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1、Unit12Americans work longer hours than nearly anyone in the developed world, even the Japanese. For many professionals and corporate managers, the 40-hour work week is history; 60- to 80-hour work weeks are now the norm.美国工作时长是最长的。每周工作40个小时已是过去,现在每周工作60-80小时很正常Signs of our addiction to work are ever

2、ywhere. For one, rush hours are starting earlier and ending later. When60 Minutesfirst broadcast this story a few months ago, the first train for commuters from the suburbs into New York had just been pushed back to 4:45 a.m., by popular demand.我们工作狂的迹象到处都是,每天很早就开始忙碌到很晚。几个月前我们第一次播这个故事,纽约第一班往返的地铁推到了t

3、o 4:45 a.m,应大众的要求。Why do Americans work so much? The simplest answer is because we can.为什么美国人要工作这么久,因为我们可以The Digital Revolution means cell phones, wireless Internet and handheld computers like the BlackBerry allow us to work anywhere, anytime, 24/7. And we do, ascorrespondent Lesley Stahlreports.电话

4、,无线网络让我们可以随时工作Its 7 a.m. Pacific time, and Joe Hurd is still in bed. But this 36-year-old Silicon Valley entrepreneur has already made two phone calls over the Internet to clients overseas. He has checked e-mails on his BlackBerry and sent a half-dozen instant messages from his laptop.现在是早上7点。Joe还在床

5、上。但他已经打了2个电话给海外的顾客。他已经检查了邮件,还发了一打短信For Joe and his wife, Christina Mireles, new technology means their work day isnt 9 to 5. Its 5 to 9.高科技对他们来时不是工作从9-5点,而是5-9点Because we have wireless access, you can work wherever, says Joe.无线网络允许我们在任何地点工作We can be in the kitchen. We can be in our bedroom, we can b

6、e here in the living room, Christina points out.With a masters and a law degree each, theyre not exactly underachievers. Joe logs 12- to 15-hour days as vice president of an Internet travel Web site.Sometimes, Joe admits he gets up at night to send e-mails.joe承认晚上起来发邮件Sometimes I cant sleep and Ill

7、get up at 2 or 3 (a.m.), yeah, to do e-mails, definitely, he said, while his wife was shaking her head.有时我没法睡觉,会在2,3点起来。Or youll set your alarm, you know to wake up at one, two in the morning, she added.或者你就设个闹钟,在凌晨1,2点起来I do, I do, he replied.Christina, a vice president of a charter school company,

8、 works a few hours less than Joe. She says she is no match for her husband in terms of gadgets.Christina,是一所特许学校公司的副主席,比joe工作时间少,她说就那些小工具就无法和他相比Oh, I have the absolute bare minimum, I think. I have two cell phones, a personal and , Christina explained.我有的太少了,只有2部手机,一台是个人的Thats the bare minimum, Amer

9、ica. Two cell phones, Joe interrupted.Not a minute is wasted, even before getting to the office. Christina juggles the two cell phones, returning business and personal calls. She usually eats behind the wheel.一分钟都不浪费,即使去上班的路上。On his commute, Joe manages the consulting business he has on the side and

10、 even keeps track of new messages on his BlackBerry. But he says hes never tried anything as dangerous as typing out an e-mail while driving in rush hour traffic.他会处理他的咨询业务,还会抓住新消息通过他的黑莓手机Joes work day is a blur of business meetings, incoming phone calls, and hundreds of e-mails.joe的工作日充满的会议,电话,还有邮件

11、I can check e-mails and respond to e-mails. I can have a conversation on the telephone. I can have a conversation via IM. And I can keep exactly probably half an ear on a conversation with a person, he says.我可以查收和回复邮件。可以通过电话谈话。In the room with you? Stahl asks.Half, yeah, exactly, Joe says.Asked if h

12、e is doing all of these things well when he does them at the same time, Joe says, You know, this is not neurosurgery were talking about here but you can do a lot of that simultaneously.当他同时做这么多事是否能做好?他说,你可以同时做很多事Joe may be able to pull that off, but many corporate executives say the volume of voicem

13、ail and e-mail they get has become unmanageable eating up an average of three hours a day.很多公司说邮件太多变得很难处理,几乎每天要花掉他们3小时处理邮件Combine that with a corporate culture that values endless meetings and face time with the boss, and you can see why so many employees toil into the night just to get their real w

14、ork done那么多人在辛苦工作以完成他们真正的工作。.60 Minutesvisited the corporate headquarters of Best Buy, the electronics retailer, in Richfield, Minn. Employees Stacy Verstraight, Jason Dehne and Marissa Plume say that putting in 60- to 80-hour weeks got them pats on the back.我们拜访了一家电子零售商,他们的雇员说每周60-80个小时的工作很累You kno

15、w, youd send an e-mail at nine oclock at night. And the next thing your co-workers would say, Hey, wow, were you working that whole time? Wow. Great job, says Marissa.你在晚上九点发了一封邮件,你的伙伴会说你很棒,不这么做你就会被贬低。But if you werent there at the crack of dawn, you were put down.You know, if I come in at nine oclo

16、ck or 10 oclock, I was at a doctors appointment, you know, people are saying, Oh gee. Glad you could show up today. You know, so it felt like a little bit of a dig, says Stacy. And people were just watching other people. So it felt like a lot of unnecessary pressure.如果你9或10点去,我之前在看医生,他们会挖苦你,那是一种压力I canceled booked va



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