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1、新时代交互英语视据说对话原文第四册Unit1Sritla: It all so icredibl, Mom Im orkng o a sty aboutof the natinal soce pers, Nik Cawodo, thats the thing. He knowthat one of istammates hs ramed hm And I eve hsnocnt.Talia: Lo,Mm, I have togo. III cal morrw, OK?By Yes, ye, me, o. Bye.Nck:Hi.I ams son I coldhat ?alia:Ie ben t

2、hikin about th all d. owtellme, again:When n did yo me iJaie Bar wman?Nik:Ive aleay told ou.e ce u tome at the juic barWesepa meetgTlia:Rght.t roffce.Excpt oueer ent pto heroffi.Nic:Rih, s h meet m in he lbb, we shk hnd , and se aks e tolunchaia:Yes,to a litl pace aon tecorn,a I rcaII. Nic:Right. An

3、dthen she k metoendore a ne pair fshoes.Tali:Yeah. o old me theyrelld ics Nik:Riht. nsh expain thatIll have t war the shos n Iplay.And ecmanywilusemy name in headsTl:. Can you think of anytng else?Nic:We, we id takabout a de ora Kicks comercilTalia:A commercl? Whatcomrcia?N: tldyou abut ha,dnt l? hy

4、 wanted me tobein a comercialSrpt 2Talia:Hang naecond. Yu nevr sadnythinabout comrcial. Iwnnahear more bo his Dot leaveot ny tas.iscouldbe iportat.ick:OK. So, vr lunchhedescribethe ealackie:o,youl war urshoes when youay. Andwell us your namen as. oh and fifty thusa dollrsiyours.Nik:SoundsgoodAn his

5、wil esomeime xt yer?acke:Uh, yea, hts ight.W cn work out te dtil aer ortis, ut wlrobbly want you topea n a comercialNick:ol!Jakie:I fac. Im wokingn aniea fo a commercirih ow. aa har about it?Nck:Sue.Jakie:K. Pcture ths. Yur sittig in apak Onaench. tsabeautfu spigdayNi:So fr, o god.Jackie:OK. A ygkid

6、 comes up t yu and s, “He!Arent ou Ni Cwfd, t socce sta?”Nick:UhhuhJacke:nd yu sy,“hts me”rsomehigikethat.Nick:Right.Jacke: then t kid says,“Wow! Co shos! at are tey?” Anyou ay, “k. Wha ele?”:hats it?Jki:hatsi.ic:So, al I hae too i sit on te benchand talk to a kid?Jakie:Tas l yohave to d.Tali:hatswh

7、at I thht!This acke personrecrde you consati ve lunh. Thesheted h tape Soi s liyoure accpting aie.Nik:Oh.wow!Unit 2Scipt1Tla: Ty,I needto see yu have to brin you u odate n th Nick rwford try.To: Ce i. What goingn?Talia: I just spoe o NikHewas tik. The ape was ditede ddt take a brib.It jstsounds h wa

8、yo: Well, what os your auiepetsay? Talia: I orgt totell you Its efinitely ks voe. ndhe said th tape asdfinitly dtedTony: Bu dont geti. Whos behind is? alia: Oof Nicks emmte, DeanBishop. Hreents being i Nick hao.H n b the nlstron te team. oy: Of rse! The bottomli is . ben the sta sworth ot ofmoey i e

9、nsement.ai: Still. catimgne. Ty:OK.o,nw,whas your plan? Tl: av a ide. nedsom lpfrAy Toy: Fineu ca ave anthedaonthi d wwontun hestor t u one mor hin, Taia, I hope yore notemotinll involved n his story.lia: Me? Emotionaly nvolve?Tony: Ikow you wnto ear ckme. But if you wnt tohave acee in ournais,ohav

10、remmbe to sty jectiv.Scrpt2Pa: Hi here. WhatcanI fr you?Amy: Hw abot a ge icd te?Paty: Comingright up.my: . and litlefrmaion.Patty: Wht kin of infomio?Amy: m rying o e od soeonenmed JackieBhp. I wstld that shesammber oftis cl Patty: Hm.Shesto b,butnt aymore. She toppedcoig her a while ago. ayb a yea

11、r ago, even.Amy: Oh. To a.Patty: H boher n, t socer lye,works out ee,thug. remember sn hi strday,aron lunchme Maybe could spe tohim. Amy: Aually, I er av seein im. Its a litle copliad betwnhi and , if yo knowhat mean.aty: Oh,Ise. el,heres andea IthinkJcki ting actingcasesovera the univrsi. Maybe yucoulcath up wih he thee. my: Shes tki ating clase atteuniversy? atty: M-.Amy:h. es, . Thats et ida Thankfo the ip.Patt : O, liewse!Thnks!Unit cript Ay: Talia,are you lmot re?li: Iaboutten mitsawaCan u s her?Amy: Y. Ses sitinon as.Hrry p. asse strtnbut 0 minutes.Taia: e, s go over to hr an


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