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1、能剤述标训绦y枱測学习效采券实基本能力I .单项填空1. (2010 淮北市二模)As most of their houses were badlydamaged after the earthquake many people had to bein astadium A. put awayB. put upC. put out D. put off解析 句意:由于地震后,大多数房舍受到严重破坏,许多人只 好在体育场过夜。put sb.up意为“给某人提供住宿”。put away “存 放” ;put out “ 扑灭” ;put off “ 推迟”。答案B2. It amazing th

2、at a boy like this should thinkanadult does A. the way B. by the wayC. on the way D. with the way解析句意:这样一个小孩像大人一样思考问题真是令人惊奇。the way可引导方式状语从句,意为“以, 方式”。答案 A3. Did you watch the tennis final of Menubles?DoYes, it was exciting It was afought gameA. successfully B. bravelyC closely D friendly.解析 句意:“你看了

3、男子乒乓球双打的决赛没有? ”“ 看了,真 是太让人兴奋了!这是一场势均力敌的比赛。”closely 作状语,修饰fought,意为“势均力敌地”。答案 C4You are all new comers here.Try not to make tostrangers.A ways B connectionCmeans Dapproaches解析 句意:你们都是新来的。尽量不要接触陌生人。make 与approaches搭配,表示“接触或联系某人”。答案 D5the day went on, the weather got worse.AWith BWhileCAs D Since解析 句意:

4、随着一天一天的过去,天气越来越糟。这句话中,主句随着从句的变化而变化,表示“随着”的选项有 With和As。而With 是介词,不能接句子。答案 C6We must know what we should do and what we should avoid a good impression on others in public place.Ato leave BleavingC to have left D leave解析 句意:我们必须知道在公共场合应当做什么, 应当避免什 么以给别人留下一个好印象。avoid的宾语是what,空格处是目的状 语,所以要用不定式。答案 A7 thou

5、sandsof Chinese students, Chuck has vastexperience in the Chinese classroom.AHaving taught BTaughtCTeaching DTo have taught 解析 此题考查分词作状语。句意:教过成千上万的中国学生, 所以查克对于中国的课堂有大量的经验。从语态方面看,“each”与主语 Chuck 是主动关系, 所以要用现在分词, 从时态方面看, “teach” 应该发生在has vast experience之前,所以要用现在分词的完成形 式。答案 A8 Is it that the spaceship

6、will be launched withinthis week? No, I don t think so.Aprobably BperhapsCpossibly Dlikely解析 句意:“这一周宇宙飞船有可能发射吗? ”“ 我认为不可 能。” 。 A、B 和 C 项都是副词, 不能作表语, 只有 likely 是形容词, 构成: It is likely that.句式。答案 D9!How comes that such a little boy can speak as manyas seven foreign languages?AAmazing B AmazedC Amaze D

7、Being Amazed解析句意:真是令人惊奇, 那样一个小孩怎么能够说七门外语? Amazing 是现在分词表示 “令人惊奇的 ”;Amazed 是过去分词表示 “感到惊奇 ”,前者可用于感叹语。答案 A10As is our traditional custom,children should be totheir teachers and parents.A respectable BrespectC respective D respectful解析 句意:正如是我们传统的风俗, 孩子们应当尊重老师和父母。respectable表示“值得尊敬的” ;respect应该构成 have r

8、espect for sb短语;respective表示“各自的” ;respectful表示“对别人尊敬 的”。答案 D11 Dont look from the other person while he isspeaking to you; that is impolite.Aout BoverCup D awaylook解析 句意:当有人与你说话时,不要旁视,这样不礼貌away from sb从某人身上转移目光。答案 D12the company at such an evening par,tyhe has beenchoosing a suit which will him bes

9、t.ARepresenting;agree B Represented;fitCRepresent;match DTo represent;suit 解析 句意:要在那一个晚会上代表他的公司出席, 所以他一直在挑选一件最适合他的套服。不定式 To represent表示目的;suit表示场合、身份方面的适合; match 意为“比得上,配得上 ”; fit 指 尺寸方面的适合。答案 D12What you have done isthe doctors orders.Aattached to Bresponsible forCresponsible to Dcontrary to解析(be)c

10、ontrary to “与, 相反”。句意为:你所做的和大 夫交代的正好相反。而干扰项 responsible for/to 意思是 “对,负责”,不符合句意。答案 D13 I would never see the film again.Its just a waste of time!ANor am I B Neither would IC Same with me DSo do I 解析 考查倒装和习惯句型现象。 答语是想说明 “我也不会来再 看这部电影了 ” 。相当于: “I would never see the film again either”.选项 A 和 D 改为 Nor

11、would I;选项 C 改为 The same with me 答案 B14Young as he i,sDavid has gained rich experience insociety.A. the; the B. a;不填C .不填;不填 D .不填;the解析 句意:大卫尽管年轻但有丰富的社会经验。experience此 处表示“经验”,是抽象名词;in society是固定短语,society用抽 象形式。答案 C15Which team isto win the game?In my opinion, it is for our team to win.Aprobable; l

12、ikely Bpossible; probableClikely; probable Dlikely; possible解析 句意:“哪只队会赢得比赛? ”“ 据我看来, 我们队可能 赢。”;第一句话的主语是 Which team所以表语应该是likely;第 二个句子是it is.for sb. to do句式,只有possible用于这个句式中。答案 Dn 阅读理解What s new in the scientific communityHere are four gadgets to open up your eyesMosquito Repelling NecklaceFor qui

13、te a lot of people, mosquitoesare one of the biggest problems brought by the warm and often rainy season .The necklace generates a sonic repelling frequency, which keeps the insects away.Unlike many other products, it doesn tuse any kind of chemicals and toxic sprays that poses a potential threat fo

14、r the human body.The plastic case is compact(简洁的)enough to wear around your neck or clip to your collar.Effective up to three meters in radius (半径).Ice Cream BallIce cream in just 20 minutes No magic tricksAll they lheed are five ingredients and some rolling around .Load ice and rock salt into one e

15、nd and the ice cream ingredients into the other.As the mixture of ice and rock salt is melting, it absorbs heat.Roll or toss the ball around and voila那就是)一ice creamCell phoneThis new kind of cell phone features a color touch screenspeech balloons对话框)are brought to real life from comic 漫画的) strips .It adapts to your favorite comics talks to you in your favorite character s languagjpdates you on new ringing tones and



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