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1、 综合练习(历次水平I试题精选)artOneLsteing ComprhnsnSecton IDirctons:Inhis eio you wll hea wo stdets, ra andTheresa, disssin asveythey hae to write sa ssgnmnt Listn to te cverstid compee he otes below hic whayu herNoes ao Franks urey:Topic:_Ticalemples o vont programs: _People sueton:_Peplesreaion t violencon nw

2、 rocast:_Aposserobm wih tissue: _T adantage o thesurey: _SecionwoDirectis:Inhis secion yu ill iento soe newsrogram. Bo ae the summies f the nws items Liste the reodig a fil hsinword to omplete th new uares.1. An orangutan tope the tafc side_ I tooa keeromte z _ inue tgetdwtown becau oth traf The ana

3、 sed no inert _but respond whn the kepe _to it.It hl tkepers_ s tey t io hr2. A ne ehd oreacing singin ha be develed Mos sinersare nawae f hwtey _B waring a_ve ur head whe ou sng,o ca ear your voi te way_hao. Thscanlp u _ yorsingin.3. Tis yea heeae _ ontestans in teSunst each and asle _-aged from 8

4、_ . Te two avortesae Grg Wlace(ho as wo hre iebre),ithhis _astle, n newcomer Davd Brae, ih iStarWas_.Sction TreeI this sctio, ou hr four telpn mesgeWhat sesaeao?When oheeac mesage, ou houlwrite inEnish the mai inoration. Some ler ns re: lber, Janine Eli,and Ji aundrsY il hate ecodn oly ocTelphoemsag

5、e : _.eleone message2:_.lphon esg 3: _Tephoemssage4:_.PatTwo TslaonDiecton:Rdthe oloin passagecarulyan translate it ito Cines Writ you rsatonclealy n th paceprovde belowWhatsin ame?For touandofyeas, umanths classed he iving thisf ths world in muh the same asho; by theippearne. itlooks ike aduc, wal

6、andks like duck, ten t i uck. t taclin mlions o species in tis wy poven to e a reipe o confusio. Asieis have fu to their cost, what looks ie a duck ayin fat be gose.M recly, enetc tchiques hve en appld, parcury fo distigusin te moredficult-idntityspecies uhas virussdbateri by compaing pces o DNA. ih

7、t thi oac boreerall appiabe?Pul ebertd olagesi Cnda th t igh be.Jst rc ad the “universa oduc o” nmering schme uniu iy dferen iems a supermrt hecko, heysgest tat soe srtchesofD codefor simi nton in ligtngs Ina paer ust puls inProceeigs of eRoy Siety B, teydisus owog sca geti barode needs be, and ere

8、itht e found.unvapruct cod found e hstreet ist of astingof igs, eac of whch isoe otennmral, proviing 10 illnique ombiatons. eneticmarl,hwve, ss aqtrary,rathr hn dey, ciystm In thery, it ld onl beecesa to sle 1 ose eertoreate one lioniu cod.Inpractce,howver,h charctritics f DAmeantht5 eersare oteoh n

9、i thebtry nuer o aniersodu cod,h ltrs oNAae nadm,bcausethey ce or soei tat bologil meing.Part Te riingDircions:Bsh leconi (hna) o., Ltd. s paning o recita assstnt othe geerl mager.ead th j dripin d uaificaon ad riteo th comny to recmndyuefa acdidatYolttr f plicaton shoul no b less tan 300ords.Job siptin:Asit daiydministratookCllct and age i


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