Practical Methods in Idiom Translation between English and Chinese英语专业毕业论文1

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《Practical Methods in Idiom Translation between English and Chinese英语专业毕业论文1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Practical Methods in Idiom Translation between English and Chinese英语专业毕业论文1(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Practical Methods in Idiom Translation between English and ChineseAbstract: Translation is an important and indispensable segment not only for increasingly popular daily international communication, but also for the academic studies of a foreign language. However, idiom translation is one of the mos

2、t difficult tasks in intercultural communication and language learning, owing to cultural differences. What techniques do translators tend to use in idiom translation? This dissertation is an attempt to find out the answer to the question by looking into the translation procedures of Chinese idioms

3、into English and vice versa. The dissertation presents a variety of examples of idiom translation and concludes with some practical methods. Key words: idiom translation translation method literal translation free translation 【中文摘要】翻译不仅在日益普遍的日常国际交往中起着不可替代的桥梁作用,而且是外语学术研究中不可或缺的重要环节。翻译涉及两种语言之间的转换,如何处理蕴

4、含在源语言和目标语言中的文化差异成为翻译中的最大困难。而英汉习语具有强烈的文化特征,因此一直是译者面临的最艰巨的任务。译者在习语翻译中多采用哪些方法呢?本文将从探究英汉习语互译的过程中找出上述问题的答案。本文通过列举各种例子,总结出习语互译的一些实用技巧,除了直译、意译、同义习语借用法之外,我们还可以运用直译兼意译以及全译和部分译法。 【关键词】习语翻译 翻译方法 直译 意译 1. Introduction Since the earliest beginning of human civilization, one of the key problems facing human being

5、s has been how to communicate. We are in a small planet of millions of people, all speaking hundreds of different languages. Translation is for interlingual communications. It bridges the gulf between different-tongue speakers, and reproduces and spread the message in the original language. Translat

6、ion permits knowledge to be transmitted to different corners of the world and to succeeding generations. Translation provides information, reveals feelings, and affects peoples thought or behavior. Without translation, the worldwide civilization would not be possible.(Jin Meilin, 2003:3) Translation

7、 is of great importance in learning a foreign language. The English-Chinese translation has now been proved to be a valuable aid to the Chinese learners of English because it gives them a better understanding of the English language and the Chinese language. It helps to brush up their English used a

8、s either the source language or the target language. Gideon Toury once said in 1978, “Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions.” As this statement implies, translators are permanently faced with the problem of how to treat the cul

9、tural aspects implicit in a source text (ST) and of finding the most appropriate technique of successfully conveying these aspects in the target language (TL). These problems may be obvious in idiom translation. In order to solve such problems, it is necessary for us to make an in-depth study on tra

10、nslation between Chinese and English. Before a detailed analysis of the examples and methods of idiom translation, a few words about idiom and idiom translation are needed. 2. Towards the translation of idioms 2.1 The definition of idiom Idioms are an important part of a language. As a language form

11、, idioms has its own characteristic and patterns and are used in high frequency whether in written language or oral language because idioms can convey a host of language and cultural information when people chat to each other. What does “idiom” mean? Different experts have different opinions and def

12、initions to idioms. Some people consider idioms as quintessence of a language. Others regard them as treasury of a language. These statements in certain degree reflect the idioms characteristics, but cant be regarded as idioms definition. It is difficult to give a clear definition to idioms. First,

13、people are often confused with their scope, content and form. Second, experts have different opinions about how to divide idioms from narrow sense and general sense, and what kind of language expression really belongs to idioms .All of these causes bring difficulty to define a idiom .Maybe owing to

14、those causes, the word “ idiom” even hasnt been collected in such authoritative reference books as Modern Chinese Dictionary and Cihai(辞海).However, some English Dictionaries give“idiom”a variety of definitions. For example, Longman Active English-Chinese Dictionary (1990) defines an idiom as “a phra

15、se which means something different from the meanings of the separate words”. The concise Oxford Dictionary (2000) gives such a definition as “a group of words established by usage and having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words”. Longman Dictionary of contemporary English (1998

16、) gives the definition “a phrase which means something different from them meanings of the separate words from which it is formed”. And Websters New World Dictionary of the American language (2nd college edition, 1972) gives this definition “an accepted phrase, construction, or expression contrary to the patterns of the language having a meaning different from the language or having a different from the literal”. According to all those descriptions,



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