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1、高考英语阅读理解基本训练极品题(19)及答案阅读理解-C Todyschildrn a t “result” of the oden sciet O paren havejbsat keetembsy almst all d lng. Thy oy hve f dy inaweek. Tisdoesnt alw them to kee a eyeon heir childrn.On heoher hand, t mersieygives morefredmtothecdt they ould “hnl” A a chl,y donnow how gro u by yorselfnl youra

2、ch a certain age Tat s wh you ned schl nd parets to be byour seal heime Ifyou o hae eiter ofthem you maymke atofmstakes. Tesocil sytem f t morn societis ery enint epcialywihthe clrenst ofthechdrentoday a reel(判逆者) ey are ru. Thy ar gvn too much fredm b theirfaiies is isther aeniak. he ought t know t

3、 e freedom th give ttheirhilden ismiunderstoodor xple it is a bdhingr a1 r ol chid to o ouin th vening n eekend. rnts a alsouilt o hwathei cildren shwup ihstret oat scoolTh sameguit belog tothe eachig syse as welPupishoulte llwed drslke the were o shon prsetation aol.Another importatfact we cnthink

4、of regrdng h freedom of children s their reiof spening neyPrent shouldnt llow the chiden t pend moneynwhatever hey an.I hinkchildrn are giventoomuchfem oty by tiarnts, butaobyte sociey. Th latter smre be blme!e writer impies hat prnt busy lfesyle .Aakes their chdre bee inpedetB.a leado a tnse rent h

5、ild relatinsipC.i hrmfu to their chidens hea.is likey to creata troubled geeraion.What does the undrned word “lnent” (in Paa 2) men?ANot responsi BNot trict.Ukind.DUnfair.6.It seems that te agreeshat tudets Ahoudstay a om on wekedsB.canweartrndy cothes t sholCadbetterrscholuirm a schoolD.an b oed to

6、 g o in te venngs67.crdig to thwiter, whch f efllowingaeshe pimry reponblt or hidrnpoblems?ATe soia envronmen.e eduaona ss.CEch ami.D.Th schol.孩子不公平。【考点定位】考察词义猜想能力。6.【答案】C【解析】根据第四段Puplsshoultbe alowodreslikeer on afasion rsetionat schol.可知孩子在校应当穿校服【考点定位】考察细节推理能力。67.【答案】【解析】根据文章第一句和最后一段可知是现代社会应当对孩子的问

7、题负重要责任。【考点定位】考察细节理解能力。 科普常识类(浙江,B)Belowi a selectio frm a popa ience ook.Ifblood i ed,wh arveis(静脉)bl?tally,ven are not bue atall.Teare mor o clar,ellwh colorAlthugblod looks redwhen is outsde hebod,whenitsittinin a ein na the surfaceo kin,itsmoreof dakrddsh urple colurt theright dph,these bloodfled

8、 einseflec ess dlght than the srrundngskn,making the lokbue y comprio.Which ork rde,yor hart oryuba?Thatindof dpedso wethr yore buy hnkg orbuy exrcising.Yureart work uoetmes harde duing exeris,and hitnouh bloo over a lifeimetofill spertanke.Bt,in te long ,ou bri probl tps it,bee v h yuresttig stilyo

9、ur brin s un twce asmuch nery syourheart,and t tkes four o ivetimeas muclod o feed i.Wy do teet all out,d hy dnt tey grow bac in rowus?Bay (r“mlk”) teeth do nt la log;they fall out to ake ro fr bigger,strgdult tet ler onAdulttth all ou whnthey bcme damagd,deaed a ifecte by bcteriaOncethi sconst f ee

10、thhas grown in,oure done.When theyre on,heyre gn.Thisis cse nature igures yore set forlif,n wh ontrolsregrwoyour eth swice of.Do ol peple srns t age?Ysan no.Many people d t soter as they.But,whethe do,i int becus thr hriking ll ove.he simly lose hht as teirsie(脊柱) bcoe shrtrand more cve du to dissea

11、 effect of graity(重力)Many (b nt ll) menadwomenoos heigh the getoer.Melose n arg o 34 cm ihight atey g,whi womenmylose 5cm rme.If yuvetoe20 yasold,wul yu kep hrining till you were,like 60 cm all,likea litleoy agan?No,beus l pple dnteally srin!I is not that tey are growin bakwarsthrles,arms an backons

12、ettig shorter.Whn ty do get hte,its because the spine ha shrtned a ltte.r,moreofte,beom mre nt ad curved.hy does spiningayoudzzy(眩晕的)?ecuseourbain get confsd etwen hat youreeingad hatyurefeeg.The bai ss hat yr spinnnusingspeclavityandmotionseninorgasinyine ar,wich ork tgeth withor eye toee your visin dbaa


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