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1、摘 要国内加入世贸组织后来,市场经济的发展日趋成熟和国际化,公司作为市场的主体参与市场竞争,必须认清面临的多种风险,公司管理的实质就是风险管理。在国内,大部分公司普遍都存在资本金局限性的问题,但是通过自身积累等方式筹资是很有极限的,要通过筹资的方式筹集一定的资金,维持公司的运营。因此,公司必须进行筹资,大部分公司多数采用负债筹资方式,负债筹资风险是指公司举债经营而导致偿债能力丧失或公司举债后资金使用不当导致公司遭受损失及到期不可以归还债务的也许性。因此加强筹资风险管理,是公司生存发展的至关重要的问题。本文通过对筹资风险管理的定义、分类及原则方面进行理论分析,并从辽宁嘉旭铜业股份有限公司的实际状


3、愿对该公司在筹资风险管理方面有所协助。在本文中根据辽宁嘉旭铜业的状况,提出了在筹资风险管理方面的规避措施,该公司可以建立科学的筹资决策机制,多方面拓宽筹资渠道,合理安排筹资时机。核心词: 辽宁嘉旭铜业股份有限公司;筹资风险管理;资本构造;负债规模 AbstractChinas accession to WTO, the market economy matures and international, enterprises as the mainstay of the market competition in the market , we must recognize the risks

4、 faced by enterprise management is the essence of risk management . In China, most companies generally exists the problem of insufficient capital , but through its own accumulation mode is useful to limit funding , through fund-raising way to raise some funds to maintain business operations . Theref

5、ore, enterprises must carry out fund-raising , most companies use debt financing most of the debt financing risk is the result of corporate leverage corporate debt solvency after the loss or improper use of funds enterprises suffered losses and the possibility of debt when due . Therefore, strengthe

6、ning the financing of risk management is critical to business survival and development issues .Based on the definition of risk management, financing , classification and principles of theoretical analysis and Copper Company Limited from Liao Ning Jiaxu the actual situation on the impact of funding r

7、isk management factors were studied and found that the companys rules and regulations are not perfect management awareness is not enough, because risk awareness is weak , resulting in the companys capital structure is irrational, large debt , term structure is irrational, weak solvency serious probl

8、em because the company a lot of leverage , the amount of bank loans are more large, so the financial market fluctuations in interest rates and bank interest rate fluctuations on the enterprise caused great risk , these are the key issues affecting the development of enterprises . By analyzing the ca

9、uses of the problems above , made some deal with the company to improve the corporate system , to improve awareness of risk prevention managers measures , and to optimize the capital structure , determine a reasonable balance scale , reasonable term structure and improve the enterprises compensation

10、 debt capacity . For the interest rate issue , the company should scientific forecasting changes in interest rates banks and financial market interest rates .Through comprehensive analysis, more problem-solving strategies , the company hopes the funding risk management help. In this paper, based on

11、the situation in Liaoning Copper commendation , presented at the funding risk management avoidance measures , the company can establish a scientific mechanism for funding decisions , multifaceted expand financing channels , reasonable arrangements for funding opportunities .Key words: Liaoning Ningj

12、ia Xu Copper Company Limited ; Funding risk management ; Capital structure ; Liability scale 目录摘 要IAbstractII绪论11筹资风险管理有关理论概述21.1筹资风险定义21.2筹资风险分类21.3筹资风险管理原则31.4辽宁嘉旭铜业股份有限公司的概况42辽宁嘉旭铜业股份有限公司筹资风险管理存在的问题62.1风险防备意识单薄62.1.1公司规章制度不健全62.1.2管理层防备意识不够62.2资本构造不合理72.2.1负债筹资数量大72.2.2 权益筹资数量小102.3宏观环境影响112.3.1通

13、货膨胀因素影响112.3.2金融市场利率波动较大123加强该公司筹资风险管理的措施143.1提高管理者的风险防备意识143.1.1健全公司制度143.1.2提高管理层的防备意识143.2资本构造够不合理的解决对策153.2.1拟定合理的负债筹资数量153.2.2 拟定合理的权益筹资规模173.3宏观环境影响解决对策173.3.1合理应对通货膨胀173.3.2科学预测金融市场利率波动183.4筹资风险规避措施193.4.1建立科学的筹资决策机制193.4.2多方面拓宽筹资渠道20结论21道谢22参照文献23Appendix24附录25 绪论在市场经济条件下,由于市场行情瞬息万变,公司之间的竞争日

14、益剧烈,决策失误,管理不当,从而使得筹集资金的使用效益具有很大的不拟定性,由此产生筹资风险,因此,公司要实现公司价值最大化目的,就必须精确分析筹资风险产生的因素,采用合适的措施加以防控,是风险降到最低,这样才干使公司在瞬息万变的市场和剧烈的竞争中立于不败之地。本文通过对辽宁嘉旭铜业股份有限公司调查研究,发现该公司在筹资风险管理方面存在风险防备意识单薄和资本构造不合理等问题,针对这些问题提出合理的应对方略并提出防备措施。1筹资风险管理有关理论概述1.1筹资风险定义筹资风险(financing risk)是指公司因借入资金而产生的丧失偿债能力的也许性和公司利润(股东收益)的可变性。筹资风险是指由于




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