重大版五年级下册Unit1 教案

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1、Unit 1 Our Friends教学总目标通过本单元的教学,要求学生掌握小学阶段所开设的英语名称,学会用英语表达“我喜欢的科目”、“我经常做什么”;学会用英语描述“洗碗”、“扫地”、“洗袜子”等。通过“Where are you going?What do you doat home?How can we get to?”等句法的操练去获取信息,进行交流。【教学目标】听说认读以下单词:computer,PE,math,art,ME,science,difficult,interesting,boring 听说认读以下短语和句型:have a lesson Do youhelp.? What

2、 do you do? What about you? 能听说认读本单元第一至三课。【教学重难点】注意Sometimes的发音【教学用具】准备一些学生用的课本或图片,教学光碟【教学时间】11课时Lesson One第一课时【教学过程】:(一) warm-up 1. Greetings.T: Hello,boys and girls! Nice to see you. How was your winnter vocation? My vocation was interesting. (先让学生初步感知interesting ,为此单词的学习打下基础。)( 二) Presentation1.

3、Review the old wordsT: This is our new term. We have many new books. Lets see what we have.(展示学生们发的新书,让学生说出相对应的单词,并呈现单词。)操练方法:齐读、快速认读、英汉互译2. Learn new wordsT: We know how to say “语文书”。How can we say “语文课”? (引出lesson,并教授have a lesson)教授方法:教读、齐读、相互替换 (二) New dialogue -Do you help .Lu Hua? Yes,I do.I o

4、ften do the dishes. No, I dont. Its difficult/ boring. what do you do at home,kids? Sometimes I make the bad. Sometimes I clean the rooms. Good helpers! What do you do at home,Max? I often wash the socks.播放录音,让学生跟读。对话中部分句型学生学过,听录音训练学生听力。操练方法:小组互问,学生互问。第二课时【教学过程】:(一)warm-up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

5、“Going Camping” Going camping,camping. Going camping,camping. Were taking our food along. Caping out in the woods,Camping out by the rivers,camping out under the stars.(二)Listen and circle. make the bed Clean the room Do the dishes Wash the socks教师运用集体听音朗读,分小组分角色朗读,个别同学上台表演等方式来进行朗读训练,注意提醒孩子模仿语音语调。并鼓

6、励孩子运用以前所学习过的语言,进行对话改编。教师要适时的给予鼓励表扬。(三) Presentation T:What do you do at home? Sometimes I clean the kitchen.I often wash the socks.T: Do you help your parents at home? Yes,I do.Sometimes I wash my shoes.What about you,Xiaomao?Sometimes I do the dishes. 教授方法:教读、齐读、纠正sometimes发音操练方法:one by one(以小组为单位,

7、依次操练句型。)(四) Teach the dialogue1. 听录音,让学生感知对话内容教师播放录音,反复播放,直到孩子听熟悉为止教师运用集体听音朗读,分小组分角色朗读,个别同学上台表演等方式来进行朗读训练,注意提醒孩子模仿语音语调。2.勾画出对话中的重点句型,并反复操练。Sometimes do the _.What about you? 3.跟录音度课文,尽量做到让学生能独立朗读全篇短文。第三课时【教学过程】:(一)Greeting(二)Review1.Ask and answerHow many times can you use “wash”?One wash the shirts

8、.Two wash the hands.There wash the dress.Four wash the pears. (教师先向个别学生提问,然后让学生自由对话)2.Listen to the tape,and follow it .(教师运用集体听音朗读,分小组分角色朗读,个别同学上台表演等方式来进行朗读训练,注意提醒孩子模仿语音语调。)操练方式:齐读,分角色朗读(三)Read and tick1)Dad often washes the vegetables.2)Mum often makes the bed.3)Grandpa often helps Grandma do hous

9、ework.4)I often do the dishes on Sundays.(四)practice让学生关上课本,老师说出会对话中的重点句型的汉语意思,让学生翻译出来。此活动目的是为了让学生强化记忆对话中的重点句型。Unit 1 Our Friends教学目标1、会认读clean the room、wash the socks、make the bed等8个词组。2、弄清楚句型what can we do for?的句型。3、运用所学句型进行简单的对话。教学重难点1、会认读clean the room、wash the socks、make the bed等8个词组。2、弄清楚句型wha

10、t can we do for?的句型。Lesson Two第一课时教学过程(一)Warm-up 1.Sing a song “Lets go boating”2Ask and answerT: what can we do for Mother? S:I can water the plants.(二)presentation.1.New words and phrazeT:(展示一张图片,由此引出单词)Whats this? Yes,its a picture.T:follow me.cook the dinner,water the plants,put away the clothes

11、.1 播放录音,让学生先听,并尽量跟读。2勾划出文中的重要句型,着重教读。3让学生尝试着自己翻译出重点句型的句意。 what can we do for Mother? I can put away the clothes. I can cook a big dinner.4练习对话,老师带领学生大声读数遍,注意停顿。课后反思:第二课时教学过程(一) Greetings. T: Hello,boys and girls! Nice to see you. S: Hello,Miss xiao! Nice to see you,too.(二)Listen and read1.让全班学生跟录音大声

12、朗读对话,尽量模仿录音的语音语调,并注意意停顿。2.尝试让学生自己独立练习对话。(三)Review把课文中的重点短语及句型呈现出来,让学生强化记忆what can we do for Mother? I can put away the clothes. I can cook a big dinner. (四) Practice 1)学生听录音,根据录音给四幅图标上序号。 2)练习对话。What can you do for your parents?I can cook noodles.I can cook rice.(五)游戏 课后反思:第三课时教学过程本课时重点是练习对话,以老师引导为主

13、,让学生在理解的基础上完成各项练习。(一) Reviewclean the room、wash the socks、make the bed、take out the rubbish.(二)Look and choose 学生根据录音选出正确答案,并进行分组练习。做此练习前,先将学生分成三组,老师写出一些词组:clean the room、wash the socks 等,引导第一组的学生说: cook the dinner。在引导第二组的学生说Gao wendi can cook the dinner。然后引导第三组学生翻译。引导学生完成改错练习。(二) Learn with Max and

14、 Rex.1 听录音,并跟读。2 教师范读。3 注意ar,ass,ast,th的在单词中的区别。4.根据读音填写单词。(三)练习对话课后反思:Unit 1 Our FriendsLesson there【教学目标】 1、听说认读以下短语和句型:have a lesson Do you help.? What can you do? What about you? 2、能够进行对话【教学重难点】1、会认读do the dishes clean the rooms 等6个词组。2、弄清楚句型what can we do for?Do you do?的句型。【教学用具】准备一些学生用的课本或图片,教学光碟第一课时【教学过程



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