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1、2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Finally he lowered his eves in a show of respect and said, That room is reserved for honored guests from rich countries. I was so shocking that I didnt know how to reply.问题1选项A.lowered his eves inB.a show of respectC.honored guestsD.was so shockingE.没有错误【答案】D【解析

2、】形容词误用。shocking改为shocked。句意:最后,他目光低垂以表尊敬,并且说:那个房间时专门招待富裕国家的尊客。我感到非常震惊,以至于不知道如何回答。shocking 令人震惊的。shocked 感到震惊的。2. 单选题The short, smiling man who introduce himself as the manager denied that we had paid more than other people, though he did admit that we had been put in a “special” room.问题1选项A.who intr

3、oduce himselfB.as the manager deniedC.did admitD.had been putE.没有错误【答案】A【解析】语法题。时态错误。introduce改为introduced。谓语动词为denied,是一般过去时,因此A项定语从句中的动词Introduce也应该用过去式。3. 单选题Since the data from the experiments are not easy to be analysed, it will be several weeks before we know whether we are free to proceed wit

4、h the second part of our research program.问题1选项A.fromB.are not easyC.to be analysedD.free to proceed with【答案】B【解析】语法错误。主谓不一致。are改成is。主语the data为单数,故系动词应该用is。4. 单选题1. Recent reports that bedbugs 臭虫have infiltrated office buildings, movie theaters and stores in New York did not come as a surprise to W

5、es Tyler, general manager of a prestigious hotel in downtown San Francisco. “Short of putting a bedbug-sniffing beagle at your door to check every arriving guest before they come in, youre going to get bedbugs,” he said. “Dealing with them is the cost of doing business these days.”2. An employee fir

6、st discovered a bedbug in the 137-room hotel in 2003, and Mr. Tylerhas since instituted a comprehensive bedbug detection program to find the blood-sucking insects before a guest does. For starters, Mr. Tyler created a position called “bedbug technician”an employee whose sole job is to go from room t

7、o room checking for bedbugs. There is also a bedbug bounty of $10 paid to any employee who finds one. If a bedbug is found, the room and all adjacent room are taken out of service for up to five days while they are steam-cleaned and chemically treated to eliminate the bugs and their eggs. The mattre

8、sses in the rooms are also discarded. The total cost for each room is $2,500, including lost bookings. “It sounds like a lot of money, but the value of a good reputation is infinite,” Mr. Tyler said, “Your biggest fear is that someone will get bitten and post something about it on an online travel s

9、ite, and thatd be a killer.”3. Bedbugs used to be solely a residential problem, but they are showing up in commercial settings, and not just in places with beds like hotels, nursing homes and apartment complexes. Increasingly, pest control companies report finding bedbugs in office buildings, movie

10、theaters, clothing stores, food plants, factories and even airplanes. For the affected businesses, the expense can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. For the companies that deal with the scourge, it is a bonanza, with business doubling and tripling.4. The costs of coping with bedbugs are

11、 significant, and they are not covered by most insurance policies because they are seen as a maintenance issue. Hiring bedbug-sniffing dogs, which is considered the most effective detection technique, costs about $250 for a 1,200-square-foot retail store and as much as $10,000 for a million-square-f

12、oot department store. To stay ahead of bedbugs, I recommend using the dogs to do a thorough inspection quarterly/ said Pepe Peruyero, chief executive of a company in Florida that trains bedbug-sniffing dogs and offers inspections for large buildings like department stores and school dormitories. How

13、ever, he added, many customers cannot afford it and instead choose to rely on the vigilance of employees after an initial dog check comes up clean.5. Eliminating infestations is also costly, ranging from $750 for a few rooms in an office building to $70,000 for a large apartment complex. And that is

14、 just for the application of the combination of pesticides that kills bedbugs. It costs an additional 40 percent for the most thorough regimen: placing all the contents of an office or retail space into a heat chamber bedbugs die at 120 degrees Fahrenheit and then spraying pesticides in the temporar

15、ily empty rooms. It takes about four to seven hours per room” for the combination heat and pesticide procedure and a couple of hours on three separate occasions if using pesticides alone, said Judy Black, technical director for a large firm based in Charlotte, North Carolina, which provides pest con

16、trol and other quality control services to commercial customers. Getting rid of bedbugs is not quick or easy.”6. Businesses lose money when they have to interrupt operations. In addition, they may have to destroy bedbug-infested merchandise. One well-known chain of sporting goods stores, for example, had to close two of it



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