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1、初二英语作文300字集合篇 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是我细心整理的.初二英语作文00字8篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 初二英语作文300字 篇1 A InttinaZhg Ming, As my birtday wil tkeplce onnexatua, yar ha issed on having irdy artyfo me.hyare very anxious o meet ll my youg friends,and they ant eto have a god e on

2、his occain. h paty ill bgin a oclk thiSatuday evening.Please cme ay. ocan akea . 5 busan gt of a Xinjng Roa. Go stght aeadand wlk acossWuli Street.The restaurnt i o th cornefthestr. Itsnam i aan starnt. W are looing owa o sng the. Wth eswishes! Yours incerly, X初二英语作文300字 篇2 In Cin, ay peoe wt t impr

3、oe their Engsh。 Theyente a contet b sining popul glish sns。 Narlall the sinessangver clarly d loke comfotable on stag。 They wre abl to i ngsh sosust wll as native seaker。Howver,the winners ee ery destand sai ht thedint think te wee ter thnthe othr sier。 This knd o contestenageole nChinat akglsh。nrde

4、 to improve Engli, peoplecan sing Engih ss, wtchEni movies, or red ngliboks。初二英语作文3字 篇3 n China,h Spng Fetivain the motimpont fstvl.Pop usuallyhave a lonhlia ae even days mo.Mos ohe families wll hav abig fail gt togetherhe whole famil will av abi a onte ee e SprngFal.yon is appy.Th most trdtional oo

5、d i duplg.e Chiee tnk the dumplings il bng t od lukinte new year.On hit day ofte hin New Y,pee ualy w newclot ad sitheir relives and friends.Thy say“HappyNe Ya”toeach ther.eople oftengo the par r shop初二英语作文00字 篇4 My bst iedisclldom.Heis 4 years old.He is handsome boy.He is tal and ha a edibuidHis hi

6、r i sort lackandraiWealways playe.H is renand funyyHealy es oers.W I get itoa roble he alwayshels m.Thmy bsfriend T我最好的挚友叫汤姆。他是4岁。他是一个英俊的男孩。他个子高,中等身材。他的头发是短的黑色和直。我们总是一起玩。他是友好和好玩的男孩。他总是帮助别人。当我陷入麻烦时他总是帮助我。那是我最好的挚友汤姆。初二英语作文300字篇Hell my dear frieds! hatsmy avouite ?Lt me telyouy favourteseaso is sprin.

7、Spring s a lovely en I thinkhere is a gardenbnd m house Isring th ree become green nd the flowers giveff fgance Thereae mn buterfliesn bees oer flers.Thebuerfliesae dancng and the ee ar singng. Smetimes itran. tusualy ains uitly The ain moistens thetree athe foer. I nk t may say“Wervr thrsty. hrai i

8、s very god. t can hep us.” hta beatful cen! Dont tink o初二英语作文30字篇 I think I il be a boss chcate faco。Ad Iwillli i Beijig。BecausI wet to Beijn t age oennd fell in lovwith it。As bss,Ithink I wl v more oney。Beuselosf eoeloeeain hcolats。I wantmy parent to oexrcise very orning。 So I will buy a big ouseor

9、 my pents。They cn doexecise in thshuse。I wl livng withmyparents。I do nt wat t e yparns o ly。nd tnk ill hpre oo chilre。I gtevekeep a pet do。Becaue Ithink doisr frien。I tik I will beveappy eyday inthe futur。初二英语作文300字 篇 Ihave ase bedom.And my roae ismy twn siter,Pey.Our bedrohas threparts,h bdroom,te

10、batrm and t boy.The bggt ish bro and the sallt i tebathromInu berm,ter are bes,two deks,two has, wardr andan ote thsn our wrdrode,he aemny cloth.I looks like sl r.Our batroois very clea.And ourbalcnyis ery clean,o.hre atplanys on h balconhe pla rebig and ice.Evera,we tiy a cln or bedroomWe bt le or

11、bedroovery mch.初二英语作文300字篇8 My name is Fang Hatia, am a lvely bo,I lie i ChinasShado Liaocheng,Iam sevetn eas l hs yaI a in Gradene Clss fve,I love my clas vry mch,In he ass, avean rid,e talked andlge,It mkm apI ave manyobbies,suh s runng,dawin,writtng,eding nd playin ches.f In hse, my avrite in, becaus It alwaysake me forgtsoethig hppyI lik makng friend,too.If you wanto ae frien ithme,pleasejoin me!Fiens! look frard t your arrial.apy eafthe Tiger!本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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