高中英语 Unit 1 Art 学案 新人教版选修6

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1、Unit 1 Art第一,二 课时导学案 ( Warming up , pre-reading and reading )I.重点单词(adj.)现实(主义)的,逼真的 反义词_(adj)抽象的,深奥的(n.)信任,信心,信念 _(adv.)忠实地 3._(vt.)拥有,具有,支配 _(n.)所有,财产4_(adj.)明显的,明白的(obvious) _(n.) 证据5._(n.)雕像 6._(n.).画廊,美术陈列室7._(n.)目标,目的(vi/vt.)瞄准,向某方向努力8._(vt.)采用,采纳,收养 9._(n.)杰作,名著10._(n/vt)努力,尝试,企图 11._(n.)技术,方

2、法,技能12._(adj.)representative 典型的,有代表性的 13_(adj.)荒谬的,可笑的14._(adv.)therefore因此,所以II.Phrases:1.偶然地,巧合_/_/_2.许多,大量(只修饰不可数名词)_/_ (只修饰可数名词)_/_/_- (既修饰可数又修饰不可数)_/_/_3.集中精力于,关注_/_4.另一方面_5.打算,试图做某事_6.很多 _二十个_瞄准,打算_9.占有,拥有_/_提示,完成下列句子。1. There are _ many different styles of Western art_ it would be impossible

3、 to describe all of them in _ a short text.2. _(因此),this text will describe only the most important ones, _.(从6世纪开始)3._(很明显)that ideas were changing in the 13th century .4.People began to_(对宗教主题的关注大不如从前) and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. 5._(他们相信)that they were looking through a hole in

4、a wall at a real scene.6._(如果没有发现透视法) , no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.7. Their paintings were _(不如细致) those of earlier painters.8.In the late 19th century , Europe_.(发生了巨大的变化)9. 那个男孩想熬夜看世界杯但被他的父母阻止了。(attempt) _but was stopped by his parents.IV.单项选择。 .单项填空1.Oh!Its snowi

5、ng heavily.Lets go out and enjoy the beautiful sight.No,I would ratherat home,watching TV.A.stay B.to stay 2.All schools in our provincenew English textbooks to improve students listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities three years ago. C.adopted 3.All her energies areupon children and she se

6、ems to have little time for anything else.A.guided C.directed 4.There isconcern about the pollution among the people.A.a couple of B.a good deal ofC.a good many of D.a good number of5.Its useless trying to her that she doesnt need to lose any weight. nvince C.assure 6.what the stock price will be is

7、 not easy. B.To predict D .Having predicted7.The projecthelping young unemployed people.A.aims at B.is aimed at C.aims to D.for the purpose of8.Stop arguing;youre just wasting time. C.seriously 9.Heto get a high position in the company,but failed because of his carelessness.A.managed C.attempted D.t

8、hought10.At the very beginning,Einsteins Theory of Relativity was sothat few scientists could understand.A.absorbed C.absolute 11.excited the world greatly that Bolt broke the world record of the 100meter dash in the Beijing Olympics.A.It C. What D. AsV.完形填空The Power of EncouragementDante Gabriel Ro

9、ssetti, the famous 19th century poet and artist,was once visited by an elderly man.The old fellow had some sketches(素描) and 1that he wanted Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good,2if they at least showed potential talent.Rossetti3them over carefully.After the first few,he knew that t

10、hey were4,showing not the least sign of artistic talent.But Rossetti was a5man,and he told the elderly man as6as possible that the pictures were without much value and showed little talent.He was sorry,but he could not7to the man.The visitor was8,but he seemed to expect Rossettis judgment.He then ap

11、ologized for9Rossettis time,but asked if he would just look at a few10drawingsthose done by a young art student.Rossetti looked over a11batch of sketches and immediately12enthusiastic over the talent they revealed.“These,” he said,“ah,these are1314be given every help and15in his career as an artist.

12、He has a great future if he will work hard and16it.”Rossetti could see that the old fellow was17moved.“Who is this fine young artist?”he asked.“Your son?”“No,”said the old man 18.“It is me40 years ago.If only I had heard your19, then.For you see,I got discouraged and gave up20soon.”1.A.books C.designs 2.A.and C.but 3.A.looked C.thought 4.A.wonderful C.worthless



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