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1、热门英语高中作文集合十篇 英语高中作文 篇1 Peple an a reatmbr o yun trees in th moutains.We the ees gw big andtal enough,hey are down y woes and arrie out of thountais to te papr milhrefine apr i maomodThen t is aken oever orner f te couny and used foriffere purposes.Sme peopleusepaper o py witi,oers ue it towrie somth

2、ing sucs letters,repots andrticls Wen papertn out to eo no use,the ws papr is collectedad ereate h recylingfacty bforeeingt ino use again.人们在山里种植大量的小树苗。当树木长到足够高大的时候,就会被工人砍伐下来减少了,从山里运到造纸厂,把树木制成纸张。 然后这些纸杯带到这个国家的每一个角落,用于不同的目的。有些人使用纸拷贝写作,其他人用来写点东西,如信件、报告和文章。 当纸变得没有用了,在再次被投入使用前,废纸会被收集并撤回到回收工厂。 英语高中作文篇2 i

3、keMsicIbieve everbody hasteirown hbby.Dferntpeople ve dift hbbes. m, y hobb s mc. Iike msic ver muc It is mcal for me. It gve me he senseof hppinessI a make meappwhen am sad wil listnto mus every day. Ilis toiton yay hoe an shool,beore fal asleib ant ometimsIwlltryo sig song. 我相信每个人都有他自己的爱好。不同的人的爱好是

4、不一样的。对于我来说,我的爱好是音乐。我非常喜欢音乐。对我来说音乐是很神奇的。它能给我带来幸福感。在我难过的时候它可以让我开心起来。我每天都听音乐。在上学回家路上,睡前,吃饭的时候我都会听音乐。有时候我会试着唱歌。 英语高中作文 篇3 h rstdayof y ih scoolif Tefirst ay f high school lif, hae some oghs anfeig.Thepasage o tieca ws gve pple some spialthings. In the new evironment, fea texcited. Beabo rcognizth stude

5、ndteahris my greatetgains.Ith nx thee ears, wewilllearn、work an prgrsstgether to ake ou dreas cm true. Iwill ave ne rieds, and sa the joy a adnes wt them.The process of learning is als a gron poess. Simlarly, Iil als facmafiuties I mih hv dificultesinlearning and gettinglong wit cssmates ,beaing som

6、epesre n life owve,I will etstog nd ghroughvery tepf high hool tre ear 英语高中作文 篇4 o yuoftenractice your Egih Wrtin hy/ why noto you ikeheing ters Why/ h not o you like watching movis i our pae i h why not Wuld you lese saysometing at pce youave isited Ca you say omethng aoutur fvoritetecheWhat i the

7、ppiest thig yor fe Why 英语高中作文 篇5 Oe ChairmanMaosai one never toold to lean, his fauswd nsre eople tokeep learning al hir livesnc weae sml, we sty at schol,hn e av to lrn until wre a olge, aer grdate fr ollege, we fii ureducatin inthe shoThe thenw sg comes, we tar t wo, mkng me,learning kwlege em unn

8、ecesr us.h itall wrong, we learn al the tme, een weare out of schol, we hvelesss fm lif. e isa big topic, e have toern it all he tmee haet deal wtul, learnn o makerensdaccpt fil l these tings we willnt lern tscool, we ave to eanby ursel, we ar studen nd eacher.Ifou think y fhlening fter shool, you a

9、e arrominde. 毛主席曾经说过“一个人要活到老学到老”,他的著名话语激励着人们终身学习。当我们还小的时候,我们在学校学习,然后直到大学前,我们都要学习,大学毕业后,我们完成了在学校的学习。然后新的阶段到来,我们开始工作,挣钱,学习知识似乎不必要了。这是完全错误的,我们一直学习,即使不在学校,我们学习生活。生活是一个大主题,我们不得不一直学习。我们要处理麻烦,学着交朋友和接受失败。所有的这些东西我们都不会在学校学到,我们必须自己学习,即是学生也是老师。如果你觉得你出了学校后就完成了学习,你的思想就很狭隘了。 英语高中作文 篇 atrFstival sono th ormajr feti

10、als inu cury,eLanernestval s overad te SrgFstial is over, theday s er cemniu an lively. heLantrn estalhwsa aity o pograms, ith n o see lanen guessin lntrn ries, jblan drgon ne, and syrag dranboa. Bti wa he coorflfrwks thatatrtedouchire emost. Hury up! Im goingback o py!. Thre ar smallaloons in the s

11、upeat, re,yelow, greend blu. herare lso threeor ve roup f gir, with tir as olding ns and taling and lughig. Te bo are syf year and hve beenwoking hard for ayar. thnkhis is th timewe eeron imostrlxe andapp. ou se, there re two sml r ights hnging on the stee lamps. Its li saig, we wanttocelebrate te e

12、a, ande ant to celerate the w Yer. E he getbemak, tha s mre lvel! Thee was a ovem, glace,a igh, a man. And he gen ucmer, whih is rell , y ee,o lvel he gol littlflwelooks unde te su. Thecru car, lvr carp, erring, rass car do onwiin h wtr, i is a roo of ur Chinese od saying: vry yeareraefish (yu)! The yelow lee, the ed omato, thblak fungus,ad h wt unip rea what youwnt. uh! It ral cwed muttere.Aftermy other ougtsoe of favrite dhes, inishd my cout d alked ut f the arkt.Lon queues medt the



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