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1、广州市小学英语教科版五年级下册Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan (period 3)教学设计Our Holiday Plan增城区荔城街中心小学 谢昭瑜一、教学内容分析本节课是Unit4的第三课时,是基于Module2 Plan教学内容的一节阅读拓展课。主要任务是在上一节课掌握如何表达自己的假期计划或描述他人的计划后学会综合运用,策划有意义的活动计划,并汇报出来。本课时还是以Ben为主要角色,通过他向JanetJiaminXiaoling提议一起在学校假期开展志愿服务活动为主要背景,完成计划中的who/where/when/what/how long等因素。教学

2、活动中主要以jigsaw reading为主要阅读方法,阅读四个人的假期计划后找出合适的活动时间,在jigsaw reading的三个环节中阅读四个人的计划,提取重要信息,整合信息并完成任务单,最后由学生一步步解决五要素,拟定他们的志愿服务计划。本课注重阅读策略的指导,同时在活动中教育学生学会为自己的生活和旅行合理安排计划,关注个人活动感受,并对学生开展“人与社会”的文化品质培育。教师结合单元主题,从学生的生活实际出发重构文本,通过学生自主思考、提取信息、归纳总结、运用提升等从听说读写等方面全面提高学生的英语学科素养。二、教学对象分析五年级的学生具备一定的英语基础,也具备了一定的听、说、读、写

3、的能力,能通过自主、合作、探究的范式解决问题。以“制定志愿服务计划”为背景的情景式学习和谈论有关的假期计划活动也是学生比较感兴趣的,是这些都是开展本课学习活动的重要前提。本课还开展jigsaw reading,增大学生的阅读量,其中有很多学生合作交流的环节,将不同层次的学生进行合理分工搭配学习,让学生在home group和expert group学习中有更多的互动,从而在整体上照顾学生的整体水平,并体验学习的乐趣。三、教学目标 知识目标:能读懂文本材料,自主学习,理解文本大意,提取语言信息,掌握邀请函书写的几要素; 能力目标:能用核心句型拟定计划,正确书写计划; 文化目标:注重学生公民素养的

4、发展,学会为自己的生活和旅行做计划,合理安排时间,有社会责任感,学会担当,快乐生活。 学习策略:阅读策略指导及活动策划指导 教学策略与资源:1. 采用探究式教学法增强课堂的趣味性,通过猜测、自主思考、归纳总结、小组合作互动等完成本课的学习任务。2. 本节课需要用到的PPT,图片,文本材料。五、教学重、难点1. 理解文本材料的内容2. 运用已学知识,解读文本并提取重要信息,拟定计划。3. 理解文化活动的深层意义,学会乐于助人,有责任担当,能保持一颗乐观的心,热爱生活,拥抱生活。 六、教学过程StagesTeaching Activities & stepsLearning Activities

5、& stepsPurposesWarming up1. Free talk. Greeting. Ask Ps to talk about their plans. 2.Ask Ps to talk about some activities with non-stopping.(3 minutes)3. Ask Ps to Review U4 and pay attention to some facts(who/where/when/what/how/) (mind-map)plan. Then lead to the topic.1. Talk about their plans.(we

6、ekend plan/May Day plan/Dragon Boat Festival plan)2. 3minutes non stopping talking about the activities.3. Review U4 and pay attention to some facts(who/where/when/what/how/).1. 复习滚动,检查上节课的作业,分享同学们的假期计划,让学生在谈论plan时熟悉主要的表达。2、3. 滚动句型和活动短语,提出写计划的几个要素。并有意识初步解难,为后面的写作做铺垫。Pre-reading1. Make a situation. B

7、en: We are going to have a five-day holiday. I am going to do something for the children in Paitan. Would you like to go together?Janet/Jiamin/Xiaoling:Great! But we have our own plans. When shall we go?Ben: I have my plan too. What shall we do? Ask Ps to listen and talk.1. Listen to T and learn: wh

8、at are they talking about?( 1st time); What are they going to do?/whats their problem?(根据五要素让学生思考讨论)1.设置情景,引入设疑,抛出问题,发散学生思维,让学生明确阅读任务。While reading拼图阅读1.故事情节引入T: Look! These are their plans. Maybe we can help them to find their free time.2.指导学生进行拼图阅读(1)Ask Ps to choose the plans according to their r

9、eading levels first. Ask them to read the plan and finish the first task.(2)Ask Ps go to the expert groups. Check the answer and learn the new word. Make sure they can retell the plan. (3)Lead Ps to learn the new words.3. Ask Ps to share their plans with each other. Retell the plan to other three ch

10、ildren on turns. Each of them should get the information from four plans altogether.4. Ask Ps to retell the plans by exchange.6. Talk about the plans. “What do you think of their plans? Which one do you like best? How do the children feel?”“How to write a plan?”7. Ask Ps to find their free time.1.感知

11、故事情节,为拼图阅读做好铺垫。2.学生进行拼图阅读(1)学生四人一组,分别从Ben、Janet、Jiamin和Xiaoling的计划中,选择一个进行自主阅读,并完成相对应的任务单(阅读的文本有四个levels)。(2)学生离开自己的原始组,按照所选择的阅读内容组成新组,在新组内进行阅读并学会精读自己的plan。(3)学习新单词.3.学生在新组(expert groups)内就所读部分进行分享交流;4. 学生回到原始组,与所读不同内容的同伴互相交流分享;5.班级分享展示;6. Ps talk about the plans and learn how to write a plan.Ps try

12、 to describe the plan they like best and tell the reasons.Then talk about the childrens feelings.7.学生尝试找出四个小朋友共同的free time.学生交换信息汇报,教师校对,印证答案。通过拼图阅读制造信息差激发学生的阅读兴趣,在自主阅读、同伴交流分享中培养学生的阅读能力。同时发展学生学会提取信息、整合信息的思维能力,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。梳理概括,总结提升。从对计划的认识与讨论中尝试让学生从三观谈谈对计划、生活的认识。教育学会学会为自己的生活和旅行做计划,学会合理安排时间。Post rea

13、ding2. Ask the Ps to make a plan for the four children.4. Ask Ps to read out their plan.5. 文化品格教育2. Children make a plan for the four children.“Our holiday plan”学生尝试帮Ben他们拟定志愿服务计划。4. Share the plan.5.文化品格教育2.学生根据上面几个计划文本的学习,尝试写计划,结合主题教育,让学生学会做人,有社会责任感,提升“人与社会”的教育。Homework1. Try to write your summer

14、holiday plan.2. Share your plan to others. A: where is Ben/Janet/Xiaoling/Jiamin going on holiday? What is he/she going to do on? B: He/She is going to. / He/She will. Our Holiday Plan5B M2 U4Period 3板书设计:Words Bank文本:Ben: We are going to have a five-day holiday from June 21st to 25th . I am going t

15、o do something meaningful for the children in Paitan. Would you like to go together?Jiamin/Janet/ Xiaoling: Great! Id like to go! Janet: But we have our own plans.Jiamin: Yeah! When shall we go then?Ben: Oh, I have my plan too. What shall we do?We are going to have a five-day holiday in June. On the first day, I am going to visit a farm with my p



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