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1、2012届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3The world online(译林牛津版选修7)一、知识复习 (一)词汇部分1.【原句再现】 is to advance knowledge about hobbies.(P 34)【知识要点】advance的用法【诊断练习】根据汉语提示补全下列句子(词数不限)。如果你要买这些商品,你得先付款。 If you want to get the goods, you must pay for it _ . 他走在外宾的前面。 He walked _ the foreign visitors. 他的英语学习已经取得了很大的进步。He has _ in

2、English study. 2.【原句再现】The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are(P 35)【知识要点】address 的用法。【诊断练习】把下列句子翻译成汉语。Tom is going to address the meeting. _There is a letter addressed to you. _If I knew his address, I would write to him. _I addressed the envelope to Mr. Jones. _Your essay doesn

3、t address the real issues._3.【原句再现】 These problems of inaccuracy do not occur as often(P 35)【知识要点】occur及其同义词的用法辨别【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。 The accident _ to the old man yesterday. A. happened B. chanced C. occurred D. took place He _to meet her. A. happen B. chanced C. occurred D. took place The malari

4、a disease_ in the poor African countries in the past. A. happened B. chanced C. occurred D. took place The meeting _ at 8:00 as planned. A. happened B. chanced C. occurred D. took place It _ to me that she didnt know I had moved into the new house.A.happened B. chanced C. occurred D. took place 4【原句

5、再现】 I admire the boy I debated against because he was very skillful.(P 41)【知识要点】admire 的用法【诊断练习】把下列句子翻译成汉语。 The beautiful girl has many admirers. _I am not a great admirer of your work. _You may not like her, but you have got to admire her persistence. _I admire Li Yang for his success in English st

6、udy. _We admire him for his persistence. _5.【原句再现】 When people are in need of information,from current affairs and(P 34) 【知识要点】affairs及其同义词的用法【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。 I have been very interested in foreign _ . A.affairs B. businesses C. matters D. things Sorry, the manager is away on _. A. affair B. b

7、usiness C. matter D. thingWe all wonder what is the _ with the new machine. A.affair B. business C. matter D. thingA strange _ happened. A.affair B. business C. matter D. thing The murder was a terrible _. A.affair B. business C. matter D. thing6【原句再现】The first is its value for people who are lookin

8、g for information. (P 34) 【知识要点】value 的用法【诊断练习】根据汉语提示补全下列句子。你的房子值多少钱?What is _ _of your house ?你的帮助在控制物价方面很有价值。Your advice has been _ _ _ in controlling the price.我非常珍惜我们的友谊。I_ _ _ very much.这本书对于家长来说很有价值。The book is very _ to the parents.(二)句型部分1.【原句再现】And I am eager to debate again,( P 41 )【知识要点】b

9、e eager to及其同义词的用法辨别【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。 The boy _ to have a room of his own. Which of the following is NOT suitable? A. is anxious B. is eager C. longs D. is hoped She _ for her own love. A.longs B. eager C. anxious D. is worried He _ to get the doctors degree in this famous university. A. is eag

10、er B. concerns C. anxious D. worried2.【原句再现】Internet users become accustomed to spending more time ( P 37 )【知识要点】be/become accustomed to的用法【诊断练习】根据汉语提示补全下列句子。我习惯于早起。Im accustomed to _ _ _他习惯于奢华的生活。He _ _ _ a life of luxury.由于习惯了早起,他每天早上去慢跑。_ _ _ up early, he goes jogging every morning.3.【原句再现】 the I

11、nternet is now the first place that many people turn to(P 34)【知识要点】turn to 句型的用法【诊断练习】根据汉语提示补全下列句子。如果你有困难,尽管来找我好了。Dont hesitate to _ _ _ if you are in trouble.孩子向母亲寻求安慰。The child _ _ his mother _ comfort.冰已经变成了水。The ice _ _ _ water.现在让我们谈谈语言方面的问题。Now lets _ _ the linguistic points.二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. 很可能的,很有希望的a. 2. 摘要n. 简短的adj. 3. 获得, 学到vt.



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