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1、2022年考博英语-中国艺术研究院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Although our understanding of learning is still not complete, a great deal is known. Learning has many different forms and takes place under many conditions. In general, it involves a change in behavior. When a change in behavior takes place as a result of lea

2、rning, the change is usually a long-lasting one. Learning may mean that a number of small independent acts are arranged in a new order. This happens, for example, when you learn to play a new piece on the piano.【答案】尽管我们对“学习”的理解不尽完善,然而我们对此已有不少了解。“学习”可以呈现不同的形式,也可以在许多情况下进行。一般来说,“学习”必然会引起行为的变化。“学习”导致人们行

3、为发生变化时,这种变化常能持久。“学习”也许意味着对一系列细小而不相关的行为按新的顺序重新排列。就好比你在钢琴上学习弹奏一首新的曲子。2. 单选题Having gone through all kinds of hardships in life, he became a famous clown with a strong( ).问题1选项A.philosophyB.mannerC.personalityD.idealism【答案】B【解析】考查固定用法。to blame意为“该受责备;怪罪;应该负责”。句意“如果你从不复习你的台词,假如在表演时失败了,你只能怪你自己。”选项B符合语境。3.

4、 单选题When PH.D. candidates( )their impending professorships, they consider housing benefits offered by the prospective university.问题1选项A.anticipateB.assumeC.applyD.demand【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项anticipate“预期,预计(并做准备)”;B选项assume“设想,假定”;C选项apply“申请,应用”;D选项demand“强烈要求”。句意:当博士申请者在为即将到来的教授职位做准备时,他们会考虑未来大学提供的住房

5、福利。选项A符合语境。4. 单选题You may never experience an earthquake or a volcanic eruption in your life, but you will( )changes in the land.问题1选项A.adaptB.adoptC.witnessD.define【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项adapt“适应,改编”;B选项adopt“采取,接受”;C选项witness“目击,见证”;D选项define“定义,规定”。句意:在你的生命中你可能从来没有经历过地震或火山爆发,但是你将见证这片土地的变化。选项C符合语境。5. 单

6、选题Nobody would expect a city water system designed for 1 m residents to be able to handle a 1,000-fold increase in population in just a few years. Yet that is what the internets fundamental addressing scheme has had to accommodate. When the network was first established there were only a handful of

7、computer centres in America. Instead of choosing a numbering system that could support a few thousand or million addresses, the internets designers foresightedly opted for one that could handle 4 billion. But now even that is not enough.The addressing system, called internet protocol version 4 (IPv4

8、), cannot keep up with the flood of computers, mobile phones, hand-held gadgets, games consoles and even cars and refrigerators flooding onto the network. Nearly 85% of available addresses are already in use; if this trend continues they will run out by 2011, the Organisation for Economic Cooperatio

9、n and Development, a think-tank for rich countries, warned in May.The shortage is not the only problem; so too is growing complexity. IPv4 addresses are allocated in blocks to network operators. The path to reach each network is published on a global list that is constantly updated. Big computers, c

10、alled routers, use these entries to guide the flow of traffic across the internet. But as more devices and networks link to the internet, it becomes necessary to subdivide the address blocks into ever-smaller units. This risks overtaxing the millions of routers that handle the internets traffic, whi

11、ch must be regularly upgraded to keep up. Were there no alternative to IPv4, parts of the internet would eventually suffer from sporadic outages.Fortunately a new system does exist, called internet protocol version 6, which provides 3.4X1038 addresses. This means IPv6 addresses can be allocated to n

12、etwork operators and companies in much larger quantities. It also provides a clean slate for establishing new paths over the internet, reducing complexity. But switching means upgrading millions of devices.In fact, support for IPv6 is already widely available in software and hardware, but it has not

13、 been used much. Only a few research institutions and the American government took the IPv6 plunge early on. (In America all federal agencies must be capable of using IPv6 by June 30th 2008, by executive order.)But in recent months the pace of change has picked up. In February Mr Vixie, a network en

14、gineer, flipped a switch that means domain names can now map onto IPv6 addresses. This may herald more widespread adoption of the new protocol, since it means that any organisation can use IPv6 addresses with its domain names, and users can access them without special rigging.1.From the first paragr

15、aph we may infer that the design of the internets fundamental addressing scheme is( ).2.According to the author, the addressing system IPv4( ).3.The potential problem with internet protocol version 4 today is that( ).4.It is implied that IPv6 addresses( ).5.Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?问题1选项A.over-populatedB.very popularC.out of dateD.rather irrational问题2选项A.will run out by 2011B.cannot keep up with so much informationC.is over-loaded with too many functionsD.is damaged by a think-tank for rich countries问题3选项A.nea



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