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1、PEP小学英语五年级下册My Favourite Season一、教案背景1、面向学生:中学 小学2、学科:小学英语(五年级下)3、课时:64、学生课前准备: 课前预习:学生通过百度搜索,欣赏四季美景,同时了解中国具有特色景色的城市 试读课文,初步了解文章大意。 多媒体PPT教学配套课件。二、教学课题PEP义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语,五年级下册Unit2 My Favourite Season第6课时,以季节为话题,重点是问答最喜欢那个季节并陈述原因。教学目标:1、 能够听、说、读、写本课时的句子:Why do you like summer Because I can swim ii t

2、he lake. Why do you like win ter Because I can sleep a long time.2、能够理解Read and Write部分的对话并能正确回答问题和书写答句。3、能运用本单元学过的句型结合已有的语言知识谈论季节、天气和某一季节里开展 的活动。三、教材分析本节课,围绕 Which season do you like best这一主题设计一系列活动,内容为 谈论喜爱的季节,每个季节的天气状况以及在每个季节中的活动,让学生在轻松愉 快的情境中表达语言,感受语言,理解语言,从而习得语言。教学重点:掌握句型:Why do you like 教学难点:对

3、“Why do you like ”的得体回答。教学准备:教学之前用百度在网上搜索“ My favourite seaso n”的相关教学材料,了解到教 学的重点和难点,确定课堂教学形式和方法。然后根据课堂教学需要,利用百度搜 索关于季节的图片资料,做成PPT在课堂上给同学们演示。四、教学过程(一)、Warm up1. Free talkT: How many seas ons are there in a yearSs:Four.T:What are theySs:They are spri ng,summer,fall and win ter:-T:OK, let s review som

4、e wrirdst the seasons and some activities.在百度搜索中找到与课文相关的各个季节及在不同季节进行的活动。2&I【百度搜索】1656& z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%D3%CE%D3%BE%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=949&cl= m=-1 &st=&pn=60&rn=1 &di=835&ln=2000&fr=alaO&fm=ala 0&fmq=_R&ic=&s=&se=&sm e=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=&i s=&istype=#p n60&-1 &di835&objURLhttp%3A%2

5、F% & fromURLhttp%3A%2F%&W800&H600&T8748&S38&TPjpg&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%B7%C5%B7%E7%F3%DD%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=5&cl=2&lm=-1 &st=&pn=1 &rn=1 &di=&ln=2000&fr=ala 0&fm=ala0&fmq=_R&ic=&s=&se= &sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=&i s=&istype=#p n1&-1& di&objURLhttp%3A%2F% & fromURLhttp%3A%2F%&W1001 &H657&T7

6、741 &S214&TPjpg&z=&tn=baiduimagedetai l&word=%B6%D1%D1%A9%C8%CB%CD%BC%C6%AC&in =296 57&cl=2&lm=-1 &st=&pn=1& rn=1 &di=&ln=1991 &fr=ala0&fm=ala 0&fmq=_R&ic=&s=&se= &sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=&is=&istype=#p n4&-1& di640&objURLhttp%3A%2 F%& fromURLhttp%3A%2F%&W650&H 614&T7333&S52 &TPjpg操练句型:A: Wha

7、t season is it nowB: It is -now.A: What can you do in B: I can(二) Presentationguess ing gameto lead in new less on. 活动方式:全班活动。(1) It is not warm. Many trees are not green. You can see white snow. We wear warm clothes. You can play with snow. Which seas on is it(2) It knot cold. The trees are gree n.

8、 You can see many flowers. I can wear my skirt. We always use fans and eat ice-creams. Which seas on is it学生回答并出示图片2. 导入 read and write 教学(1) Show picturelT:What seas on is itWhat can Zoom and Zip do in summer通过学生看图回答,引出文本第一段内容:It s summer. Zoom and Zip swim in thelake. They are happy. “like summer,

9、 ” saysip. “why do you like summer” askzoom.“ Because I can swimthe lake.(2) Show picture2T:What seas on is itWhat can Zoom and Zip do in fall 通过学生看图回答,引出文本第二段内容:It s fall. Zoom and Zip go hikinThey eat a lot.(3) Show picture3T:What seas on is itDo Zip and Zoom skate What can Zoom and Zip do in wi n

10、ter 通过学生看图回答,引出文本第三段内容:Win ter comes. Zoom and zip don sleep.(4) Show picture4T: What seas on is it What do they do 通过学生看图回答,引出文本第四段内容: kites. “ I like win ter ,” says Zoom.Spring comes. Zoom and Zip wake up. They fly Why do you like winter” asks Zip. ”cause I can sleep a3. Judge whether the followi

11、ng statements are true orit s false, please correct it.(1) Zip likes summer best.(2) Zoom likes spri ng best.4. 呈现 Read and write 全文(1) 教师播放课文配套的光盘,以动画故事的形式展示给学生观看。让学生理解 课文的大意。(2) 然后完成书本上的冋题。5. T: What about you Which seas on do you like best WhySs:I like beBtecause I can 教师给出相应信息,以供参考:UliailMrtil k

12、iKtyjiii,vrcir f-shirts.wilier nyluifMiwniAH.shrift;:也 kim.hiw a pknk, pih km.巾II:尹 hidn, rfnib milMB.6. Let s find outFind out the best time to visit Harbin,Qingdao,Hanzhou and Sanya.&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%B9%FE%B6%FB%B1%F5%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=25184& cl=2&lm=-1 &st=&pn=2&rn=1 &di=89 O&ln=1999&fr=

13、ala1 &fm=ala1 &fmq=_R&ic=&s=&s e=&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=&is=&istype=#p n2&-1 &di890&objURLhttp%3A %2F% &fromURLhttp%3A%2F%&W500&H 421 &T9210&S36&TPjpg&z=&tn=baiduimagedetai l&word=%BA%BC%D6%DD%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=9428&cl=2&l m=-1 &st=-1 &pn=10&rn=1 &di=&ln=1999&fr=ala1 &fm=ala1 &fmq=_R&ic=0&s=0&

14、se=1 &s me=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&i s=&istype=2#p n10&-1 &di&objURLhttp%3A%2F %& fromURLhttp%3A%2F%&W1024&H768&T7508&S160&TPjpg &z=&tn=baiduimagedetai l&word=%C7%E0%B5%BA%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=5566&cl=2&lm =-1 &st=-1 &pn=0&rn=1 &di=395&ln=2000&fr=& fm=ala1 &fmq=_R&ic=0&s=&se=1 &sme=0 &tab=&width=&hei

15、ght=& face=0 & is=&istype=2#p n0&-1& di395&objURLhttp%3A%2F% &f romURLhttp%3A%2F%&W550&H393&T8131 &S152 &TPjpg &z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%C8%FD%D1%C7%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=26061 &cl=2&l m=-1 &st=-1 &pn=3&rn=1 &di=818&ln=1996&fr=&fm=result&fmq=_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1 &s me=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&i s=&istype=2#p n4&-1& di305&objURLhttp%3A%2 F%& fromURLhttp%3A%2F%&W1024&H768&T7317&S166&TPjpg (2)小组间尝试创编对话的:A: When is the best time to go toB: (season)A: What is the weather like in(seas on) in (city)B:It sand A: What can I do thereB:You can .(do some thin gou can go t



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