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1、否定句否定句一、概念 否定句指表示否定意义的句子。二、相关知识点精讲1. 用not构成的否定句:主语+助动词/情态动词/be + not + 例句:He is not back yet.It is not true.We haven t forgotten you.You shouldn t be so silly.We haven t been invited yet.He won t go, but they will.Money could not buy happ in ess.I like the salad, but I don t like this soup.He wants

2、a girl friend, but he doesn t want to get married.You didn t understand what I said, did you?You needn t try to explain.I didn t use to like opera, but now I m getting interested.I usedn t to like opera, but now I m getting interested.2. 祈使句的否定句: Don t +动词原形。例句:Don t worry. I ll look after you.Don t

3、believe a word he says.Don t be so rude.3.非谓语动词(不定式,分词,动名词)的否定式:把 not 放在 to do; doing;刖面It s important not to worry.He said he deeply regretted not being able to help.Not knowing what to do, Shelly asked advice of her frie nd.He reproached me for not having told it to him.4. not 与除谓语以外的其他句子成分连用:Come

4、 early, but not before six.It s working, but not properly.I believe he will succeed, though not without some difficulty.not 用在 I hope; I believe; I m afraid; I guess; I suppose; I expect 之后,构成省 略句。Will it sn ow today ?I hope not.5. 用no构成否定句:no+名词(单,复数,不可数)相当于not+ a +名词/ not + any +名词No machine would

5、 work for long if it were not properly lubricated.The n ati ons of Europe and America have found that no country can produce all its n eeds without tradi ng.Take that towel, I have no other.I can walk no farther.There is no knowing what will happe n.6. 某些否定畐寸词或代词: seldom; n ever; hardly; rarely; lit

6、tle; few; none;no where; n either 等在句中构成否定句:I can seldom find time for reading.Mirror tells only the facts, n ever the poetry.The rumor came from no where.None but fools have ever believed it.7. 否定转移:当 think; believe; suppose; imagine 等动词引导否定意义的宾语从 句时,把从句中的not提到主句这些动词前面,是主句变成否定句:I don t think she s

7、at home, but I ll go and see.I don t imagine that he ll enjoy it.8. 否定式疑问句:Does n t she un dersta nd?Haven t you booked your holiday yet?9. 部分否定:注意部分否定的结构:Not all =AII not Not both=Both notNot every=Everynot I don t remember all the names.All is not gold that glitters.It is not found everywhere.Not

8、every one likes this film.10. 用否定形式表示肯定的意义: 注意这些句型:cannottoo./ cannot more:越就越好; 再不过了。You cannot be too careful.A man can n ever have too many frien ds特别注意:1 部分否定和全部否定1) 当 all, both, every, everybody, everything, each 等代词及 always, wholly, everywhere 等副词出现在句中时,谓语动词的否定形式只表示部分否定,意为“不都是,不总是,并非全”等。This b

9、ook is not to be found everywhere / All these answers are not correct2) 具有否定意义的代词、副词或短语,如: n o, non e, nobody, nothi ng, n either, n ever, nowhere 等,词组如:free from, far from , would rather tha n 等。Neither of them is my frie nd / Nobody is fond of the bookThe problem is far from difficult /The medici

10、ne set him free from pai n2. 否定形式表示肯定意乂 1) no sooner tha n, hardly/ scarcely/barely whe n 表示 “一就”No sooner had they rushed out of the house tha n the earthquake happe ned2) Cannottoo, cannotenough 表示“越 越好,无论怎么 也不过分”John is such a good student that we can t praise him too much / You cannot be careful

11、 eno ugh3) Nothi ng more tha n 表示“仅仅是,非常”There is nothing he likes more than a cup of tea4) No / none other than 表示“正是, 不是 正是”This is no other tha n the n ewspaper you want / She is none other tha n my daughter.5) Nothing but / except 与 none but 意为 “仅仅,只有才”The boys want to do nothing but watch TV. /

12、 None but a fool would do such a thi ng.6) Cannot but表示“只好,只得”I can t but go with you.7) Nottill / until表示 “直到 才”He didn t go home until he had finished all his work. (此句的强调句和倒装句怎么说呢?)8) Not a little表示“很,极,非常”,not a bit表示“一点也不”,not a few表 示“很多”He gave me not a little trouble. / She is not a bit afra

13、id.3. 肯定形式表否定意义。1) 畐寸词 little 与动词 believe, expect, think, realize, know, imagine, guess 等连 用时,通常置于动词前,表示完全否定意义。I little expected that things should turn out like this.When I first came to this country, I little thought that I should stay here so long.2) “too+adj.+ to do ”用来表示“太以至不 ”This stone is too

14、 heavy for me to lift.但当 too 后是 easy, kind, ready, glad, likely, willing, eager, delighted, pleased 等一 类表心情、态度或倾向性的形容词时,too表“非常,很”,后面的不定式不再有否 定意义。He is too delighted to see his former classmate.3) An yth ing but 表示“绝对不,一点也不”。The problem is anything but difficult. / He is anything but an actor.4) More thancan意为“无法,难以,简直不”This is more tha n I can bear.5) More A than B表示“是A不是B”,“与其说是B,不如说是A”。He is more brave than wise (有勇无谋)。 I was more angry than frightened.4. 否定的其他注意点1) “主语+ be + the last + n. + to do / that ”是一种加强语气的否定句,意思是“最不 . 的,决不


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