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1、托福口语分数换算方法详解托福口语分数换算方法详解 原来托福口语是这样算分的!一.托福口语评分过程一般考生考完试之后,答案以及录音均会提交至ETS进展下一步的打分和评判。其中口语这一局部的录音将会经历以下过程:1.每道口语题会被一位考官给一个原始分(0-4之间的整数分)。2.一个考生的六道口语题,至少会被三个不同的考官评分。3.六道口语题的分数加在一起(0-24分),取算数平均值(0-4分之间,但会出现小数点后0/.83/.66/.50/.33/.16六种不同情况)4.该平均值,根据下面这张转换表,转换为0-30分的总分。二.托福口语最终分数是如何算出来的很多同学可能并不知道托福口语分为三局部,

2、是按照题型来分的,Familiar Topics,Cus Situations,AcademicCourse Content。三个局部对大家进展评价,均是通过每道题目的分数,根据算术平均数的计算结果,结果分为4个标准,每个标准对应的分数如下:Weak:0-1.0根据以上对应关系和转换表,我们大致可以推算出的以下结果:托福口语范文:实地承受采访还是 采访题目A pany plans to interview you. You can go to their pany for theinterview, but the pany is far from where you live. Or you

3、 can have atelephone interview. Which do you prefer? Why?Sle ResponseI would rather have an interview at a pany than over the telephone fortwo reasons.First, I show the pany that I am really interested in working therebecause I am willing to go to the effort of traveling far. Therefore, thepany may

4、be more willing to hire me.Second, I can learn more about the pany if I visit it. I may even beable to get a tour. Seeing the pany will help me decide if I really want towork there or not.Those are the reasons I prefer to have an interview at the pany ratherthan on the phone.托福口语范文:学校用校友捐款建什么题目Your

5、school has received donations from the alumni. Which of the followingfacilities do you think the school should invest in?-A stadium-A theater-A game centerSle ResponseI think that if my school received unexpected money from alumni, it shouldinvest that money in a new theater.A new theater would be a

6、 good place for the school to hold differentactivities. Of course, it could hold concerts and plays. However, it could alsouse the theater for lectures and ceremonies. More students could attend suchactivities at the same time if we had a larger theater.Also, a new theater could help earn money for

7、the school. If the publicpays to attend events, it could help cover the cost of the event. The schoolcould afford to offer even more interesting activities than it does now.Therefore, I think that the school should invest money in building a newtheater that could offer a wide range of activities.第 页 共 页


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