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1、考研考博-考博英语-北京航空航天大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题While typing, Kathy had a habit of stopping( )o give her long and flowing hair a smooth.问题1选项A.promptlyB.simultaneouslyC.eventuallyD.occasionally【答案】D【解析】副词辨析。句意:在打字的时候,凯西 停下来梳理一下她柔顺的长发的习惯。promptly 敏捷地,迅速地;simultaneously 同时地;eventually 最终,最后;occasionally偶尔。因此,D项符合句意。2

2、. 单选题A century ago in the United States, when an individual brought suit against a company, public opinion tended to protect that company. But perhaps this phenomenon was most striking in the case of the railroads. Nearly half of all negligence cases decided through 1896 involved railroads. And the

3、railroads usually won.Most of the cases were decided in state courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides. Government supported the railroad industry; the progress railroads represented was not to be slowed down by requiring them often to pay damages to those unlucky enoug

4、h to be hurt working for them.Court decisions always went against railroad workers. Mr. Farwell, an engineer, lost his right hand when a switchmans negligence ran his engine off the track. The court reasoned that since Farwell had taken the job of an engineer voluntarily at good pay, he had accepted

5、 the risk. Therefore the accident, though avoidable had the switchmen acted carefully, was a “pure accident”. In effect a railroad could never be held responsible for injury to one employee caused by the mistake of another.In one case where a Pennsylvania Railroad worker had started a fire at a ware

6、house and the fire had spread several blocks, causing widespread damage, a jury found the company responsible for all the damage. But the court overturned the jurys decision because it argued that the railroads negligence was the immediate cause of damage only to the nearest buildings. Beyond them t

7、he connection was too remote to consider.As the century wore on, public sentiment began to turn against the railroadsagainst their economic and political power and high fares as well as against their callousness (无情)toward individuals.1.What does the word “negligence” mean in the passage?2.Which of

8、the following is NOT true in Farwells case?3.What must have happened after the fire case was settled in court?4.The following aroused public resentment EXCEPT( ).5.What does the passage mainly discuss?问题1选项A.ignoranceB.arroganceC.carelessnessD.depression问题2选项A.Farwell would not have been injured if

9、the switchman had been more careful.B.The court argued that the victim had accepted the risk since he had willingly takenhis job.C.The court decided that the railroad should not be held responsible.D.Farwell was injured because he negligently ran his engine off the track.问题3选项A.The railroad compensa

10、ted for the damage to the immediate buildings.B.The railroad compensated for all the damage by the fire.C.The railroad paid nothing for the damaged building.D.The railroad worker paid for the property damage himself.问题4选项A.political powerB.high faresC.economic lossD.indifference问题5选项A.Railroad oppre

11、ssing individuals in the US.B.History of the US railroads.C.Railroad workers working rights.D.Law cases concerning the railroads.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.根据题干“negligence”定位至第三段:Mr. Farwell, an engineer, lost his right hand when a switchmans negligence ran his engine off the track(法威尔先生是铁路公

12、司的一名工程师,由于一名扳道工因negligence而导致机车脱离轨道,法威尔失去了右手)。由此推测negligence意为疏忽,过失。ignorance无知,愚昧,arrogance傲慢,carelessness 粗心,疏忽,depression 沮丧;经济大萧条。据此可知,C项正确。2.文章第三段指明是一位扳道工由于疏忽而导致机车脱离轨道,法威尔失去了右手,而非法威尔本人。D项的说法错误。3.题干问的是法院对火灾案的判决结果。第四段指出:a jury found the company responsible for all the damage. But the court overtu

13、rned. Beyond them the connection was too remote to consider(陪审团裁决铁路公司负责全部损失,但法院推翻了陪审团的决定,认为铁路公司的疏忽只是直接导致最邻近的建筑物受到损失,因而只对此负责任,而离得较远的房屋的损失则不在赔偿范围)。因此,铁路公司只赔偿最邻近的建筑物受到的损失。4.根据题干关键词resentment定位至最后一段:Public sentiment began to turn against the railroadsagainst their economic and political power and high f

14、ares as well as against their callousness toward individuals(公众舆论开始反对铁路公司反对他们在经济和政治上的权力、高票价以及他们对个人的冷漠无情。据此可知,C选项“经济损失”不包括在里面。5.本文主要讨论的是与铁路公司有关的法律案件。3. 单选题Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an( ) force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectatio

15、ns.问题1选项A.inspirationalB.educationalC.excessiveD.instantaneous【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。inspirational鼓舞人心的;educational教育的;excessive 过度的; instantaneous即刻的。句意是:由于她是我的教授兼指导老师,不妨告诉你,她具有一种 () 力量,激发着她的学生超越自我的期望。因此,A选项符合句意。4. 单选题The unpleasant taste of the medicine prescribed by a famous doctor( )in hismouth for hours.问题1选项A.restsB.waitedC.prolongedD.lingered【答案】D【解析】动词辨析。rests休息;waited等待;prolonged延长;lingered逗留。句意:那位名医开的药的讨厌味道在他嘴里( )了好几个小时。因此D选项符合句意。5. 翻译题Through



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