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1、如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!A-B-A设计A-B-A design Experimental design in which participants first experience the baseline condition(A),then experience the experimental treatment(B),and then return to the baseline(A).变态心理学Abnormal psychology The area of psychological investigation concerned with understanding

2、 the nature of individual pathologies of mind, mood, and behavior.绝对阈限Absolute thresholdThe minimum amount of physical energy needed to produce a reliable sensory experience; operationally defined as the stimulus level at which a sensory signal is detected half the time.顺应Accommodation1. The process

3、 by which the ciliary muscles change the thickness of the lens of the eye to permit variable focusing on near and distant objects.2. According to Piaget, the process of restructuring or modifying cognitive structures so that new information can fit into them more easily; this process works in tandem

4、 with assimilation.习得AcquisitionThe stage in a classical conditioning experiment during which the conditioned response is first elicited by the conditioned stimulus.动作电位Action potential The nerve impulse activated in a neuron that travels down the axon and causes neurotransmitters to be released int

5、o a synapse.急性应激Acute stressA transient state of arousal with typically clear onset and offset patterns.成瘾AddictionA condition in which the body requires a drug in order to function without physical and psychological reactions to its absence; often the outcome of tolerance and dependence.如果您需要使用本文档,

6、请点击下载按钮下载!年龄歧视AgeismPrejudice against older people, similar to racism and sexism in its negative stereotypes. 攻击AggressionBehaviors that cause psychological or physical harm to another individual.广场恐怖症AgoraphobiaAn extreme fear of being in public places or open spaces from which escape may be diffic

7、ult or embarrassing.艾滋病AIDSAcronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a syndrome caused by a virus that damages the immune system and weakens the bodys ability to fight infection.算法AlgorithmA step-by-step procedure that always provides the right answer for a particular type of problem.全或无定律All

8、-or-none lawThe rule that the size of the action potential is unaffected by increases in the intensity of stimulation beyond the threshold level.利他主义AltruismProsocial behaviors a person carries out without considering his or her own safety of interests.阿尔茨海默病症Alzheimers disease A chronic organic tra

9、in syndrome characterized by gradual loss of memory, decline in intellectual ability, and deterioration of personality.无轴突细胞Amacrine cellsCells that integrate information across the retina; ratherthan sending signals toward the brain, amacrine cells link bipolar cells to other bipolar cells and gang

10、lion cells to other ganglion cells.如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!模糊性AmbiguityA perceptual object that may have more than one interpretation.遗忘症Amnesia A failure of memory caused by physical injury, disease, drug use, or psychological trauma.杏仁核AmygdalaThe part of the limbic system that controls emotion, aggr

11、ession, and the formation of emotional memory.分析心理学Analytic psychologyA branch of psychology that views the person as a constellation of compensatory internal forces in a dynamic balance.锚定启发法Anchoring heuristicAn insufficient adjustment up or down from an original starting value when judging the pr

12、obable value of some event or outcome.动物认知Animal cognition The cognitive capabilities of nonhuman animals; researchers trace the development of cognitive capabilities across species and the continuity of capabilities from nonhuman to human animals.厌食症进食障碍Anorexia nervosaAn eating disorder in which a

13、n individual weighs less than 85 percent of her or his expected weight but still controls eating because of a self-perception of obesity.应激预应付Anticipatory copingEfforts made in advance of a potentially stressful event to overcome ,reduce, of tolerate the imbalance between perceived demands and avail

14、able resources.焦虑AnxietyAn intense emotional response caused by the preconscious recognition that a repressed conflict is about to emerge into consciousness.如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!焦虑障碍Anxiety disorders Mental disorders marked by physiological arousal, feelings of tension, and intense apprehension with

15、out apparent reason. 似动Apparent motion A movement illusion in which one or more stationary lights going on and off in succession are perceived as a single moving light; the simplest from of apparent motion is the phi phenomenon.原型ArchetypeA universal, inherited, primitive, and symbolic representation of a particular experience of obiect.同化Assimilation According to Piaget, the process whereby new cognitive elements are fitted in with old elements or modified to fit more easily; this process works in tandem with accommodation.联合皮层Associat


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