北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高一英语 寒假作业 2013年2月7日

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北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高一英语 寒假作业 2013年2月7日_第1页
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1、北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高一英语寒假作业:2013年2月7日一完成句子1.关于元宵节的起源有很多传说。There are many stories about _ _ _ _ _.2.He was repairing the car when I got there.(转换成被动句)_.3.仪式结束后,客人可参加婚礼宴会。宴会规模很大,持续通宵。_ _ _, the guests can attend _ _ _,_is usually a huge party and can _ _ _ _.4.随着十二月的来临,我们的兴奋与日俱增。_ _, our _ _ each da

2、y.5.接着,我们喝下午茶,吃上面有一层雪人的圣诞大蛋糕。Then we had tea, with a huge Christmas cake_ _ _.6.我永远不会忘记他和妈妈在聚会上跳舞的情形。Ill never forget _ _ _mum _ _ _.二根据课文内容,用适当的词或短语的适当形式填空:The Mid-Autumn Festival is _ by the Chinese people all over the world every year in September _ October. Its a special _ for family and there a

3、re various moon cakes _ fruit, coffee, chocolate and even ice-cream moon cakes , which are _ from the _ moon cakes made with bean paste.The Dragon Boat Festival _ the beginning of the hottest season of the year. People from many countries including China have _ the races and enjoyed the fun. The spe

4、cial food is _ zongzi, which is _ rice in fresh bamboo leaves.三单项填空1. Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clean.A. is used B. are usedC. has been usedD. have been used2. This kind of plant _ lots of vitamin C.A. includesB. holdsC. containsD. takes3.-Congratu

5、lations to you ! I hear you got first in the English Speech Contest. - _ .A. Dont mention it. I think thats only my past.B. Thanks. But I think I could have done betterC. Theres nothing to cheer for D. No, no. Its a piece of cake.4. The thief was reported _ more than $50,000 from the millionaire.A.

6、to stealB. to be stealing C. to have stolen D. to be stolen5. -What will you do next Sunday?-Maybe do some shopping, for I _ go to school on Sunday.A. mustntB. shouldntC. dont have toD. had better not6. If you_ yourself to the job in hand, youll soon finish it.A. requestB. appealC. applyD. claim7. M

7、ary _ a professor for half a year.A. has marriedB. married withC. marriedD. has been married to 8. Jenny is always absent from school, _ I suppose is why she is criticized now and then.A. whichB. whoC. thatD.what9. -Excuse me , is the shop open around the clock? -_ . Only from 8:00am.to 4:00 pm.A. I

8、m not sure.B. Well, it depends.C.Thats right.D.Im afraid not.10. - Its a good idea. But whos going to _ the plan?- I think Tom and Grey will.A. set asideB. carry outC. take inD. get through11. - Helen, will you be at the party tonight?- Im sorry, but I have so much homework to do that I really _.A.

9、wont B. cantC. mustntD. shouldnt12. Some pre-school children go to a day care centre, _ they learn simple games and songs.A. thenB. thereC. whichD. where13. _ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A. DressedB. To dressC. DressingD. Having dressed14. Her _ way of smiling left a good impression on me.A. successfulB. particularC. usualD. peaceful15. No decision _ about any future appointment(任命) until all the candidates(候选人) have been interviewed. A. will be madeB. is madeC. is being D. has been made



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