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1、北京市中考英语试题第一部分 听力(24分)一、 听对话和对话后的问题,选择对的答案。听两遍。(共6分,每题1分)1A.meric. . Enlnd. CCnada.2 Coe. B. Tea. C. Juice.3.A. Her friend. Hr sster. C Hefather. The eathe. B The rdio. e time.A Seventy yuan. B. Sixy uan. C. fty yu.6. A. onay. B Sday C. Wednesda.二、听对话和短文,根据所提问题,选择对的答案。听两遍。(共8分,每题.5分)请听第7段材料,回答第、8、9小题

2、。 Where arth oy an thewom tlkng? A. Ia o. B. n a hosital C. Inafactr.8. s rg with theboy? A He is o ird B. Hisfo hrs. C. He hasacod.9 ats te bo oig t do toorrow? A Have an em tay athome. C. Se the doctor.请听第8段材料,回答第1、11、小题。10. What dos Alana wanttokw? . What to hav forunh. The wto he school. . oehin

3、gabut theus rip1. en il theleavfor Suth l morromorn? A 9:00. . 8:45. C10:00.12 What dothe wo spedo? A. Theyrokes B. Tyre tdets. C. heyrefrer.请听第段材料,回答第、14、15小题。. Whydntacs parns let her gou or te schol icnic? A. ant donehr book revew. BSe ddnasherhysicstet. he has some g roblemin mas1. Why snTom be

4、o tud at home? A.i pares ae o atet. B His teacher desnt allo him to C. Hi oe is awaystoo nisy.15 Wht are the twspeakes mainly tlking abt?. Th shoolcc. B Theool eson. . heshool liary.请听第1段材料,回答第1、17、1小题。16. ow anyprorammes arementiond? A. hre. B. For. C.ive.17. Wa des Green rally as popleo o? A Totel

5、ep te canel B. Tochoosesoe preses. .To offr some mny.1Wedoe he managstrt to eak? AImatelyaftr Just the Poin. . Before AimalsArond Our Farms. C. Between heast two pogrames.第二部分 笔试(5分)三、语言知识运用()(一)单项填空(共0分,每题分)9. -Is tspeours? -o, it nt _ ItsEl. B e C y D. mne0. -How od are you? -mfifteenI s or _190.

6、A.in B. t o D f21. -_isyour gradpa, Emma? -Heswteringthe flwrs in he garden. A. When . Wa C ere D. How2. -Its 9 oclock ow. I mst go -t raing utsie. ontlev_it stos A whn Bin C. whle D. uni. -uld you ike to go heccrtwi me? -doveto, _I an have al o homework to d. or . but . s D. and24.The ai nBeig is g

7、ting muh_ow th a e arsao. A. clen B.cae .cleest D the cleanest25.Befoe we ill iis _ Olympic Pak build . buil builg D to uld2. M ouinis erybusywith his wok. H ha _ m t readnewspaes. Aitl . fw C. a ttle D. few2Crs, buss andbies _stop when the rafic ght is red A.c Bms C.my . ned2.The headmaster told _a

8、te cie Museum o tm. . arrve B.rrives .rre D avig29 Frak_ a film ifhe re etaturdy. A. ee B.saw Chssn D.will see3 ont _he rdo.Theba is seeping tu B. turn on C. turn ovr D. turn dow1. -, Kt. Yo ooktired. has the mater? -I _ell last nigt. . idn sle B.dont sleep C.havenlept D. won seep32. Mum,Im thisy.il

9、l ou pleas iv oe _? A pencils B cke at .boks33 Some birs _to uh beore wite. A. run B. swm . alk Dfy4. wt o ow _he day after tmoo . wht e ill do B.wa willhe d C.wht h di D wat dd he do35. -Is hat k speaking? -Sory, he isnt right no. H_ he cimaih unt. has bet B.has one to C. hav be o D. hav goneo3. h

10、dtor lked over peter cafullyter he _ to hehotal. . tas B s tak ook D.wastken3. -y borowyour u? -Ceraily._. A.oldn, leae B I osnt atter C.Here youare D. t ll(二)完形填空(共12分,每题分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。r. Ken tldthe classta anew stuent, Iez, old joinm son.He 39 that Inz a daf. Sh “ta” wih oters by usingign lnguae.Mr. Klei knesin language, and he decided to teach4 tdts sthat they coul als “talk”wth Inez.Firt, they leredt ign heler


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