广东版《开心学英语》Book7 Unit5 A Circus in the Pa

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《广东版《开心学英语》Book7 Unit5 A Circus in the Pa》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东版《开心学英语》Book7 Unit5 A Circus in the Pa(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、广东版开心学英语Book7 Unit5 A Circus in the ParkMore reading and writing(第四课时)教学设计【教学流程图】Show some picturesAnswer some questionsWarming upRead the passages and underline the answers.Read the passages againRetell the passages Students talk in pairTalk in pairAnswer some questions about the passagesLets think

2、Post-readingWhile-readingRead again and fill in the formsGive another titlesThe second readingAnswers 4 questionsTalk about the picturesThe first readingPre-reading Try to retell the passages in a groupFill in the blank Share an unforgettable festivalWrite a passage about an unforgettable festivalWr

3、ite a passageDifferent countries have different cultures. We should respect their cultures.Culture educationSummaryShare the passage with friends.1.Homework项目名称: 六年级上册 Friends with English Book7 Unit 5 A circus in the Park More reading and writing (读写课) 执教教师:中山市石岐第一小学 杨兆萍学段:六年级一、 教学内容分析本节课内容是Unit 5

4、A circus in the Park的More reading and writing部分。属于第五个课时。学生已经学了story ,vocabulary 和target等部分。学习了一般过去时的句型和短语。文章采用了一般过去时的时态描述,所创设的情景形象生动,使学生如亲临其境。通过阅读2篇文章,清楚理解到不同国家在庆祝不同节日时,所做的不同事情。同时也知道,描述过去发生的事情要用正确的时态。本节课先利用用表格复述文章人物的难忘的节日,接着填写自己的难忘的节日,为下一步写作铺垫。最后拓展到利用表格内容,仿写一篇属于自己的。学生所写的文章话题是An unforgettable Festiva

5、l,通过写作输出本单元所学的知识。二、学情分析本节课的教学对象是小学六年级学生,他们有了一定的英语知识储备,有独立阅读与知识水平相当的英语短文故事,且在阅读过程中,具备一定的预测能力,理解能力,分析能力和概括能力。能尝试用英语表达自己的想法。学生在本册书已经学了一般过去式的句型,五年级也学了月份与食物的单词。本节课通过问题链,小组合作,表格填写等形式培养学生观察,分析,概括,批判性思维和表达能力。三、教学目标(一)语言能力1.能够利用表格提示复述2篇文章内容。2.能用一般过去的正确句型和节日写话题作文An Unforgettable Festival。3.创设语言情境,提高学生综合语言运用能力


7、了小组合作法,任务型教学法,情景教学法和活动教学法等。通过这些方法,把阅读与写作相结合。在教学过程中,学生的交流和合作,以及师生间,生生间的互动融为一体,达到了话题、语言、功能、结构、任务和评价的有机结合。六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动目的Step 1Free talk.Show some picturesguess what festival it is? Talk about their favorite festival?What do you often do ?What do you often eat? Answer the questions1. 通过看图猜节日,复习已学的

8、节日单词。2. 让学生口述该节日做的活动与吃的食物,为话题Unforgettable Festival教学做准备。Step 2Pre-readingTalk about the picturesWhat can you see? What festival it is?What are they doing?What do they feel?Answer the questions围绕话题节日,讨论所学篇章的图片,培养学生的观察力。Step 3While-reading 1. The first reading2. The second reading 3. Give a titleRead

9、 the passages and underline the answers. Check the answer. Read again and fill in the forms. Explain some phrases. Give an other titles for the passages.Read the passages, find out the answer and underline it.Read again and fill in the forms.Ss give a title for the passages.1.学生快速阅读,找出关键信息,培养学生的阅读技巧

10、。2.再次阅读,梳理故事脉络,整体感知文章。3.通过填写表格获取文章详细信息。4.给2篇文章选题目,培养学生的发散性思维和思辨思维。Step 4 Post-reading1. Answer some questions. 2. Retell the story3.Fill in the forms3.Write a passageAsk some questions about the passages.Retell the passages in groups.Ask Ss to share their unforgettable festival.Fill in the formsTeac

11、her reads her passage as a model.Ss answer some questions according the passages.Ss discuss the questions in groups or in pairs. Try to retell in groupsShare the formsListen to the model passage.Write a passage.1.教师先给学生做了很好的示范,小组组员分享,交流和展示,体现了语言交际性以及学生的主动性,从而提升了语言能力。2.学生结合本单元已学的知识和句型进行简单写作,通过输出,体现了学

12、生综合语言运用能力。Step 5 SummaryDifferent countries have different cultures. We should respect their cultures.Different countries have different cultures. We should respect their cultures.教育学生要尊重不同国家之间的文化的差异Step 6 Homework1.Share the passage with friends or family.Try to finish the homework after class.课后与朋

13、友或家人分享课堂仿写的作文。七、教学评价 本节课,教师通过体态语言,口头激励等方式激励和评价学生,注重培养和激发学生的积极性和自信心,从而促进教师的教学。 老师以本单元的话题为主线,以目标语言为载体,设计了三个不同梯度的教学活动,以提升学生的思维能力。教师通过引导学生看文章回答问题,表格填空,仿写文章等活动,评价学生是否达到教学目标。 本节课的总体效果来看,学生的思维被激发,其联想能力等都得到了一定程度的发展,达到了预期的教学目标。并且能较好地满足了不同层次学生语言与思维能力发展的需求。八、教学板书安排 Unit5 A Circus in the Park More reading and WritingFestivalDatePlaceActivitiesFoodFeelings 十、教学内容



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