著名国际酒店安全部程序-3(英文)SECURITY 41-60

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《著名国际酒店安全部程序-3(英文)SECURITY 41-60》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《著名国际酒店安全部程序-3(英文)SECURITY 41-60(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页PROCEDURES: (continued)1. Toa MonitorHas three adjusting dials situated behind a recess panela. Horizontal Holdb. Contrastc. Brightness Switcher The switcher has three black pressure buttons on the face of the machine which when pressed individually selects a

2、particular camera location and stays on that position till a change is required by the operator.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: SECURITY JOB CATEGORY: SECURITY OFFICER HEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: INSTRUCT STEWARDING STAFF ON E. R. T. FIRE PROCEDURESSTANDARD: Each Sunday on the midnight to D

3、awn Shift the Security Officer will conduct a Hotel Tour for those Member of the E. R. T. on duty briefing all present on Emergency Procedures and recording those attending. PROCEDURE:23.00 hrs. 07.00 hrs. (Sunday)1. Page Steward Supervisor on duty to assemble all stewarding staff.2. Conduct hotel t

4、our covering all areas not normally seen by Stewards.3. Conduct familiarization briefing on what is required of E . R . T .4. Conduct Familiarization of fire equipment and Pager.5. Log all attendees and subject matter in Security Log for perusal by C. O. S.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: SECURIT

5、Y JOB CATEGORY: SECURITY OFFICER HEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: REMOVE UNRULY UNDESIRABLES WHEN REQUIREDSTANDARD: Security Officers when informed of unruly or undesirable persons will quickly assess the situation, and using discretion / diplomacy, rectify the matter as per policy and procedures. P

6、ROCEDURE:1. Undertake instruction from the C. O. S. in Specific sections of the Liquor Act and the N. T. Criminal Code2. Undertake Role Play Situations3. Undertake instruction from the C. O. S. in what to do if holding men or women for Police.4. Undertake instruction from the C. O. S. in what is req

7、uired if attempting citizens arrest5. Undertake instruction in what is required if permanently barring undesirablesSTANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: SECURITY JOB CATEGORY: SECURITY OFFICER HEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK:PROTECT EVIDENCE AT THE SCENE OF A CRIMESTANDARD: Security Officers will make

8、 every effort to protect all evidence at the scene of a crime until the arrival of the Police. PROCEDURE:1. Contain the area and keep all unauthorized persons from the area until Police Arrival.2. Protect and preserve all evidence to establish that a crime has been committed.3. Try to establish the

9、facts to prove the identify of the offender.4. Try to establish the facts that can be used in the offenders interrogation.5. Touch nothing in the area but if this has been done report the matter to the Police.6. Check immediate area for further signs.7. Record all obvious details and photograph for

10、follow up.8. If any item belonging to the hotel or guests are taken by Police ensure that receipts are given by them ( 3 Security Files, Hotel Files and Division Files ).The subject due to its very nature is to large to cover in this certification but a Security Officer with an understanding of the

11、basics can be of valuable assistance when required to protect evidence at the scene of a crime.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: SECURITY JOB CATEGORY: SECURITY OFFICER HEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK : WRITE SECURITY INCIDENT REPORTSSTANDARD: Every incident of a Security Nature will be recorded i

12、n the prescribed manner for higher managements review and action . A Security Incident form will be raised as well as a Witness / Victim form completed in full. PROCEDURE:1. While incident is fresh in the mind of the Security Officer and those involved raise a Witness / Victim Form in fullest detail

13、.a. Enter Hotels name and locationb. Attach a File number from running seriesc. Date of reportd. Witness / victims namese. Their Addressf. Telephone contact number remember to include area codeg. Check in and check out times and dates.h. Date and time of incident reported.i. Date and time incident reportedj. Person receiving report and positionk. Nature of incident eg. , theftl. Location of incident eg., Pub Barm. Details of event-Security Officer must compile the fullest summary of the events using the approved formula-Who was involvedWhat was involvedWhere did it happenWhy did it hap



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