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1、2023年江苏省扬州市中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Yangzhou is _ city full of _ history, culture and mouthwatering food.Athe; aBa; aCthe; theDa; /2The children have painted since _ could first pick up a brush.AtheyBthemCtheirDthemselves3Slow cooking seems to hold the taste of the meat much _.AgoodBwellCbetterD

2、best4Everyone will have to get out of their houses _ meet their neighbours.AandBbutCorDso5I _ China for three months and this is the first time Ive tried on hanfu.Ahave gone toBhave been toChave arrived inDhave been in6Science is my favourite subject, so I have prepared _ the STEAM Club.AjoinBjoinin

3、gCto joinDto joining7Paper cut-outs of “double happiness” are often _ in the married couples home to bring good wishes.Aput backBput upCput onDput off8What places of interest are there in Yangzhou?I recommend the Slender West Lake. A boat tour is a wonderful _!AmovementBattractionCexperienceDresearc

4、h9We need to tell people to just do one small thing well _ 100 things poorly.Aas well asBinstead ofCaccording toDbecause of10While everyone _ the comics page, I picked up a copy to see what was so funny.Ais laughing atBlaughed atClaughs atDwas laughing at11I like your teapot. It has a very funny but

5、 interesting shape.Thank you. Its a work of art, but it is also _ for tea making.AnaturalBpracticalCequalDgeneral12Sand turns to glass when it _ by lightning.AhitsBis hitCis hittingDwill be hit13We dont _ much from the kids because they cant understand the value of this work.AexpressBexcuseCexpectDe

6、xplain14Im wondering _ at a low price.You can book one through our official APP.Ahow I can buy the air ticketBhow can I buy the air ticketCwhen I can buy the air ticketDwhen can I buy the air ticket15Ive made little progress in my maths, Li Ming. Im really worried._, Liu Mei. It takes time.ASounds g

7、oodBDont mention itCThats a good ideaDDont worry二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Jack sat alone on the bus ride home from school. All his friends were 16 their class projects excitedly, but Jack remained silent. How could they understand his feelings when their parents would help them? His

8、parents worked all the time.When the bus stopped, he raced home, 17 his schoolbag on the floor, and walked straight to his bedroom.“Jack?” Grandpas 18 called out. “Was that you?”Jack stopped 19 he closed his bedroom door. “Yes, Grandpa, its me.”Grandpa Higgins came from the kitchen carrying a sandwi

9、ch. “You dont sound okay,” he said as he took a 20 .Should Jack tell Grandpa the truth? What could it hurt? He quickly 21 they should do a class project for the weekend and together they would build something with an adult. The students needed to make a 22 to explain how their projects had gone.Gran

10、dpa listened quietly. “ 23 are you so unhappy?”Jack felt his 24 and anger rising inside him. “Because I dont have anyone to help me.” He sounded so sad and so angry.Grandpa raised his eyebrows 25 . “What am I?” he asked gently.Jack froze. “Youd build a project with me, Grandpa?”“Sure, I would,” Gran

11、dpa said. “Just let me finish this sandwich.”Jacks heart seemed so 26 that he thought it would float away. He rushed to the schoolbag and 27 his assignment paper. Then, they studied the assignment and made a list of ideas. Finally, they 28 to build a cardboard robot from old biscuit and noodle boxes

12、. They used glue, staples, and tape. Grandpa helped a lot and he 29 found a box of eyeball stickers.When they finished, Jack looked at their misshapen (奇形怪状的) robot. He couldnt stop smiling. “I think its the best 30 I have ever built. Now I have to write my report,” Jack said, hugging Grandpa. “Than

13、k you, Grandpa. I had a lot of fun.”16AdiscussingBbuildingCreportingDimproving17AdroppedBhungCstuckDhid18ApronunciationBvoiceCnoiseDsound19AifBuntilCbeforeDthough20AbreakBbiteCrideDdrink21ArecommendedBconsideredCconfirmedDexplained22AchangeBreportCrobotDchoice23AHowBWhereCWhyDWhat24AsadnessBenvyCjoy

14、Dexcitement25Ain luckBin fearCin angerDin surprise26AheavyBbigClightDempty27Atook outBput awayChanded inDcut off28ApromisedBforgotCrefusedDdecided29AjustBevenCstillDever30AroomBtableCschoolbagDrobot三、阅读单选阅读下列内容, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。China has made great achievements in biodiversity protection. Building a national park system is one of the greatest jobs that China has done so far. In October 2021, Chinas first fiv


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