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1、新目标英语七年级下册Unit2识点自测题知识应用自测I .单项选择1. Is there a fruit shop the neighborhood ?-Yes, it s Center Street the right.A.on ; on; itB.in ; on; inC.on ; down ; toD.in ; down; on答案:D 此题考查介词的用法。in the neighborhood 在附近”,用介 词in。可排除选项 A、Co此题的答案为“沿着中心大街在右边”,故用介词down,在右边”用介词 on。故选 D。2. Thank you very much.A.No , th

2、anksB.No , you re welcomeC.You re welcomeD.Don t thank me答案:C 此题考查日常交际用语,同时注意英语中的习惯用语。3.Bridge Street is a good place to have.A.funB.a funC.funsD.funning答案:A fun意为“娱乐,乐趣”,是不可数名词,故不能选B和Co名词没有现在分词的变化,故不选 Do4 .They take a walk the park every day.A.acrossB.throughC.pastD.pass答案:B across和through两个介词都有穿过”

3、之意,用法不同。across和on有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行,表示“横穿/跨。through的含义与in有关,表示动作在某物体所在的空间内进行。本题有一定的空 间概念,故用through。5 .We are Ji nan next week.A.arriving atB.arrive inC.arriving in D.arrive at 答案:C 此题主要考查动词 arrive的基本用法。arrive at表示到达较小的地方,arrive in表示到达较大的地方,另外此题还考查了现在进行时的 用法,所以选Co6.It s very far.You can a bus.A.sitB.h

4、ave答题向导一此题注意介词的用法。一对于感谢的回答有很多。如:Not at all./You are welcome./ That s all right./That K.等s O一注意固定搭配。一注意介词 through和across的 区别。一注意区分到达大地方和小地 方所用的不同介词。一注意序数词的正确书写形一注意there be句型的一般疑问 句及其回答的正确形式。一固定搭配。一做此类题的要点是根据句子 意思和所提供的首字母进行判 断。C.byD.take答案:D 此句中缺少谓语动词,故选 D。乘坐某种交通工具用动词 take, 如 take a taxi, take a car等。

5、7.Pass avenue, you will see it.A.eighthB.the eighthC.eightD.the eight答案:B 此题考查序数词和基数词的用法,此题意思是“穿过第八条大街”,所以用序数词,注意序数词前用the。1 .It is a small house a small garden.A.hasB.toC.withD.have答案:C“它是一个带有小花园的小房子”,在英语中表示“有”的词有have, there be, with等。have动词,在句中作谓语动词;there be,表示“某处有某物 ;with介词,表示“和,有或带着”。题中已有谓语动词,因此不

6、用have,只能选with。9 . Is there a bike in the supermarket ?A.Yes, it isB.No , it isn tC.Yes, there isn tD.Yes, there is答案:D 根据there be句型的回答,我们选择它的正确回答形式是: Yes, there is.10 .My best friend sits next me.A.toB.onC.inD.beside答案:A 根据介词的固定搭配,我们选择next toon .根据首字母和句意补全单词11 .W is the post office ? I can t find it

7、.答案:Where 询问地点,填 Where。12 .This hat is big.I want a s one.答案:small反义词,填 small o13 .We can buy food in a s.答案:supermarket 在超市买吃的东西,填supermarket.14 .This hotel is very d.I want to change (换)to a new hotel.答案:dirty表示旅馆很脏,填 dirty。15 .Go d the street, you will see the library.答案:down 沿着路走下去,填 down。16 .My

8、 home is o a quiet street.答案:on考查介词固定搭配,填 on。17 . is a clean park near our school.答案:There 考查there be句型,填 There。1.1 If you want to read or borrow some books , you can go to the l.答案:library 去图书馆,填library。1.2 If you are h, you can have some bread.答案:hungry 饿了,填 hungry。20 .There is not a pay phone in

9、the n.答案:neighborhood 在附近地区,填 neighborhood o 出.根据中文提示完成句子21 .小明的家紧挨着颐和园。Xiao Ming s home is the Summer Palace.答案:next to 考查短语 next to。22 .向左转,你就会看见那家邮局。, you will see the post office.答案:Turn left 考查短语 turn left。23 .在我们的社区内,有一个银行。a bank our neighborhood.答案:There is, in 考查 there be句型和短语 in the neighbo

10、rhood o24 .在这个公园的对过有一个公用电话。A pay phone is the park.答案: across from 考查介词短语 across from。25 .这是此次旅行的开始。is the of this trip.答案:This , beginning 考查”在的开始“,所以填 This, beginning oW .判断正误,并改错26 .Is there big supermarket near here ?答案:x 在big前加a supermarket是一个可数名词,所以前面要加冠词。27 .The library is across to the bank.

11、答案:x to改为from 在对过”是 across from。28 .The park is down the road in the right.答案:x in改为on表示在左边或者在右边,要用介词on。29 .Does the hotel next to the park ?答案:x Does改为Is表示在某地要用到be动词,所以在构成疑问句时be动词提前。30 .Where is the pay phone and the supermarket?一做此类题时,一要看清所给 的汉语包含哪个句型和短语, 二要看清所提供的英语句子中 和汉语相比较缺少哪个短语和 句型。一注意名词是否是可数名

12、词。一注意固定搭配。一注意使用正确的介词。一注意句子结构。一注意be动词的用法。答案:x is 改为 are the pay phone and the supermarket表示两个地方, 是复数。所以用 are。V .阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断句子正( T)误(F)There is an old man in a house.In the house there are many mice.The old man has a cat.Every day the cat catches the mice and eats them.One day, the old mouse says,

13、“All mice must come to my room this evening.We must find a way to deal with the cat.”All the mice come.Many mice speak , but they don t know what to do.At lasa young mouse stands up and says, “We must put a bell on the cat.When the cat comes near , we can hear the bell and run away.So the cat can ca

14、tch us.” Who can put the bell on the cat ? ” asks the old mouse.But no one answers.31 .There are many mice in the old man s house.答案:T 我们从In the house there are many mice.”得知此句是正确的。32 .The cat eats one mouse every day.答案:F 我们从Every day the cat catches the mice and eats them.”得知:猫吃了不只一只老鼠。所以 该句是错误的。3

15、3 .The old mouse is clever and finds a way.答案:F 我们从 One day, the old mouse says, All mice must come to my room this evening.We must find a way to deal with the cat.”得知the old mouse没有找到办法。所以该句是错误的。34 .The young mouse is very brave and put a bell on the cat.答案:F 从最后一段中得知a young mouse only says, but it doesn t put



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