1、农学院20XX年发表论文情况统计序号论文名称作者姓名刊物名称刊物级别1Yield response of wi nter wheat to row spaci ng un der irrigated and rainfed con diti onsX.B. Zhou and Y .H. Chen.Bulgaria n Jour nal ofAgricultural Science,20XX,17:158-166.SCI-0.42Wheat kernel dime nsions: how do theycon tribute to kernel weight at an in dividual
2、QTL level?Fa Cui. Anming Din g.J un Li.Chu nhua Zhao.X ingfeng Li.Desh unFen g.Xiu qin Wang. Lin Wang .Jurong Gao and Hon gga ngWang(通讯作者)Journal of Gen etics,20XX,90(3): 1-17SCI3Ultraso un d-assisted extracti on of five isoflav ones from Iris tectorum Maxim.孙印石,刘政波,王建华 *Separation and PurificationT
3、echnology. 20XX, 78(1):49-54.SCI收录,IF2.8794Trends of gra in yield and pla nt traits in Chin ese maize cultivars from the 1950s to the 20XXsXiaoke Ci, et al., Shuti ng Dong*Euphytica,20XX,25The effect of arse nic in soil on pla nt growth and grain quality of maize cultivar Jingzinu o218Xiaoke Ci, et
4、al., Shuti ng Dong*Agricultural scie nces inChina,20XX6Starch granule size distribution in wheat grain in relati on to phosphorus fertilizati onY. Nl,乙 WANG* (王振林 通讯作者),丫. YIN, W. LI, S. Y ANAND T. CAIJour nal of Agricultural Scie nee, Page 1 of 8. Cambridge Un iversity Press 20XX影响因子1.418序号论文名称作者姓名
5、刊物名称刊物级别7Simulta neous extracti on of hydrosoluble phe nolic acids and liposoluble tanshinones from Salviae miltiorrhizae radix by an optimized microwave-assisted extract ion methodXin she ng Fang, Jia nhua Wang, Shan Zhang, Qianqian Zhao,Zhan kui Zheng, Zhenq iao SongSeparation and PurificationTech
6、no logy, 20XX,12SCI(IF 2.879)8Separation and Purification of Three High-Purity Isoflav ono ids from Belamca nda chinensis (L.) DC. By Supercritical Fluid Extractio n and High-Speed Coun ter-Curre nt Chromatography刘正波,王建华*等Separati on Scie nee andTech nology,46:16,2501-2509SCI 收录,1.0159Row spac ing e
7、ffects on soil water and water con sumpti on of win ter wheat un der irrigated and rainfed con diti onsX.B. Zhou, Y.H. Che n,乙 Ouya ngPla nt, Soil and Environment,20XX,57(3):115-121.SCI-1.110Row spac ing effect on soil and leaf water status of summer soybea nX.B. Zhou and Y .H. ChenThe Jour nal of A
8、ni mal &Pla ntScie nces,20XX,21(4):678-684.SCI-0.311Row spac ing effect on leaf area developme nt, light i ntercepti on, crop growth and grain yield of summer soybea n crops in Norther n ChinaX.B. Zhou, Y. H. Chen and 乙 OuyangAfrica n Journal ofAgricultural Research,20XX,6(6):1430-1437.SCI-0.4序号论文名称
9、作者姓名刊物名称刊物级别12Resp on ses of gas excha nge, cellular membrane integrity, and antioxidant enzymes activities of salinity-stressed winter wheat to ozone polluti onY.H. ZHENG , Y.G. LI, W.R. XIA, H. XU, B.Y . SU, G.M. JIANG, and T.Y. NING (通讯).PHOTOSYNTHETICA,20XX, 49 (3): 389-396SCI,影响因子1.01613QTL map
10、p ing for seedli ng traits in wheat grow n un der vary ing concen tratio ns of N, P and K nu trie ntsYing Guo, Fan-mei Kong, Y un-feng Xu,Yan Zhao, Xue Liang,Ying-ying Wan g,Diao-guo An, Si-she n LiTheor Appl Ge net, DOI10.1007/S00122-011-1749-7SCI, IF=3.26414Physiological and molecular resp onse of
11、 wheat roots to n itrate supply in seedli ng stageWANG Ping1, WANG Zhen-lin1, CAI Rui-guo1,2, LI Yong1,CHEN Xiao-gua ng1, YIN Yan-pi ng(尹燕枰通讯作者)Agricultural Sciences inCh ina 20XX, 10(5):695-704SCI (中国农业科学英文版)15Physicochemical properties of new starches isolated from Dioscorea oppositaThu nb.bulbils
12、Hongying Zhou (周红英),Jianhua Wang (王建华)*,Xinsheng Fang (房信胜),丫inshi Sun (孙印石)and Xinghai Dou (窦兴 海)Starch/Starke ,20XX,00,1 -SCI 收录,1.25916Patterns of color formation in different fibers during development of colored cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivarsMeili ng Zha ng, Xia nlia ng Song, Xuezhe n Sun,* Zhe nli n Wang,Qinglong Zhao, Zon gtai Li, Hong Ji, and Xiao long XuAustralia n Jour nal of Crop scienee 20XX , 5 (13):印 刷中SCI:0.899