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1、Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The first period一. 教学内容能够听懂并谈论家庭在假期中的活动,掌握提供以及询问过去的经历的词汇和句型。二. 教学重点、难点 教学重点能够听懂并谈论家庭在假期中的活动,掌握询问以及提供过去的经历的词汇和句型。 教学难点提供以及询问过去的经历的词汇和句型三.教学目标1. 知识目标 帮助学生掌握以下词汇:如ski, mountain, beach, sail, skate, vacation, wonderful, parent等 帮助学生掌握询问和提供过去的经历所使用的词组和句型,如:a. useful express

2、ions about some activities:visit the zoo, go swimming / skating / skiing / boating / sailing / fishing, pick apples, climb mountains, play volleyball on the beach, etc.b. ask for and give information on past experiences:How was your vacation?It was wonderful / great / not bad.We had great fun.Where

3、did your family go? / Where did you go?I went to . / We went to .What did you do there?2. 能力目标 学生能听懂关于询问和提供过去的经历的对话。 学生能就过去的经历这一话题进行简单的交流,能够就这一话题询问和提供信息。3. 情感目标在真实情景交流中,让学生学会与同伴分享自己的经历,健康快乐地成长。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (25 min)1. The teacher greets each student:Good morning.Nice to see you again.Welcom

4、e back to school.What did you do during your winter vacation?Did your family go somewhere?Did you enjoy yourselves?(设计意图:这是学生寒假回来的第一节英语课,和学生互相问候了之后,顺便聊到寒假里的活动是再自然不过的事了。这里的开门见山让学生很快进入了本节课的话题。)2. Encourage the Ss to give answers. And collect different answers on the blackboard. While collecting, teach

5、 new words such as ski, mountain, sail, skate, beach, etc.(设计意图:教师可以一边和学生进行交流,一边就把学生的回答写在黑板上,不仅可以复习巩固一些旧的表达方式,同时可以呈现新的单词和词组,可谓一举两得。)3. Activity 1: Tick the activities you did before.After the students has finished it, ask some individuals to tell the whole what they once did by using: I visited the

6、zoo. / I went swimming. / I climbed mountains.(设计意图:在这一活动中,教师不应仅仅局限于让学生完成一个打勾的练习,而是要让他们用语言表达出曾经做过的事情。要说的句子只需在所列出的词组中加上一个I即可,这也让学生更有信心与别人交流。)4. Activity 2: Listen and match.Get the Ss to do it by themselves without listening. Then get them to listen and repeat.(设计意图:这一活动,教师可以先不让学生听,直接让他们Look and matc

7、h. 在完成之后,再让学生听录音检查自己的答案,并跟读。跟读也为下面的会话交流做了一定的准备。)Step Two Listening (20 min)1. Before listening, ask the Ss to look at the pictures and talk about what cities they may be.2. Activity 3. Listen and tick. Then heck the answers with them.3. Activity 5. Listen again and match the people with the activiti

8、es. Check the answers with them.4. Activity 4. Listen again and answer the questions. Check the answers with them.(设计意图: 在听之前,让学生先讨论教材中的图片能让他们先熟悉要听的内容。接着,要让他们明白在听的过程中要完成的任务。把教材中的活动4和活动5调整了一下顺序是因为学生对于回答问题总是比较害怕,也觉得比较难。所以可以把这一练习放到最后去完成。)Step Three Speaking (30 min)1. Activity 6. Read and underline. Pr

9、actice the dialogue with your partner and underline the vacation activities.(设计意图:让学生在进行交流前,能有一个很好的例子可以模仿。两人练习则可以互相帮助。)2. Activity 7. Look at the pictures and talk in pairs.(设计意图: 模拟真实情景,两人小组相互询问在假期中的活动。)3. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues. If some Ss have difficulties, the teacher can give

10、 them some hints.(设计意图:让学生表演对话,一来可以检查学生的掌握情况,以便教师在下一活动中进行调整。二来可以锻炼学生的胆量。而教师在鼓励学生表演时,不应只请一些表达能力较强的学生,也应多多地把机会给能力较弱的学生。这样,既给了这些学生开口的机会,让他们增添一份自信,同时也保护了他们的自尊心。)4. Activity 8: Ask each student to interview five students with the chart.(设计意图:学习利用调查、询问的方式来获取信息,增进同学之间的彼此了解。)Step Four Summary (10 min)Make a

11、 short summary of what weve learned today.(1) Useful expressions: visit the zoo, go swimming / skiing / skating / sailing / fishing / boating, climb mountains, play volleyball on the beach, pick apples(2) Everyday English:How was your vacation?It was wonderful / great / not bad.We had great fun.Did

12、you enjoy yourselves?Where did you go? / Where did your family go?What did you do there?(设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确单元教学目标,方便学生补充笔记。)Step Five Homework (5 min)1. Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class.2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about winter vacation.学案:1. Practice the dialogue wi

13、th your classmate after class.2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about winter vacation.五、板书设计Useful expressions:visit the zoogo swimming / skiing / sailing / skating / fishingpick applesclimb mountainsplay volleyball on the beachYou can ask like this:How was your vacation?What was the weather like

14、there?Where did you go? / Where did your family go?Did you enjoy yourselves?You can answer like this:It was wonderful / great / not bad.It was hot / warm I went to Harbin with my parents.Yes, we had great fun.(设计意图,用不同颜色的粉笔让学生对本节课所学的新词、要求掌握的重点一目了然。同时,教师的板书也是学生很好的笔记样板。学生在记笔记的过程中也学会了该如何突出重点。)课后反思:不同班级

15、教学效果相差很大,三个班中两个班能基本完成教学过程,另一个班管纪律用去大量时间。在考虑是否依据这个班的专业上课适当讲些计算机英语内容。不知道是否有用。Book 2 Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The second period一 教学内容够看懂关于家庭成员的小故事;能够描述一些已经发生过的有趣的经历。二. 教学重点、难点 教学重点能够看懂关于家庭成员的小故事;能够描述一些已经发生过的有趣的经历。 教学难点能够描述一些已经发生过的有趣的经历。三. 教学目标1. 知识目标 帮助学生理解并掌握以下词汇:如career, housewife, household, daily, return, hesitation, typical, chore, volunteer, ham等 能够看懂教材中的两个关于家庭成员的故事。2. 能力目标 学生能根据不同的阅读需求,正确地掌握一些阅读的方法,如skimming, scanning等。 学生能在理解故事的前提下,根据所给提示词语,复述家庭成员的故事。(3) 学生能从连词成句渐渐过渡到连句成段,简单地描述自己或家庭成员的经历。3. 情感目标在描述家庭成员的



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