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1、天津大学21秋大学英语在线作业二满分答案1. Linguistics is defined as the study of meaning.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A2. He has _ told me about it. I don&39;t know why.A.everB.evenC.alreadyD.never参考答案:D3. Working is the best way for a person to _ healthy in mind.A、preserveB、stayC、maintainD、remain参考答案:B4. A _ boy was the only surv

2、ivor in the plane crash.A.two years oldB.two-year-oldC.two-years oldD.two-years-old参考答案:B5. Angela: Do you mind opening the door for me? Randy: _.A.Yes, Ill do itB.Not at allC.Thats all rightD.Its nothing参考答案:B6. impossible (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)A.DerivationB.ConversionC.BackformationD.Blending参考答案:A7. Th

3、e news _ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.A.what we would goB.how we would goC.that we would goD.where we would go参考答案:C8. Both the kids and their parents _ British, I think, I know it from their accent.A、isB、beingC、areD、be参考答案:C9. The Swiss scholar, Ferninand de Sauss

4、ure, is the founder of Modern Linguistics.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. -Dad: Could you run over to the store right away? We need a few things. -Son: _.A.Yes, I could. I want to play footballB.All right. What do you want me to getC.For me, running is not a problem. Id like to do exercisesD.Yes, storing a few

5、 things away is quite necessary, right参考答案:B11. luxury means very cheap thing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A12. There is _ in todays newspaper.A.new anythingB.new somethingC.anything newD.something new参考答案:D13. A smell of newly _ bread comes from the kitchen!A、oxB、cartC、shepherdD、baked参考答案:D14. exposure means th

6、e action of showing the truth about someone or sth.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. What kind of pre-sequence is A&39;s first utterance in the following discourse? A: DoWhat kind of pre-sequence is As first utterance in the following discourse? A: Do you know what I want to tell you about Mr.Smith? B: What? A:

7、I saw him flirting with a lady at a party. B: Does his wife know that? A: Of course, she does. The lady is his wife.A.Pre-invitationB.Pre-requestC.Pre-announcementD.Pre-apology参考答案:C16. It was an invention which laid the _ of modern radio technology.A.emphasisB.stressC.opportunityD.foundations参考答案:D

8、17. Age is an important factor in second language acquisition.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18. Insertion sequences refer to having the right to speak by turns.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A19. They got there an hour _ than the others.A.earlyB.much earlyC.more earlyD.earlier参考答案:D20. _ is no reason for dismissing her.A.Becau

9、se she was a few minutes lateB.Owing to a few minutes lateC.The fact that she was a few minutes lateD.Being a few minutes late参考答案:C21. -Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you? -Mr.Liu: Yes, I&39;d like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening. -Clerk: Fifteen pounds, please. -Mr.Liu: _.A.H

10、ere it isB.There is the paymentC.Here you areD.Take the payment, please参考答案:C22. -Would you like some wine? -Yes. Just _.A、littleB、very littleC、little bitD、a little bit参考答案:D23. Children usually _ excitement, something new.A.look forB.long forC.call forD.search for参考答案:B24. What can I do for you, ma

11、dam? _.A.I want a kilo of applesB.You can go your own wayC.ThanksD.Excuse me. Im busy参考答案:A25. _ he saw his mother in person did he apologized.A.OnlyB.UntilC.Only whenD.Only until参考答案:C26. Simon: Is there any chance of my borrowing your type-writer? Cindy: _? Simon: Until the end of the week.A.For h

12、ow longB.How comeC.Whats the matterD.Pardon参考答案:A27. Once environmental damage _, it takes many years for the system to recover.A.is to doB.doesC.had doneD.is done参考答案:D28. The local tourist office organizes a number of_ walks to let you have a good look at the downtown area.A、falseB、interviewC、guid

13、edD、rope参考答案:C29. The doctor will work out the date when your baby is _.A、dueB、chocolateC、biscuitD、shot参考答案:A30. Stop _, everyone. I have something important to tell you.A.talkB.to talkC.talkingD.talked参考答案:C31. -Shall I use your dictionary? -_.A.Certain, you mayB.Of course, you canC.Surely, you can

14、tD.No, please get out参考答案:B32. Phonology and phonetics are both concerned with the study of speech sounds, but the two differ in perspectives.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B33. deliberate means done on purpose or as a result of careful planning.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B34. The music was so loud. Thats _ he left the party so early.A.whyB.howC.whatD.when参考答案:A35. Jack and Bill are twi



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