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1、Purge procedure, materials and operating temperatures吹膜设备冲料程序MaterialPurge Material 冲洗原料 Typical operatingin the dietemperatures模头内的原料oC 典型操作温度Z1Z2Z3Z4LDPEShut down layer/ line with 180 200 195 200 LDPE 以 LDPE 关闭层或生产线HDPEUse 0.3 0.5 MI LDPE until 205 220 210 205 LLDPE is completely out. Noneed to pu

2、rge system ifHDPE is going to be run thenext day 使用 0.30.5MI 的LDPE 直至 LLDPE 完全清出 ,如第二天仍要运行 ,就不用冲洗系统LLDPEUse 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE until 205 220 210 205 LLDPE is completely out. 用0.30.7MI 的 LDPE, 直至LLDPE 完全清出NYLON1. Increase temps 10degrees C before introducingpurge resin. Purge resin maybe 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE

3、 orblends of LDPE and Tie at50/50 ratio. For blend, about50kg is required initially thencontinue with LDPE untilcomplete. After completing235250255260(PA 6232237243227(PA 6,66在放入冲料 10 度 ,冲洗原disco purge process, addabout 15 kg blend of Tie andLDPE to flush out anyremaining PA. Procedure forPA6,66 is

4、similar except thetemperature profiles arenormally lower.原料前升高温度料可以用是 0.30.7MI 的LDPE, 或 LDPE 和 TIE 各50% 比例混合原料 ,对于混合原料 ,一开始需要 50 公斤 ,然后继续使用 LDPE 直至完全清出 ,完成 ”迪斯科 ”冲料程序后,加入 15 公斤 Tie 和 LDPE的混合料冲出残留的尼龙 .对于共聚尼龙的冲料程序类似 , 除了温度通常需低一点 .2. Go to Shut down procedures 2.执行关机程序2EVOHUse 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE; 195 foll

5、ow same procedureoutlined for Nylon. 用0.30.7MI 的 LDPE 与尼龙程序相同205 210 210Tie MaterialPETPPUse 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE用0.30.7MI 的 LDPEUse 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE 用 250 0.30.7MI 的 LDPEUse 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE, if200PP is the next material to berun after 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE,then use 1-1.5 LDPE as thetransition material to purge

6、260 260 260225 220 210out the 0.3 LD before PP isintroduced. 用 0.30.7MI 的LDPE, 如果 PP 是0.30.7MILDPE之后要运行的原料 ,然后用 11.5 的LDPE 作为转变 (过渡原料 ,在导入 PP 前冲止冲清洗 0.3LDMetalloceneSPVDCUse 0.3 0.7 MI LDPE 用205220 210 2050.30.7MI 的 LDPEUse 2 MI LDPE 用 2MI 的150155 155 155DPENote: The above operating temperatures can

7、 be changed depending on processing conditions, and grades of resins and applications.注意 ;以上操作温度可以根据处理环境或再生料视应用等级进行调节Shut down procedures:关机程序1. Before introducing the purge material increase the temperatures 510oC for PA, EVOH and PET resins. This will lower the viscosity of the polymers being purg

8、ed to avoid wetted-surface freezing when the cooler higher viscosity resin passes over the system. For Polyolefin resins,temperature change is not necessary. 对于 PA 、EVOH 和 PET 原料在导入冲洗原料前升高温度 510 度,这将降低要冲洗的聚合物的粘性以避免当冷却的高粘性原料通过系统的表面凝固。对于聚烯烃原料,温度不需要改变。2. Run extruders (only for the layers with the diff

9、icult-to-purge resins suchas PA, EVOH and PET at the highest rate possible for about 10 minuteslimited only by pressure and bubble instability. Continue the process withdisco purging. e.g. Ext at 80 rpm s for two minutes then 30 rpm s for twominutes. Repeat steps untilall tracesof previous materials

10、 aregone .Purging can begin later for the other layers that are normally not difficultto purge. 当压力和气泡不稳定时,以高速运行挤出机(只对于难以冲洗的原料层如;尼龙、 EVOH 、PET )大约 10 分钟,然后继续以迪斯科冲料程序进行,如;挤出机以 80rpm ,运转用 2 分钟,然后挤出机以 30rpm ,运转用 2 分钟,反复多次交换进行,直至以前的原料完全被冲出。随后开始对一般不容易冲洗的其它层进行冲洗3. When no more trace of the previous materi

11、al is visible, decrease theextruder and die temperatures in increments of 20 to 25oC for 15 to 20minutes until temps reach 120oC. Reduce output as pressure builds toavoid failure of rupture discs and stoppage of extruders due to motorover loads. When it is no longer possible to maintain a bubble, ro

12、tatethe screws slowly untilthe temperaturesare atthe suggestedvalues.This procedure mustbe followedto getthe diesbelow 200oC beforeshutting power off to the system.当看不出以前原料的痕迹时,在1520 分钟之内降低挤出机和模头的温度,每次2025度,直到温度达到 120度,随着压力的升高,降低了产量,以避免破裂转盘故障和由于马达超负荷而导致挤出机停机,当不能再维持气泡状态时,缓慢旋转螺杆直至温度达到建议值。关闭系统之前,必需按照此步

13、骤使将模头温度降至 200 度以下。4. When procedures 1-3 are completed, stop the extruders and decrease temperatures to 90oC. Shut the power off when the extrudersare at 90oC.(Iftheplannedshutdownis withpoweron butformorethan12hours,leavesystemtemperatureat60oC.Thedietemperature can be higher than 100oC at this point because of its massand the fact that there is no cooling.完成 13 步骤后,停止挤出机,降低温度至90度,当挤出机温度达到90 度时


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