2022广东深圳中考英语一模二模试题分类汇编 专练01:完型填空(含详解)

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2022广东深圳中考英语一模二模试题分类汇编 专练01:完型填空(含详解)_第1页
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《2022广东深圳中考英语一模二模试题分类汇编 专练01:完型填空(含详解)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022广东深圳中考英语一模二模试题分类汇编 专练01:完型填空(含详解)(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022广东深圳中考英语一模二模试题分类汇编(深圳牛津版)目录二、2022深圳福田二模 四、2022深圳光明二模 六、2022深圳南山二模 八、2022深圳坪山一模 十、2022深圳盐田一模专练01完形填空(原卷版)一、2022深圳宝安二模三、2022.深圳市高级中学.二模五、2022深圳龙华二模七、2022深圳坪山二模九、2022.深圳市高级中学.一模一、完型填空01(2022深圳宝安二模)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B, C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。There once lived an elephant named Peter, who was the most for

2、getful elephant ever. Suzy, Peters wife, was tired of Peter forgetting things. Peter didnt miss their on purpose, but he would always end up forgetting. This made Suzy feel 2 in his life. One day Suzy said, *it is my birthday tomorrow and we will go out for 3. If youre not on time this time, were do

3、ne for good.Peter was 4 he would upset Suzy again. There had to be a way for him to remember. He tied a red ribbon (丝带)around his trunk. He thought that next morning when he would look at the ribbon, it would5 him of the dinner and he would not miss it. That night Peter went to sleep thinking he was

4、 on to something.The next morning when Peter 6 and looked at himself in the mirror, he saw the ribbon. But he had forgotten what it was for. Peter tried to figure out what it was. He called all his friends asking if he made a7 to anyone, yet there were none. Soon night took over the sky and Peter de

5、cided that he would ask Suzy what the ribbon was for. She must 8.Peter rushed to Suzy but before he had the chance to ask Suzy, she hugged him 9. He had arrived intime for the dinner at last and they ended up having a very 10 night, full of laughter.But Peter never found out what the ribbon was for.

6、1.A. chanceB.trainC. plansD.lessons2.A. less confidentB.more usefulC.more valuableD.less important3.A. funB.dinnerCcoffeeD.lunch4.A. worriedB.thankfulC.certainD.aware5.A. freeB.warnC.accusedD.remind6.A. fell overB.woke upC.passed outD.lay down7.A. mistakeB.speechCpromiseD.difference8.A. rememberB.wa

7、itC.acceptD.guess9.A. sadlyB.finallyC.angrilyD.happily10.,A. boringB.lovelyC,quietD.lonely二、完型填空02(2022深圳福田二模)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。My mom used to say that my first words were: Ill do it myself.Maybe it was because I was an only child and spent hours teaching me to entertain myself.

8、 My mother called my stubbornness (固执)“independence”.At 12, I made a carpool (拼车)schedule with other students7 moms and made a six-year plan to attend university. While my parents friends were telling their 2 to finish their homework, mine didnt carewhether Td do the right thing. They 3 thought I wo

9、uld.1 wanted everyone to think I was perfect. The truth is that while I tried to look 4, I felt like phony (骗子).As life became more complex (复杂的),perfection became 5 to achieve. I panicked (恐慌),pushed myself harder.Simple tasks felt almost impossible. I 6 playing sports and canceled plans with frien

10、ds.My parents became scared. They took me to the doctor. I was diagnosed (诊断)as depressed (抑郁的)and anxious.After some reflection (反思),I 7 that I couldnt do everything on my own. But that was okay.Before, I was determined to be the perfect student and child. Now, I was determined to be an imperfect 8

11、.So I tried to open up to my loved ones. This helped me deal with my depression and anxiety. I am not 9 for letting others help me through life. If there is any problem, I should talk to the people I love and trust. My parents may be the first 10, but I have friends too. They make my life better.1.

12、A. aloneB. aliveC. activelyD. carefully2. A. classmatesB. friendsC. kidsD. parents3. A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. seldom4. A. funnyB. prettyC. proudD. perfect5. A. easierB. harderC. fasterD. slower6. A. keptB. enjoyedC. triedD , stopped7. A. realizedB. complainedC. forgotD. dreamed8. A. customerB

13、. playerC. patientD. guest9. A. happyB. excitedC. clearD. weak10. A. hopeB. choiceC. reasonD. problem三、完型填空03(2022深圳市高级中学二模)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete, and a person who also refuses to accept the words no or I cant.She was bom without the lower

14、 half of her legs and has worn prosthetic (假体)ones all her life. She grew up in Alabama, US and had a(n) childhood. She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool. She feels lucky 2 her family treated her in just the same way as the other members.When a person is born wit

15、hout legs, there are plenty of things that are difficult to do. But Katy believed she could 3 anything. So she chose two jobs that are difficult, even with both legs. As a teenager, she once saw a good movie. Before it was 4. Katy had made her mind up to be a(n) 5.She did a degree in theater and then moved to Los Angeles, where she has played 6 in theater, television and movies. She has a positive view of life. She thinks that


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