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1、牛津版九年级上册英语(9A)Unit1-Unit6单词词汇练习Unit 1根据句意或首字母提示写出单词1.She is_( 有耐心的)enough to wait for me for a long time.2.He has all the_(品质)to be a good friend.3.He wants to know more_(详情)about star signs.4.At last they reached the top of the mountain_(成功地).5.The twins look alike,but they have different_(性格特征)6.W

2、e should take an _(积极)part in Oxfam Trailwalker7.A wise housewife must be good at_(储蓄)money.8.Its_( 傻)of you to do such a thing.9.My uncle enjoys working and he is full of _(精力)10.His father is_(外向)and has a good sense of humour.11.Do you_(做梦)at night?12.Please remember these useful_(表达)13.You shoul

3、d be _(谦虚)though you are very clever.14.You are generous,kind,gentle and_(随和的)15.My brother loves peace and does not like to _(争论)with others.16.Its c_of him to make such a mistake.17.Jims trousers are s_to mine.I think there are no differences between them.18.Our English teacher is a f_(treat every

4、one or everything equally)person.19.The news was p_(most likely)true.20.He e_(show the meaning of)the reason to his teacher for being late.21.He left here a_(about)two years ago.22.Can I have e_(more than usual)to finish my work?二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.When you speak to your friends,its good to use_(formal)

5、language.2.This dress is not_(suit)for the party.3.Helen is a _(live)girl,she likes to make friends.4.The boy has many good_(person)qualities.5.I believe the 2008 Olympic Games will be held_(Success)6.Dont be_(patient)with your students.7.Its_(fair)of you to pay me so little money.8.As a teacher,you

6、 should treat every student_(equal).9.Its_(thought)of you to take a rainoat with you.10.They live a _(peace)life in a small village.Unit21.White is the colour of_(纯洁) .2.You should have a rest if you feel _(有压力的).3.I cant tell what you want.You never seem_(满足的)4.The_(气候)of Egypt is too dry.5.Mother

7、often_(提醒) me to wear warm clothes.6.Yellow is the colour of_(智慧)7.She was the_(羡慕)of the young girls in the school.8.Many young trees have died because of the _(影响)of the climate.9.I cant get the cork(瓶塞)out of the bottle-its too_(紧)10.We must keep a _(平衡)of the environment.11.People in the north o

8、f China like eating_(面条)12.Its a good habit for people to keep a _(日记)13.After raining,we can see a_(彩虹)when the sun shines.14.The mother looked_(担心的)because her son hadnt been back.15.Thank you for r_(cause sb to remember to do sth)me of the meeting.16.Lets share your s_(the sad feelings),please ch

9、eer up.17.Mr Green is a man with great s_(power,quality of being strong).18.The teacher r_(need,want)us to finish our homework on time.19.He d_(find out)a box hidden under the floor.20.I like to listen to soft music because it always makes me r_(not feeling worried).21.I_(like better)jogging to swim

10、ming.Unit31.Our teacher is_(严厉),we have to do what he says.2.He _(受苦)from stomachache.3.Jim often_(提供)me good advice.4.Can you_(证明)that you are right?5.I find the_(文章)on star signs very interesting.6.Which is more_(美味的),the cakes with nuts or the ones with meat?7.You must learn how to_(处理)with probl

11、ems by yourselves.8.Eating a healthy_(日常饮食)is very important.9.Mr Hu is_(认为)the beat teacher by the students.10.My penfriend didnt_(回信)to my e-mail.11.I hate anybody who_(打扰)me when Im sleeping.12.To our surprise,he has made great_(进步)in his study.13.Stop _(吵架),children.14._(虽然)it was raining,I went

12、 there.15.There is _(充足)of rain here every year.16.Jim usually watches TV in his s_(free)time.17.Marys t_(job,piece of work)is to water flowers.18.Have you r_(go over)your old lessons?19.Youll find this book v_(very useful and helpful).20.Some s_(advice)were given to the girls.21.I have c_(finish)my

13、 homework.22. I offered him a cake and he a_(take sth.which is offered,get).Unit41.they are doing the_(一周一次的)cleaning.2.He is_(报道)the traffic accident now.3.The football match is covered_(现场直播的)on TV.4.The _of prize(颁奖仪式)will begin at two oclock in the afternoon.5.In the past,many people had no righ

14、t to_(选举)6.The news was_(宣布)by Radio Beijing.7.There was a _(谋杀案)in London yesterday.8.The _(导演)of the film is Zhang Yimou.9.It is a _(谜)to us all.10.He is good at all the subjects,e_(尤其是)English.11.The palace is now open to the_(公众)12.Soon the man_(消失)into the mist.13.The one-hour_(纪录片)takes a close look at the Asian tiger.14.The _(习惯)of resting after lunch is a good one.15.Im going to visit Shanghai this_(即将到来的)weekend.16.I have a meeting to a _.17.The weather t



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