人教版八年级英语上册:期中串讲 课后练习1及详解

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料学科:英语专题:期中串讲题1:He turned on the torch to _his keys.A.ask for B.look for C.care for D.wait for题2:She enjoyed _ in the party.A.she B. her C.hers D. herself 题3:_ interesting it is to swim in the sea!A. HowB. What a C. WhatD. How a题4:_ the water on the earth is sea water.A. Two third B. T

2、wo thirds C. Two thirds of D. Two third of题5:1.He always tells lies. _any of us believe him.A. Almost B. Hardly C.Really D. Nearly2. -How was the weather yesterday?-It was terrible. It rained _. People could _ go out.A. hardly; hardly B. hard; hard C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard题6:1. Lucy and Lily

3、_agree with us. A. both B. neither C. either D. all2. I have seen two films, but _ is interesting.A. both B. neither C. either D. all题7:1. He plays basketball well. But he does not do _ in his study.A. good B. well C. better D. nice2. _ you practise, _ you can understand. A. The more; the betterB. M

4、ore; the betterC. More; better D. The more; better3. Who has _ oranges now, Jim, Lily or Lucy? A. much B. biggest C. better D. the most 4. She cooks as _ as her mother does.A. well B. more well C. most well D. much good题8:He is old, _ he works hard.A.but B.for C.so D.or题9:How much time do you spend_

5、 practicing English every day?A.in B.to C.with D.through题10:Thank you for _ me.A.help B. helping C.to help D. helped题11:He usually _to school by bike last year.A.go B. goes C.went D.to go题12:We shall _the truth early or late.A. eat out B.bring out C. find out D. come out题13:1. The richest man in the

6、 world cannot buy _.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing2. Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything题14:-What did you do after school yesterday?- I _basketball with my friends A. play B. played C. will play D

7、. am playing题15:1. I cant understand _.A. what does Christmas mean B. what Christmas does meanC. what mean Christmas does D. what Christmas means 2. I want to know _.A. whom is she looking after B. whom she is lookingC. whom is she looking D. whom she is looking after题16:-Shall we go to the zoo tomo

8、rrow?-_A. It doesnt matter. B. Thats nothing.C. Good idea! D. Youre welcome.题17:- _isitfromyour home toyourschool?-About20minuteswalk.A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon题18:I practise _English every day.A. speak B. speaksC. speakingD. to speak题19:_ he was tired, _he went on working.A.Althoug

9、h, butB.Although, andC.Although, thenD.Although, /题20:-Whatabouthavingadrink?-_. A.Goodidea B.Helpyourself C.Goahead,pleaseD.Me,too 题21:我擅长下象棋。I_ playing chess.题22:感谢你邀请我来你家。_ me to your home.题23:Mary 经常帮 John 学习英语。Mary often _ his English。题24:他在英国玩的很愉快吗?Did he _in England?题25:有一两次她回头看看我。_ she looke

10、d over her shoulder at me.题26:我们努力想使他改变主意。We tried to _ his mind.题27:1. 年轻人更善于学习新事物。 The young _ learning new things.2. 泰晤士河是英国最长的河流之一。The Thames is _ rivers in England. 题28:我们可以从工人和农民那里学到不少东西。We can _ workers and farmers.题29:我父母想让我明年去参军。My parents _ the army next year.题30:1. 我的叔叔虽然老了,但他总是乐于帮助我学英语。_

11、 my uncle is old, he _help me with my English.2. 我已经准备好了签合同。I _ sign the agreement.课后练习详解题1:答案:B解析:句意:他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。A.ask for 请求; B.look for寻找; C.care for喜欢,关心,照顾; D.wait for等候。根据句意故选B。题2:答案: B解析:句意:她在聚会上度过了愉快的时光。enjoy oneself表示过得愉快,玩得开心。故此题选D。题3:答案:A解析:句意:在海里游泳是多么的有趣。how通常修饰副词或形容词,引导的感叹句的结构为:1. How

12、+形容词或副词+主语+谓语!2. How +主语+谓语!这里是第一种情况。故选A。题4:答案:C解析:句意:地球上三分之二的水是海水。基本规则:子基母序。分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于1时,分母要加s变成复数。题5:答案:1.B 2.C解析:1.句意:他总是撒谎,我们几乎没有人相信他。A. almost几乎; B. hardly几乎不; C.really真地; D. nearly几乎。根据句意故选B。2.-昨天的天气怎样?-特别地糟糕,雨下地很大,人们不能出去。句意:此题考查hard与hardly的区别, 前者表示“努力地。 猛烈地, 紧紧地”;后者主要表示“几乎不”。题6:答案:1.A 2.B解析:1.句意:露西和莉莉两个人都同意我们的观点。agree with sb同意某人的观点。因为这里提到的是两个人,both表示两者都。1. 句意:我看过两部电影,但是没有一部是有趣的。neither表示两者中任一个不。题7:答案:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A解析:1.句意:他篮球打的很



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