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1、. 山东农业大学毕 业 论 文 曲轴偏置在增强发动机扭矩和功率方面的研究 院 部 专业班级 届 次 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 二一一年六月十日装订线. . ii目录摘要IAbstractII引言11曲柄连杆机构的运动学分析.11.1中心曲柄连杆机构运动学分析21.2曲轴偏置式曲柄连杆机构的运动学分析31.3直列式中心曲轴连杆机构的缺点分析41.3.1 死点位置布置不合适41 .3.2活塞运动时最高点和最低点与死点重合41.4曲轴偏置对发动机的影响51.4.1曲轴偏置对发动机各机构运动的影响51.4.2曲轴偏置对发动机四个行程的影响51.4.3 曲轴偏置对发动机燃烧效率、平均有效压力和充气效率

2、的影响62曲轴偏置式曲柄连杆机构上的作用力分析72.1直列式曲柄连杆机构的作用力分析72.2直列式曲轴正置发动机传动效率分析92.3曲轴偏置式曲柄连杆机构的作用力分析112.4中心和偏置式发动机传动效率对比分析133曲柄偏置量的计算方法.143.1方法一:用最大传动效率时的曲轴偏置量.143.2 检验方法一的实用性153.3方法二 采用40压力角的曲轴偏置量计算方法164曲轴偏置式发动机作用力分析184.1切向力分析184.2侧向力分析195结束语20参考文献. 21致谢. 22ContentsAbstract.iiIntroduction11 Kinematics analysis of c

3、rank rod system.2 1.1 Kinematics analysis of center crank rod system.21.2 Kinematics analysis of crankshaft offset type of crank rod system.3 1.3 Inline type center of crankshaft linkage mechanism analysis and shortcomings.4 1.3.1 Dead spots arrangement inappropriate position.4 1.3.2 Piston motion w

4、ith high and low coin side dead spots .4 1.4 The impact of engine crankshaft offset . 5 1.4.1 The influence of engine crankshaft offset various agencies movement.5 1.4.2 The impact of crankshaft offset four stroke engines.51.4.3 The influence of crankshaft bias on engine combustion efficiency, avera

5、ge effective stress and the charging efficiency.62 The crankshaft offset type of crank rod system force analysis.6 2.1 Inline type of crank rod system force analysis.6 2.2 Inline type crankshaft is buy engines transmission efficiency analysis.9 2.3 Crankshaft offset type of crank rod system force an

6、alysis .11 2.4 Center and offset type engine transmission efficiency comparative analysis.133 Crank offset calculation methods.13 3.1 Method1: With maximum transmission efficiency of the crankshaft offset .13 3.2 The practicability of inspection method one. 14 3.3 Method 2: By 40 of pressure Angle c

7、rankshaft offset calculation method.164 The crankshaft offset type engine force analysis.18 4.1 Tangential force analysis .18 4.2 Lateral force analysis .195 Conclusion .20References.21Acknowledgement22曲轴偏置在增强发动机扭矩和功率的研究作者: 指导教师:( 讲师)【摘要】本文主要研究了曲轴偏置在发动机上的应用及对发动机扭矩和功率的影响。曲轴偏置主要应用到发动机的设计改进方面,可以将运动死点位置

8、移开使之不与上下止点重合;可以有效的利用曲柄滑块机构的急回特性,增大做工行程曲轴转角,减小排气行程曲轴转角。主要在理论上分析了在燃烧室爆发最大压力时确保较大传动效率的的合理偏置距离和偏置率。并检验在这种情况下发动机的切向力和侧向力,以确保发动机的稳定性。该技术并未得到应有的足够重视,对这方面的研究不是很多,相信以后随着发动机技术的进一步发展,曲轴偏置会去的长足发展。关键词: 曲轴偏置; 发动机; 扭矩; 功率The study of crankshaft in enhancement engine torque and powerAuthor: Supervisor: ( lecturer)A

9、bstract This paper mainly studies the crankshaft bias in the application of the engine and engine torque and power influence. The crankshaft bias mainly applied to the design of the engine, can improve the sports dead spots to no open position and fluctuation check point coincidence; Can improve the

10、 transmission efficiency and reduce the height of the engine; Can the effective utilization of slider-crank mechanism is urgent, increase the trip back to characteristics of the crankshaft work corner, reduce exhaust stroke crankshaft corner.Due to the limit of the experimental conditions, the theoretical analyses. Mainly analyzes theoretically in the combustion chamber erupted when t



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