【广东创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Unit 2 Working the land(附解析)新人教版必修4

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【广东创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Unit 2 Working the land(附解析)新人教版必修4_第1页
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《【广东创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Unit 2 Working the land(附解析)新人教版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【广东创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Unit 2 Working the land(附解析)新人教版必修4(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【人教广东版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练Unit 2Working the land .词汇运用1Thousands of people are _(挨饿) because of the failure of this years harvest.2He has been _(与斗争) his illness for many years.3You can _(扩大词汇量) by reading.4Dr. Yuan is now _(传播知识) in many countries.5We had to borrow some money to _(装备我们的店)6Dr. Yuan

2、s kind of rice is the most _(合适的) for Chinas farmland.7To avoid _(混淆),please write your names on your bags.8Through physical exercise,you can _(减少你的体重) by 5 kilograms.9Maybe the plan will not _(使每个人满意)答案:1.going hungry2.struggling with/against3.expand your vocabulary4.circulating knowledge5.equip ou

3、r shop6.suitable7.confusion8.reduce your weight9.satisfy everyone.语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。In every school a “top” crowd sets the pace,while the others follow their lead.Lets say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters.Pretty soon everybod

4、y is wearing _1_bright red sweater.There is nothing wrong with that,_2_the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is _3_(extreme)unbecoming.The situation can even become dangerous,if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour.Then the people _4_(

5、follow) the lead are endangering their lives.They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.Now,chances are _5_you have come across situations like these more than once in your life;chances are that one time or _6_you probably did something you knew to be wrong.You may _7_(excuse)yourself by sayin

6、g,“Gee,the crowd does it.”Well,let the crowd do it,_8_dont do it yourself.Learn to say,“No.”Develop your own standards and your own judgment._9_you know the crowd is planning something you _10_(agree)with,have the courage to bow out politely.Youll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two fe

7、et.【解题导语】 社会在追逐潮流,学校里也已蔚然成风。大家会蜂拥而起模仿领军人物的所作所为,以为那就叫“个性”。其实,每个人都有自己的个性,为什么不学着做自己呢?1解析:考冠词的用法。答案:a2解析:考介词在语境中的用法。答案:except或but3解析:考查词性转换,形容词转化为副词。答案:extremely4解析:考查动词的非谓语形式作定语。答案:following5解析:考查引导词引导表语从句的用法。答案:that6解析:考不定代词的用法。答案:another7解析:考情态完成结构表猜测的用法。答案:have excused8解析:考并列连词表转折的用法。答案:but9解析:考从属连词

8、表条件的用法。答案:If10解析:考构词法。答案:disagree.信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按要求匹配信息,选出最佳选项。以下是一些旅游地点的介绍:AMauritius,an island lying off the southeast Africa in the Indian Ocean. The pleasant tropical climate and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything. The sea is full of colorful life that lives around the

9、coral reef. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving. BLas Vegas is really a fascinating city,where you can dine in the finest restaurants,shop in the most chic stores,and watch worldclass entertainment. Maybe you will become a millionaire or lose all your money overnight. What

10、s so clever about Las Vegas is that it makes absolutely certain that you have such a good time that you dont mind losing a bit of money along the way. Thats why they dont even call it “gambling” any more,but “gaming”. CFew cities leave the visitors with such vivid impressions;the whole city is somet

11、hing of a work of art. And annual film festival is held with a refreshing emphasis on art. Few cities can compete with the thousands of cafes,bars and restaurants that line every Parisian street. And along the street you will be fascinated by the beautiful window shows of various clothes. DKitzbuhel

12、 is a paradise for all the skiers. With fine weather and breathtaking scenery,it is a worldclass ski report. Every winter,thousands of people come from all parts of the world to challenge themselves. EJerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews,Muslims and Christians. For Jews,it is where their an

13、cestors built the first and second temples. For Christians,the city was the scene of Jesus life. However,since the war broke out,people there have suffered a lot,the situation has been tense,and peace is just a dream. FThe old Nile brought about the civilization of Egypt;people there regard it as “t

14、he mother river” of them. On both sides of the Nile stand noble pyramids which were built as the tombs of the ancient pharaohs (法老). Along with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt,the Great Sphinx is one of the greatest and most studied monuments of human history. 现在,请阅读下面信息,根据他们的实际情况,进行信息匹配。1Smith i

15、s a professor who does research on ancient buildings. This month,his university gives a reward to him for his great contributions. So now an idea of traveling to a new place to continue his study has come into his mind. 2Though Lola is a woman reporter,she is brave enough to go deep into the places at war. This year,she was honored as “Rose of Front”. Next month,she will go to a place at war. She is confident to do her work well and give people the most brief and real reports. 3Alice and Simon are going to get married. They want to hold an und


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