12. Where are the two speakers? A. In a school. B. In a restaurant. C. At home.1

4、3. Where does the woman want to go? A. To the Grand Hotel. B. To the traffic lights. C. To the shopping center.14. What pet does the man keep? A. A fish. B. A cat. C. A dog.15. Whats Tom going to be? A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A policeman.(注意:请同学们翻到第卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。)二、单项选择(共20小题,计20分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选

5、出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。16. -What happened to you this morning? - The teacher asked me for my _ when I was late again. A. meaning B. idea C. excuse D. answer17. The cake _ good. I cant wait to eat it. A. feels B. sounds C. becomes D. smells18. The boy _ a white jacket is waiting at the bus stop. A. on B. i

6、n C. of D. for19. You _ worry about him. He will get well soon.A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. may not20. The boy was so attracted by the computer games that he forgot _ else. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything21. - Mum, Im hungry. - What about going to McDonalds _ fried chicken?A. eat

7、 B. to eat C. eating D. and eat22. - Can you guess who will be the first to cross the finish line?- Sandy. Jane didnt run so fast _ she did last time.A. than B. so C. that D. as23. Weve decided _ the house there, for it is too small for our family. A. to buy B. not to buy C. buy D. will buy 24. Thou

8、gh the young singer, Yang Guang, is blind, he sings _ most of the people. A. as good as B. as well as C. best among D. better than25. - Did your parents go to the film yesterday evening? - No. We _ stayed at home watching TV.A. both B. all C. either D. none26. - _ - Thanks, I will.A. Wish you a happ

9、y journey. B. Give my best wishes to your parents.C. Thank you for your help. D. You got the first prize. Congratulations!27. I want to know _the day after tomorrow.A. what he will do B. what will he do C. what he did D. what did he do28. - This is the most interesting story _ Ive heard. -I like it

10、too. A. which B. that C. from which D. of which29. - Is that Jack speaking? - Sorry, he isnt in right now. He _ the cinema with his aunt.A. has been to B. has gone to C. have been to D. have gone to30. The Olympic Games are held _. A. every four year B. every fourth years C. every four years D. each

11、 fourth years31. - How long have you _ China? - For three years. A. come back B. returned C. left D. been away from32. The doctor looked over peter carefully after he _ to the hospital. A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken33. - May I borrow your ruler? - Certainly. _. A. Hold on, please B. It d

12、oesnt matter C. Here you are D. Not at all34. Once people used kites to send _ to other places, because they didnt have telephones, computers, or even radios. A. languages B. newspapers C. messages D. magazines35. Which sign can you probably see in the library?三 、阅读理解(共20小题,计40分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目,从各题

13、A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AYears ago, many zoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages(笼子). Small cages made it easy for people to see the animals, but a small cage is not a good place for an animal to live in.Today zoos keep animals in different kinds of cages. The cages are very big and open. They usually have plants and a little lake. The cages look like the animals habitatsZoos help to protect all kinds of animal


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