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1、话题4日常活动(Daily routines).话题相关词汇1起床get up/rise2吃早餐(午餐,晚餐)have breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper)/have meals3做作业do ones homework4上床睡觉go to bed/slide to bed5看电视watch TV6在家at home/stay at home7醒来wake up8进来come in9洗澡take a shower/take a bath10梳头发comb ones hair11刷牙brush ones teeth12穿上put on13脱下take off14洗手w

2、ash hands15上学go to school/attend school16回家go home/be back home18看故事书read storybooks19滑雪go skiing20打篮球play basketball21游泳go swimming22画画paint23跳舞dance24滑旱冰go rollerskating 25打鼓play the drum26看电影go to the movies/see a film27听音乐会go to concerts28打乒乓球play table tennis29听收音机listen to the radio30业余爱好hobby

3、/ones favourite/likes and dislikes.实用句型1史密斯毫不费力就把箱子抬起来。Smith lifted the box easily, without using much effort./Its easy for Smith to lift the box.2你是如何把身材保持得这么苗条的?How do you manage to stay so slim?3他离开部队就找到了现在这份工作。He got his present job when he quit/left the army.4他太懒把庭院搞得一团糟。He left a mess in the y

4、ard because of his laziness.5老师吩咐学生沿着小径排队。The teacher ranged his students along the path.佳作背诵无规矩不成方圆,你家有家规吗?你是如何看待这些家规的呢?假设你是Tom,请根据表格内容,介绍一下你自己、你家的家规并谈谈你对家规的看法。姓名:Tom年龄:13性格:友好,有点害羞 外貌:高,瘦家规:1.每天要折被子,打扫自己的房间;2不能在卧室里吃东西;3吃饭时不能看电视;4看法:注意:词数80个左右;文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Hello,this is Tom._参考范文Hello,_this_is_

5、Tom.Im tall and thin with the age of 13.Actually,Im friendly but kind of shy.Like most families,I have some rules at my home.For example I have to clean my room every day. I cant eat in my bedroom.Besides,I cant watch TV while eating,either.My parents say its not good for my health if I do so.Of course,I have to do my homework after dinner and go to bed by 10:00.As sleeping earlier and getting up earlier make me healthier.Therefore,I think the rules can help me study well.So I never mind these rules at all.



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