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1、高二英语复习教案(3)(SB2-units5-6)一、单元考点提示 1.词汇 line appearence set storm film director siage bury uncertain lifetime search wooden mouthful excite manager honour particular silent act shape ring collection bank material cheaply pack hide shame penny coin trade silver possible mine / whenever whatever afford

2、 2.句型 set off 动身,启程 in a hurry 匆忙地,很快地 have on 穿着,戴着 pick out 挑出 in(ones)search 寻求;寻找 bring up教育;培养 so far 至目前为止 hand out 分发 here and there 到处 look through 仔细查看 sooner or later 迟早 pick up 收集;买到 plenty of 大量的 date from 始于 mixwith 把和搅拌(混合) trade with sb. 与某人做买卖 3.语法 be of this kind One of the most del

3、icious meals that he has ever enjoyed. What a pity/ What a shame Its a pity that Its great fun be of +(大小、形状、重量、新旧、颜色等)名词 4.交际英语 What do you do?(表示询问职业) Could you?(表示请求) 电话用语:遗憾的表达方式。 8二、考点精析与拓展 1. search;search for; look for (1)search指“搜查某地或搜身”,其宾语可以是房屋、人身、衣袋等名词。如: They searched their homes without

4、 any reason.他们毫无理由地搜查了他们的家。 They searched him but found nothing.他们搜了他的身,但没有找到什么。 (2)search for 则指“搜寻、搜索某人或物”。如: They searched for him everywhere.他们到处搜寻他。 The police searched the wood for the lost child.警察在树林里寻找走失的孩子。 试比较:They searched his clothes.他们搜查了他的衣服。(看是否藏有东西) They searched for his clothes.他们在

5、搜寻他的衣服。(要找到衣服) 另外,search也可用做名词,in search of “寻找、寻求”是个常见短语。如: The boys went in search of something to eat.孩子们去找东西吃。 (3)look for意为“寻找”,同search for意义大体相同。但search for 意味较强,用很大注意力搜寻。而look for则较为通俗,常用于日常用语。如: I looked for my missing pen everywhere.我到处找我丢失的那支笔。 2. be certain; be sure be uncertain about意思是“

6、对不确定(没把握)” uncertain的词根是certain,意思是“确信的,有把握的”,常用于以下结构: (1)be certain(sure) to do sth.“肯定会做”(表示某事将要发生)。如: He is certain(sure) to come next Sunday. (2)be certain(sure) of/ about sth.“确信、有把握”(表示某个人的思想状态)。如: We are certain/ sure of victory. (3)名词从句作主语时,一般多用certain. It is certain that he will come. 3. “喜

7、欢”的表示方法 英语中,表示“喜欢”的动词或词组有若干个,它们的语气强弱不同,有重有轻,意思也不完全一样,下面分别举例说明: (1)love 意为“热爱”,指引起深厚的、强烈的感情的爱,并有一种依附意,语气最重。如: His mother,whom he loved deeply,died when he was only a small boy.他深深爱戴着他的母亲,当他小的时候,她与世长辞了。 I love doing comedies .我喜欢演喜剧。 (2)be fond of 表示“喜欢” “热爱”,也表示对某人或某事有感情,语气次于“love”。如: Ants are fond o

8、f sweet food.蚂蚁喜欢吃甜食。 Im fond of this child.我喜欢这个小孩。 (3)care for意为“喜欢、对有兴趣”。如: The girl cares much for new clothes.这个女孩很喜欢新衣服。 They do not care very greatly for art.他们对艺术不是很感兴趣。 (4)like意为“喜欢”,指不反感,但不引起强烈的感情和迫切的愿意,反义词为dislike.如: Do you like reading?你喜欢阅读吗? I like to read in bed.我喜欢在床上看书。 (5)enjoy意为“欣

9、赏”“喜欢”,具有满足感,如: I enjoy foreign music.我喜欢外国音乐。 Most students enjoy asking questions in English.大部分学生喜欢用英语问问题。 (6)go in for“喜欢(做某类事)、有某种习惯或做法”。如: What sports do you go in for?你喜欢哪些体育运动? We dont go in for that sort of thing.我们不喜欢那种事情。 4. as;which引导定语从句异同 as, which 都能引导限制性或非限制性的定语从句。 (1)在引导限制性定语从句时; wh

10、ich从句修饰的先行词是名词(词组),which可与that换用,作宾语时可省去。如: Then gr ow some tomatoes in one box which has plant food in the soil and some in another box which doesnt. But the studios(which)he started are still busy today,producing more and more interesting films. as从句的先行词是the same/such或被the same/such修饰;as可作主、宾、表语,一

11、律不可省略。如: Many of the sports were the same as they are now.(as作表语) He uses the same map as I (use).他和我用的是同一份地图。(as作宾语) Such as beautiful park as is being built was designed by two young engineers.正在建造的如此漂亮的公园是由两个年轻的工程师设计的。(as作主语) The printed newspaper was not such as the chief editor had expected. 印好

12、的报纸并非如主编原来所期望的那样。(as作宾语) (2)在引导非限制性定语从句时,as,which都可作主、宾、表语,都不可省去。 which从句补充说明先行词的用途、性质、状态、特征等。如: At present,the biggest nature park for milu deer in China is in the Nanhaizi Milu Park,which is about 20 kilometres south of Beijing.(位置) China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the c

13、osts of making the newspaper.(用途) One of Charile Chaplins most famous films was“The Gold Rush”,which was made in 1925.(时间) Now, however,the maters of this great lake,which is also the Worlds deepest(over 1,740 metres),have been dirtied by waste from a chemical factory.(特征) which从句还可表示说话人的看法,也可对主句作意义上的补充;which=and it/ this/ that/ they;which代表的是先行词、主句或主句的一部分;which从句只能放在先行词或主句后。如: H


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