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1、八年级英语上学期重点短语及句型 Name:_Unit 1 1.How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每晚睡多少个小时?2.What do you/they usually do on weekends? 你/他们通常在周末做什么? 3.I usually go to the movies. 我通常去看电影. 4.What does he/she often do on Sundays?他/她常常在星期天做什么?5.He/She often does homework.他/她常常做家庭作业. 6.How often do you shop? 你多久买

2、一次东西? 71.I shop twice a month. 我一月买两次东西. 8.But my mother wants me to drink it.但是我妈妈想要我喝。9.She says its good for my health.她说有益于我的健康。10.So maybe Im not very healthy,although I have one heathy habit.所以,我可能不是很健康,尽管我有一个健康的习惯。11.A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.大量的蔬菜帮助你保持健康。Unit 2 1.Im

3、 sorry to hear that.听到你那样说我感到难过. 2. Its+形+for sb.+to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是的。 eg:Its important for me to eat a balanced diet. 平衡饮食对我来说是很重要的3.maybe 或许 may be Maybe you should see a dentist. 4.Whats the matter with you?=Whats the trouble with you?=Whats wrong with you?你怎么啦?5.I have a sore back. 我背痛 6.You s

4、hould lie down and rest. 你应当躺下休息. 7.He shouldnt eat anything=He should eat nothing. 他不应当吃任何东西. 8.I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你一会儿感觉更好些. 9.Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle. 有一种健康生活方式是容易的. 10.I dont think Im improving. 我认为我不会有提高. 11.I dont feel well= Im not feeling well我感觉不舒服.12.Everybody gets

5、 tird sometimes.每个人优势都会变得很疲倦。13.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is good for this.吃党参和黄芪也对此有好处。14.You should eat fruit and other healthy foods.你应该也吃水果和其他健康食品。Unit 3 1.Can I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗? 2.What are you/they doing for vacation? 你/他们假日要做什么?3.Im/Were/Theyre watching TV. 我/我们/他们要看

6、电视. 4.Whats he/she doing for vacation? 他/她在假日里要做什么?5.He/She is going camping. 他/她要去野营. 6.When are you/they going? 你/他们要何时去? 7.Im/Were/Theyre going on Tuesday. 我/我们/他们要星期二去. 8.Who is he/she going with? 他/她要和谁去? 9.What are you doing there? 你会在那儿做什么?10.How long are you staying? 你要呆多久? 11.Im staying for

7、 three days.我只呆三天.12.That sounds interesting.那听起来很有趣. 13.Show me your photos when we get back to school. 当我们回到校时把你的相片给我看. 14.Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. 我正在计划在美丽的乡下消遣. 15.I hear that Luzhou is a good place to go sightseeing. 我听说泸州是一个观光的好地方. 16.I dont like going away for t

8、oo long. 我不喜欢离开太久.17.He thought about going to Greece or Spain,but decide on Canada. 他考虑去希腊或者是西班牙,但最终决定去加拿大。18.Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.我打算在美丽的乡村度过时光。Unit 4 1.It takes sb. some time to do sth.=Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事.2. 3.How do you get to school

9、?你怎样到校? 4.I walk/I tak a bus. 我走路/坐汽车. 5.How does he get to his uncles house? 他怎样到他叔叔家的? 6.He rides a bike. 他骑自行车去. 7.How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校有多远? 8.Its ten kilometers. 有十千米. 9.How long does it take you to get from home to school? 从你家到学校要花多长时间? 10.It takes about half an hour. 大约

10、要花半个小时. 11.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. 那一定要比坐汽车有趣得多. 12.How can I get to.? 我怎样到达?13.Thomas wants to know where Nina lives?托马斯想知道尼娜住在哪。14.In north America ,not all students take the bus to school.在北美,并非所有的学生都乘公共汽车去上学。15.If you have a problem,you can ask a policeman.如果你有问题,你可以找警察。16

11、.A small number of students take the subway.少数学生乘地铁。Unit 5 1.Can you come to my party on Wednesday? 星期三你能来参加我的聚会吗? 2.Sure,Id love to. 当然啦,我愿意去. 3.Im sorry, I have to go to the doctor. 对不起,我得去看病. 4.Thats too bad.Maybe another time. 真遗憾.也许改天吧. 5.Thanks for asking (inviting) me/your invitation. 谢谢你邀请我.

12、 6.I have too much homework to do this weekend.这个周末我有太多的家庭作业. 7.Im going to my cousins birthday party. 我要去参加我表兄的生日聚会.8.Can you come to the movies with us on Friday? 你星期五能和我们一起去看电影吗?9.Im free till 10:00pm. 我一直到晚上十点都有空。 Unit 6 1.A good friend likes to do the same things as me.好朋友喜欢跟我做一样的事情. 2.I like t

13、o have friends who are like me/who are different from me. 我喜欢和我个性一样/不一样的朋友. 3.We both enjoy going to parties. 我们俩都喜欢去参加聚会. 4.Although my hair is shorter than hers. 尽管我的头发比她的短. 5.As you can see,in some ways we look the same ,and in some ways we look different.正如你所看到的,在某些方面我们看起来相同,在某些方面我们看起来不同。6.Liu Y

14、ing is not good at sports as her sister.刘英不如她妹妹擅长体育。7.She is a little more outgoing than me . 她比我更外向一点。8.I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友能使我笑。9.She always beats me in tennis. 打网球是她总是赢我。Unit 7 1.How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样制作香蕉奶昔? 2.How many bananas do you need? 你需要多少香蕉? 3.How

15、much yogurt do we need? 我们需要多少酸奶? 4.We need two oranges and two cups of milk. 我们需要两个桔子和两杯牛奶. 5.Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? 你喜欢在三明治里放生菜吗?6.peel three bananas 剥三个香蕉 Unit 8 1.How was your school trip?你的学校旅游怎样? 2.What did you do last Sunday? 上周星期天你做了些什么? 3.There is(was)+可数名词单数(不可数名词)+somewhere.There are(were)+可数名词复数+somewhere 某处有 4.How was the weather yesterday? 昨天天气如何? 5.Did you clean the classroom yesterday? 你昨天打扫了教室了吗? 6.Were there any sharks? 有鲨鱼吗?Unit 9 1.When were you born? 你何时出生的? 2.



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