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1、八年级下册英语单元检测题Unit1 单元检测题分数:100 分 时间:90 分钟一 、 单项选择 (15 分)( )1.Heishappythathe_inatallapartmentnextyear.A.live B.lives C 。 willlive D。 willliving( )2.Willtherebemorepeopl ein100years , doyouthink?-_,Ihope 。 A。 No, thereisnt B.No,therearentC。 No, therewont D。 No,theywont 。( )3.IhopeIhave_freetime 。 Idon

2、tliketokeepbusy 。A。 more B.l ess C 。 many D 。 much( )4.Doyoulikethecitylifeorthecountrylife?Itshar dtosay.Inthecitythereis_interesting , butinthecountry thereis_pollution.A。 less;more B.more;l essC 。 more; fewer D。 much;much( )5.Mylifewillbe_betterthanitisnow。A.alot B.alot of C 。 afew D.more( )6.I_r

3、ocketstothemoonwhenIgrowup.A.willput B.willfly C 。 willtake D。 willbefly( )7。 Ifthereare_trees , theairinourcitywillbe_cl eaner 。 A。 less; more B。 more; more C。 more; much D。 much;more( )8.Ipredicthewillbeanengineer_tenyearsbecauseheissointerestedinmakingthings.A.in B 。 after C.later D 。 for( )9。The

4、reweremanyfamouspredictionsthatnever_.A。 cometrue B。 camereal C。 cametrue D.betrue( )10.It_thateveryone_tolaugh.A.seems;l ovesB 。seem; love C.seems;l oveD 。seem;loves( )11.Margot_computersciencelastyear 。A.studies B.studied C。 willstudy D.isstudying( )12。Intenyears , John_anastronaut.A。 is B.willbe

5、C。 was D。 will( )13.Howmanypeopl e_therefiftyyearsago.A.will B.were C.are D。 willbe( )14。InAD2020 ,what_theworldbelike?A。 is B。 will C.was D。 are( )15。Thereis_meatbut_cakesontheplate.Pleasehaveone。A。 alittle ; afew B.afew;alittle C。 few;little D.little;afew二、 完形填空 (10 分)Today more and more families

6、have their own computers. Parents buy computers 16 theirchildren.They 17 computerscanhelpthemimprove theirstudiesinschool 。 However, manyoftheirchildren 18 computersto playgames,towatchvid eos 19 tosingkaraokeinsteadof (而不是)studying. So many teachers and parents complain(抱怨) that computers can not h

7、elp children study 20 make them fall behind. So computers are put away 21 parents。In 22 countries, evensomescientistsalso 23 computers 。 Theysay computersletmanypeopl e 24 theirjobsor 25 themalotoftroubl e(麻烦).( )16。A。 to B。 on C.with D.for()17. A。 hope B 。 want C.thinks D 。 let( )18 A.make B 。 get

8、C.use D 。 have( )19 A。 and B。 or C.but D 。 so( )20. A.and B 。 or C 。 but D。 so( )21。 A.for B.by C 。 with D.in( )22。 A。 othersomeB 。 someelse C。 elsesome D。 someother ( )23。 A.like B 。 want C。 hate D.buy( )24. A.tol ose B 。 lose C。 have D。 tohave( )25。 A.take B。 get C。 bring D.find三、 阅读理解 (30 分)AAkin

9、doflittle carsmaysome daytake the place oftodayscars.Ifeveryone drivessuchcarsinthefuture,therewillbel esspollutioninthecar 。 Therewill alsobemorespaceforparkingcarsincities ,andthestreetswillbel esscrowded。 Threesuchcarscanfitinthespacenowneed edforonecaroftheusualsize.Thelittlecarswillcostmuchl es

10、stoownandtodrive.Drivingwillbesafer ,too,astheselittlecarscangoonly65kil ometersanhour.Thecarsofthefuture willbe fineforgettingarounda city,buttheywillnot be usefulforl ongtrips. Littlecarswillgo450kilometersbeforeneedingtostopformoregasoline 。Ifbigcarsarestillusedalongwiththesmallones ,twosetsofroa

11、dswillbe neededinthefuture 。 Someroadswillbeusedforthebig ,fastcarsandother roadswillbeneed edfortheslower,smallones 。( )26.Thereismuchpollutioninthecartodaybecause_ A。 peopledrivebigcars B.peopl edrivelittlecars C.thecarsgo65kilometersanhourD。thecarscango450kilometersanhour。( )27。 Theusualsizeofcar

12、stodayare thatoffuturecars.A。 muchsmallerthan B。 muchthesameasC。 threetimesaslargeas D。 alittlelargerthan( )28.Wecanl earnfromthepassagethat_ 。A。 bigcarscostlesstoownandtodriveB。 bigcarsarenotusefulforl ongtripsC。 thecarsofthefuturewillbemuchsmall erthantodayscarsD。 smallcarsarefasterthanbigones( )2

13、9.Thestreetwillbelesscrowd edbecause_.A。 therewillbefewercarsinthefutureB.therewillbefewerpassengersinthestreetC.drivingfuturecarswillbesafe D.futurecarswillbemuchsmall er( )30。Twosetsofroadsmaybeneed edinthefuturebecause_ 。A。 therewillbetoomanycarsinthefutureB.moreandmorepeopl ewillgetaroundacityC。

14、 bigcarsandlittlecarsmaybeusedalongwitheachotherD.itl ooksmorebeautifultohavetwosetsofroadsBPeople use money to buy food, books and hundreds of other things they need。 Whentheywork , theyusuallygetpaidinmoney.Mostofthemoneyusedtodayismad eofmetalorpaper 。 Butinthetimelongago,peopl eusedtouseallkinds

15、ofthingsasmoney.Oneofthefirstkindof moneywasshells (贝壳)。InChina , clothandkniveswereusedasmoney.El ephanttusks (牙),monkey tailandsaltwereusedinsomepartsoftheworl d。 Ricewasalsoakindofmoney usedbythepeopl einsomeislands (岛)。 Someanimalswereusedasmoney , too.Thefirstcoppercoins( 硬币) weremadeinChina 。 Theywereroundandhad a square hole in the center 。 Different countrieshave useddifferentmetalsfor theirmoney.Later,somecountriesbegantomakecoinsofgol dandsilver (银). Butgoldandsilv



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