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1、九年级英语第十二单元学案(1)一、疑点难点破解1.its okay if you are a bit late.如果你稍迟一点还行。疑点:a bit在此作状语修饰late,表示“稍微,一点儿”,可以与a little互用,既可以修饰形容词、副词的比较级也可以修饰原级。如:If you run a little/a bit more quickly, you can catch the bus.如果你再跑得快一点儿的话,你就赶上公交车了。难点:a bit of与a little 可互相换用,用于修饰不可数名词。但要注意not a bit与not a little的区别,前者表示“一点也不”,而后

2、者表示“许多、很、不只一点点”。如:He had a bit of /a little bread for his breakfast.他早上吃了点儿面包。-Are you tired?-No, not a bit.你累吗?一点也不累。He gives me not a little trouble.他给我带来许多麻烦。2. Thanks for your message.谢谢你的来信。疑点:thanks for“为而感谢”。如:Thanks for giving me such a nice present.谢谢你送我这么精美的礼物。难点:thanks to表示“由于,幸亏”。如:Thank

3、s to the teachers help,we finished the work on time.多亏老师的帮助,我们按时完成了工作。3. In Switzerland,its very important to be on time.在瑞士,准时是很重要的。疑点:it用作形式主语,代替了真正的主语to be这一不定式,不定式可以做主语,但是又往往用it作形式主语来代替。如:To help others is good when they are in trouble.=Its good to help others when they are in trouble.帮助那些处于麻烦当中

4、的人是好事。难点:it还可以用作形式宾语,代替了真正的宾语to do sth.如:本单元出现了这样的句子:I have to say,I find it difficult to remember everything不得不承认,我发现记住一切东西是很困难的4.Where Im from,were pretty relaxed about time.我所在的地方,对时间是相当宽松的。疑点:pretty是副词意思为相当地,颇。如:He speaks English pretty well. 他英语讲得很好。难点:和pretty相似的词还有fairly,rather,quite,用法有一定的区别。

5、pretty多用于口语;fairly多修饰好的一面的形容词;rather可修饰不好的或好的一面的形容词;quite多修饰好的一面的形容词和无等级之分的形容词。如:Its fairly(quite)interesting(warm,good,etc.).这很有趣(很暖和,很好等)。同步练习一、单向选择1. _useful work they have done!A.What B.How C.What a D.What an2. His school backpack_ by a woman ten minutes ago.A.took awayB.was taken awayC.were tak

6、e awayD.had taken away3 .He_ in his English Test Paper. His teacher was very angry with him.A. makes some mistakesB. make a mistakeC. made few mistakesD. made many mistakes4. The first thing is_ the teacher.A.greeting B.to greet C.greeted D.being greeted5. We never visit a friends house without_A.ca

7、ll B.to callC.calling D.calls九年级英语第十二单元学案(2)1.Its rather cold(bad,difficult,etc.).真冷(真糟,真难等)。The bottle is quite empty.这瓶子完全空了。注:1)fairly,quite与rather三者程度上差异如下:not goodfairly goodquite goodrather goodvery good不好还好不错相当不错很好2)fairly和rather同是修饰一个词,意思上有区别。请比较:fairly easy 较容易(难度适宜)rather easy 太容易(缺乏难度)3)r

8、ather和quite可放在动词之前。如:(1)I rather like this colour.我倒很喜欢这颜色。(2)She quite like him.她确实喜欢他。4)rather和quite都可和名词连用,若无形容词都必须放在冠词前。如:(1)He made quite an effort,but he failed in the end.她做了很大努力,可最终还是没成功。(2)Its rather a shame that they have to work on weekends.他们周末还要工作,这有点不公平。5. Youre not supposed to eat any

9、thing with your hands except bread,not even fruit!除了面包,你不可以用手吃任何东西,即使是水果也不行。疑点:except 除了之外,但不包括在内,是介词。如:He gets up early every day except Sunday.除星期日外他每天早起。难点:besides作为介词,意为除了之外还有,而except则是除了之外别无其他。如:Except Tom we all went to the Great Wall.除了汤姆之外,我们所有人都去长城了。(汤姆一人没去)Besides Tom Li Lei went to the Gr

10、eat Wall.除了汤姆之外还有李蕾去长城了。(汤姆和李蕾都去了。)二、重点讲解1.Spending time with family and friends is very important to us.对我们来说与家人和朋友共度时光是很重要的。本句是动名词短语spending time with family and friends作主语。如:Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.看电视太多对你的眼有害处。2.We often just drop by our friendshomes.我们只是访问朋友的家。drop by“访问,拜访”,是

11、美式英语,与drop in(on sb.)“顺便走访(某人)”近义。如:Would you drop up/in tomorrow evening for a chat?你明晚有时间来谈谈吗?3. Luckily,his mother never gave up trying to help.幸运的是他母亲从不放弃尽力的帮助。如:give up是个短语,表示“放弃,让给,认输”,此外drop也可表示“放弃”。He didnt give up smoking until he got lung cancer.直到得了肺癌,他才戒烟。1. Shes having a great time_ her

12、 exchange program in Australia.A. on B. inC. with D. about2. You wouldnt believe_ my English_ ! A. how quickly, has improvedB. what quickly, is improvedC. how quick, has improved D. how quickly, is improved3. They go out their way to make me_ at home.A. for, feel B. of, to feelC. to, feels D. of, fe

13、el4. We Chinese have got used_ with forks.A. to eat B. for eating C. eating D. to eatingC. supposed,shake handD. suppose,shook hands九年级英语第十二单元学案(3)4. Dont point at anyone with your chopsticks.不要用筷子指着某人。(1)pointat瞄准,对着如: If you want to see the moon clearly, point a telescope at the moon.如果你想看月亮清楚一点的话

14、,让望远镜对着月亮。(2)point to 指向;表示如:Both the hour hand and the minute hand pointed to twelve.时针和分针都指着十二。5. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 他们花尽心血让我感觉不到拘束。(1)go out of ones way to do 特意(花心血、时间)做某事;故意做某事。如:He went out of his way to help me.他特意帮助我。(2)make sb./oneself feel/be at home 感觉如在自己家中

15、,无拘束6. He did so well that he has been invited to study at Oxford University,one of the best universities in the world and a very high honor for any student. 他做得很好,因此被邀请到牛津大学-世界上最好的大学之一去学习,这对每一位同学来说,都是很高的荣誉。(1)sothat 如此以至于引导结果状语从句。如:He works so hard that he catches up with others quickly.他工作如此努力,很快就赶上他人。(2)so that为了,以便,引导结果状语从句。 如:She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 oclock.她拼命干以便能到6点前把一切都准备好。三、语法展示1. be supposed to do的用法1)表示“应该,被期望”。如:What are you supposed to



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