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1、人教PEP版英语三年级下册期 末 测 试 卷 (时间:60分钟 总分:100分)学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 座号_.Read and judge. 请判断每组划线部分发音是“”否“”一致。(5分)1. box dog ( ) 2. mother orange ( )3. run fun ( ) 4. duck mum ( )5. big pig ( ). Look, read and choose. 看图读句,选择合适的字母补全单词,完成句子。(5分)aeiou1. Shes a p pil. 2. Im from Ch na. 3. That boy is my br ther. 4. This

2、 is my c p. 5. My d sk is brown. . Look and choose. 请根据图片选择合适的单词补全句子。(10分) bananagrapesappleorangesstrawberry1. An a day keeps the doctor away! 2. I have a . Its yellow. 3. Look at the . Its red and big 4. I see thirteen . 5. We have two . Count and match. 算一算,连一连。(10分)11+9=2+9+1=222=3013=53=fifteen

3、eleventwentyseventeentwelve1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . Read and write. 请将下列单词用标准的手写体书写在四线三格内,看谁写得既规范又漂亮!(10分) 1. dog 2. run 3. duck 4. body 5. under.Look, read and judge. 判断图片与句子表达的意思是“T”否“F”一致。(10分)1. The watermelon is small and the car is big. ( )2. One is tall and seven is short. ( )AB3. A is thin and B is

4、fat. ( )4. The pen is long and the crayon is short. ( )BA5. A is big and B is small. ( ). Look and choose. 看图,选择正确的单词完成句子。(10分)oninunder1. The kite is the tree. 2. The bus(公共汽车) is the bag.3. The car is the box.4. The plane(飞机) is the box.5. The ball is the chair. Dialogue. 看图,选择合适的句子补全会话,只填字母标号即可。(

5、10分)A. Where is my ruler? B. Is it in your toy box? C. Have some bananas. D. How many books do you have? E. Do you like apples? Look! Its under your book. ( ) ( ) I have eight.1. 2. ( ) ( ) Thanks. 3. 4.No, I dont. ( )Yes, it is. 5.Read and number. 请根据图片顺序为句子重新排序。(10分) ( ) Row a boat. ( ) Put your f

6、oot under your chair. ( ) Bounce a ball. ( ) Drive a car. ( ) Read a map. . Read and choose. 请根据情景描述选择合适的一项,只填字母标号即可。(10分)1. 妈妈想带你出去一起买水果,她说: A. Honey, lets buy some fruit. B. Lets buy some oranges. 2. 做客时,你想吃些葡萄,应礼貌地说: A. Do you have some grapes? B. Can I have some grapes? 3. Mike说他不喜欢吃西瓜,正好你也不喜欢,你

7、应该说: A. Me, too. B. Me, neither. 4. 妈妈帮你找到了玩具,你对妈妈说: A. Thanks, Mum. B. Shes my mother. 5. 你要去野营了,出门前爸爸会对你说: A. Have a good time! B. Good guess! 6.“Open it and see!”的意思是: A. 打开看看! B. 我们去看看!7.“Silly me!”的意思是: A. 好高呀! B.我真傻!8.“Lets go home!”的意思是: A. 我们上学去吧! B. 我们回家吧!9.“Sorry, I dont like grapes.”的意思是:

8、 A. 抱歉,我不喜欢葡萄。 B. 快拿走,我不爱吃葡萄。10.“Bye!”是离别时大家常说的话,它的意思是: A. 你好! B. 再见!. Read and choose. 看图读会话,选择正确答案的字母标号写在括号内。(10分)Mike: Look at the kites, Amy! Amy: Wow, so beautiful! Mike: How many kites do you see?Amy: 1, 2 I see 12! Mike: No! The black one is a bird. Amy: Oh!( ) 1. I see in the picture(在图片里). A. Mike B. Amy C. Mike and Amy( ) 2. They look at the . A. birds B. kites C. balls( ) 3. The kites are . A. small B. beautiful C. fat( ) 4. Amy sees kites. A. 12 B. 11 C. 13( ) 5. The black one is a . A. kite


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