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1、补全对话专项练习一【题型考查】补全对话题是近几年某些省份的新增题型,它主要考查考生在连贯对话中对常用交际用语的正确使用以及交际情景的正确理解。此题要求考生在通读全篇对话的基础上,把握各部分的逻辑联系,充分理解对话内容以及谈话双方的意图。 该题型考查的形式为在一篇对话中留出五个空白(注意: 空白处一般不打标点, 以防考生根据标点符号猜出句子类型), 要求考生从所给的选项(共七项,有两项是多余的)中选出最佳答案填空,使补足后的对话意思通顺、前后连贯、且符合英语交际习惯。这里要注意的是:对话后所提供的七个备选项,从语法上看都是正确的,不会有语法错误, 虽然其中有两项多余,那只是因为它们不合交际情景(

2、即与对话的上下文在含义上不吻合)。而不是因为它本身语法有错,所以考生在做类题时,一定要从对话所提供的交际情景上去下功夫,而不能从选项本身去找语法错误。【解题点津】1. 首先要通读对话,把握对话大意。做这类题时,千万不要看一句填一句,一定要 先通读全篇对话 (包括对话后的备选项) , 把握对话内容,根据对话所提供的语境以及上下文的逻辑联系,摸清谈话双方的意图,并设法进入“角色” ,进行全面分析,从而作出最佳选择。2. 先易后难。做这类题时并不一定要完全按顺序进行,可以先易后难,逐步缩小选择范围。 同时每选一个答案注意要用笔将其作上记号,以免干扰后面的选择。3. 要充分利用对话本身所提供的线索或信

3、息词。比如:若对话的下文出现有等,那 么其上文十分可能是一个一般疑问句或是一种表示推测或询问看法句子;又如:若在备选项中既出现有表示某人或某物的名词,又出现有代表同一人或物的代词,那么一般说来,用名词的选项应该出现在用代词选项的前面。另外,对话上下文中出现的有关的疑问词、助动词、情态动词、时态、语态等,都要注意它们的照应关系,尤其是它们在语气上的一致性以及它们用于该交际情景的可行性。4. 要注意英语国家的风俗习惯以及一些常用交际用语的习惯表达和应答方式等。 这里值得一提的是:补全对话虽然是一种典型的交际性试题,但它并不完全局限于考查一些常见交际用语使用与应答方式,而往往还会考查考生对交际情景正

4、确理解,强调交际双方的信息交流。1【常用句型】打电话:aHello ! May I speak to ?Is that( speaking)?bHold on , pleaseThis is speakingHe She isnt here right now Can I take a message for you?cI called to tell ask youPlease tell him herdGoodbye购物:aWhat can I do for you ?May Can I help you ?bIwant Id like How much is it ?Thats toom

5、uch expensive , Im afraid Thats fine, Ill take it Let me have kilo box cHow many much do you want ?What colour sizekind do you want ?dDo you have any other kind sizecolour ?问路和应答:aExcuse me,Where is ?Excuse me,can you tell me the way to ?Excuse me,which is the way to ?bGo down this street Take the f

6、irst second turning on the left right Its about metres from here2Its about kms from here , youd better catch a bus看病:aTheres something wrong with Ive got a cough headache coldI feel terrible ( bad)I dont feel well Ive got a pain hereThis place hurts bTake this medicine three times a day Drink plenty

7、 of water and have a good rest Its nothing serious Youll be all right soon 【典型例题】1. 根据对话内容 , 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 选项中有两项为多余选项:Policeman : Now, Jimmy, did you get a good view( 看清 ) of the accident? Jimmy : Oh, yes. I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it quite clearly.Policeman : Do y

8、ou know what time it was?Jimmy : Yes._1_ It was 2: 45 exactly.Policeman : Good. _2_Jimmy : Well, quite slowly about 10 miles an hour. It was coming up York Road. _3_ But they were still red when he went over them.Policeman : I see. _4_ was it also driving slowly?Jimmy : It was coming along Union Str

9、eet about 30 miles per hour. It was a blue Toyota. _5_Policeman : Did you see what colour his traffic( 交通 ) light was?Jimmy : Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.A. What about the car?B. I checked my watch.C. Didn t you see the car?D. Now, how fast was the truck moving?E. Was the car

10、 going beyond the speed limit?F. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change.G. The driver stopped his car when he saw the truck crossing the street.简析:大意是讲:一个警察在处理一次交通事故时, 向 Jimmy 了解有关情3况。1. 选 B。警察问 Jimmy 是否知道事故发生的时间 , Jimmy 不仅知道 , 而且还准确 地说 It was 2: 45 exactly 。由此可见 , 他是看了表的 (.

11、checked a watch) 。2. 选 D。此题从其答语 Well, quite slowly about 10 miles an hour. 可显然推知。3. 选 F。此空可根据下文 But they were still red when he went over them 推知(尤其是 still red 两词)。4. 选 A 。此交通事故涉及一辆卡车和一辆小汽车, 细心的考生会发现 , 上文讲的是卡车的情况, 上文讲的是卡车的情况,而下文讲的小汽车的情况, 所以此处应填一个转换话题的句子, 因此选A 最适合。5. 选 G。现在还剩下三个选项C, E, G, 而 C, E 是两个问

12、句 , 从含义上看 ,只可能是警察提此问题, 不可能是Jimmy 提此问题 , 所以只能选G。2. 根据对话内容 , 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 选项中有两项 为多余选项: Mary, we are going to have a party on New Years Eve. Im sure we ll have agood time. _1_ I d like to. _2_ In our classroom. We are going to decorate(装饰) it and turn it into asplendid ballroom. _3_ I shall

13、be very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you. But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance._4_ I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear, though. I heard you sing once. _5_ Im sure you ll be the starNewofourYearparty. Oh, thank you.A. Your voice was sweet and beautiful.B. Where are you going to have it?C. Would you like to join us?D. Thank you for inviting me.E. Oh, it is great.F. Let s go to the ball together.G. Do sin


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