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1、浙江省新高考研究卷英语(一)参考答案1. D。考查情景对话。D选项意为那不合我的口味,那不是我喜欢的。对方邀请 你去参加摇滚音乐会,你不喜欢摇滚音乐,D选项符合句意。2. C o考查冠词。第一空意为在IT领域,为特指,用定冠词。第二空意为成为 第二个比尔盖茨,用不定冠词。3. A 0考查非谓语动词。struggling 此处为动名词,作介词 of的宾语。4. C。考查定语从句。本句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为the good old days,在从句中作时间状语,故选 when。5. C o考查虚拟语气。人不可能删除记忆,所以应用虚拟语气,选 could o6. C o句意为“不能让借钱成为一

2、种习惯,偶尔为之是可以的”。故选occasionally 。7. Co考查状语从句。从句句意为“不能像平时那样骑自行车上学”,为方式状语从句,故选as 08. D o考查介词短语。根据句意为因为苹果的“饥饿市场”方法,故选Do9. B 0考查时态和主谓一致。主语为 Mr. Yang ,和后面的内容无关。从第二人 的反应中可以看出 Mr. Yang不在本地,故用has gone。10. A o考查动词短语。句意为现在很多孩子由爷爷奶奶抚养,故选 A11. D o考查动词辨析。运动之前要拉伸肌肉以免受伤,D符合句意。12. B o考查形容词辨析。句意为人们经常从上次碰到的相似的问题中寻找解决的办法

3、,故选Bo13. A o考查名词辨析。根据句意“先前的相关工作经历是成为志愿者的一个优势”,故选Ao14. C o考查情态动词。根据后面句意,他能够独自对付,所以没有必要寻求帮助。故选needn t。15. A。考查名词性从句。从句为感叹句作宾语从句,而 a great effect 为名 词短语,故选what。16. C o考查非谓语动词。根据句意,应为小女孩被展示如何使用枪支时,枪走火。所以用 being shown。17. B 0考查代词。根据句意,我初次见到她的时候她一点也不友好,anythingbut为绝不的意思。1.8。 。考查动词短语。句意为“为了符合老师对他的期待”。故选Bo1

4、9. D 0考查介词。本题考查 applyto 固定用法。20. D o考查情景对话。第二人说需要去查笔记,所以应该会说“稍等”。1.8。 。形容价格应该为high。22 .C o句意为因为很容易得到银行贷款,所以选 owingto o23 .A o很难预测房价将会有多高。24 . D o根据下文,房价过去几年涨得很疯狂。1.8。 。 固定搭酉己, buy something for 。26 .A o根据下文要卖房,所以要搬家move27 . C o房子买来$70,000 ,卖出$230,000 ,所以赚了很多利润。28 . B o发现同一个公寓又涨价了。29 .A。对于买家应该是出价,off

5、er有出价的意思。30 . C 0不管别人出价多少,让步状语从句,在句中作offer的宾语。31 .D 0上文中说过要比出价高才能买到房,所以选more。32. A 。厌倦了到处找房,才愿意多出钱33. B房价一直上涨,Tim变得焦急。34. C o下文说不管买不买房,都是错误的决定。35. A o根据上下文,这里意为后悔“放弃了一次机会”。36. D 0并列连词,这里根据句意为转折。37. B 0在房价泡沫破裂之前把房子卖掉符合常识。38. A 0根据句意,未来将会带来什么,bring符合此意。39. C o考查情态动词,我们能够说的是,房价有涨就有跌,所以选 can。40. Do根据下文,

6、20年后房子价格总是会超过现在,所以买房你不可能失去什 么。41. C o文章第一段主要讲述广场舞这一普遍现象,及其引起的争议,故答案为Co42. A。根据第二段“These elderly ladies have been blamed for taking uptoo much public space and dancing in the wrong places, such as railstations, and even in front of the Louvre in Paris and Red Squarein Moscow. Moreover, the loud, ampl

7、ified music they use has annoyed neighbors. 可知答案为 A。43. A o根据第三段“the dancing craze among retired people can beattributed to a psychological change among the nation s elderlypopulation ” 可知答案为 A。44. Do 根据第三段“The activity also helps her to keep up with the latestfashions.可知答案为Do45. C o文中并没有提及作者本人的观点,故

8、答案选 C46. B 0 根据文章第一段“ From finding a clean restroom to managing thefamily calendar, these must-have apps make the life of a busy mom a little bit easier ” 可知答案为 B。47. B。根据文章第九段“This app notifies you of traffic patterns, speedtraps, and alternative routes. ” 可知答案为 B。48. A o 根据文章第五段“No more overstuffe

9、d wallet or huge, bulky keyring. ”可知答案为Ao49. D o 根据文章第六段 “for recording memories quickly and simply ” 可 知答案为Do50. B o纵观全文,主要讲 Winslow Homer如何开始画作生涯,作品的特点等, 故答案为Bo51. D。根据文章第三段“Judges would often “punish” young painterswhose work did not please them by rejecting their paintings or hanging them in the

10、 darkest corners of the rooms.” 可知答案为 D。52. A o 根据文章倒数第二段“This was a major contribution to the artsin America, challenging the widely held belief that the only artworthy of the drawing room or museum wall must be European, or atleast reflect European subjects and styles.” 可知答案为 A。53. C o 结合上文中的“the

11、art-buying public and the younger generationof American painters greatly admired his work” 可知答案为 C。54. B o 根据倒数第二段“ Homer s subject matter was always AmericanAmerican landscape, American workers, and unsentimental Americanscenes in their natural power and dignity” 以及最后一段 “youngerpainters like John S

12、loan and George Luks embraced his realistic style and devotion to American subjects ” 可知答案为 B。55. D。根据文章最后一段的独白部分,可知文章的主题是strength ,而文中正是雨中的陌生人帮助了主人公,并给了她们战胜困难和坚持的力量,故答 案选D56. A o根据第五、六段可知B、D正确,根据第二十段,可知 C正确,故答案选Ao57. D 0 根据最后段“Many years would pass before my father could facehis problems and our fa

13、mily grew close again.” 可知答案为 D。58. C 根据文章最后段“he gave us strength.the experience also gaveus strength. ” 可知答案为 C。59. Ao 根据文章第四段“For Karma and me, Tonka and Comanchewere constantcompanions.可知答案为 A。60. A o根据文中年轻人与小姑娘的对话,可知答案选择A6165 AEDFC短文改错:The final exam of the last term was drawing near. Knowing wh

14、at they meanfor a Se ni or Th re e st ud en t, itI buried myself with study. So many nights found me burningA midnightoil. I thought I was well prepared.intheSometimes, however, hard work was just not enough. It couldn t be moredepressing when I stared at my low rank, my mind goes blank. Yet my prid

15、e didn t allow me to appear weakly. So I stayed locked away, refusing goingweakto talk to everyone. Fortunately, it wasn t long when I realized whatI was doing was actually hurting those anyonebeforewho care about me and did myself no good. So I went to seek help frommy parents. With them motivatingdoingme, my depression faded off Now I have the confidence to win the battle in my Senior Three and braveawayany difficulty in life.书面表达:One possible version:Sometimes We Need to Push Ourselves a Little BitWhen it comes to the factors tha


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