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1、第17课时Units 5 6(九全)课时训练A层 .单项填空1.Why did he get up so early to work?In order to the heavy traffic in the city.A.cancelB.stopC.avoidD.solve2.Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice.A.feelsB.smellsC.looksD.tastes 3.2019盐城The number of the people using HUAWEI is getting la

2、rger and larger.A.projectsB.customersC.productsD.histories4.I here at 3:00. I for you for two hours.A.arrived; waitedB.have arrived; waitedC.arrived; have waitedD.have arrived; have waited5.When you have difficulty, do remember to . Two heads are better than one.A.make a decisionB.give upC.ask for h

3、elpD.give advice 6.2019临沂改编A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, 34 percent believe that they will make the roads more dangerous.A.althoughB.becauseC.ifD.so that7.So kind of you to give me a ride to the station. . A.Never mindB.My pleasure C.It doesnt matt

4、erD.Glad you like it8.2019达州Where will the 2022 Winter Olympics , Cindy?In Beijing, the capital of China, the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympics.A.be taken placeB.take placeC.take partD.be taken part9.How dangerous!Yeah.The bus hit the car just now.A.clearlyB.normallyC.nearlyD.mostly

5、 10.Do you know our new manager?Yes. He to be a friend of my brothers. A. turns upB.turns intoC.turns outD.turns off11.2019无锡Guess what? The university has accepted my application!Wow! Thats news Ive heard this year, Boris! Lets celebrate!A.a worseB.the worstC.a betterD.the best12.2019淮安You have joi

6、ned so many clubs. Im afraid youll be too tired. Remember, .Thanks, Dad. I can look after myself very well.A.many hands make light workB.you cant burn the candle at both endsC.the early bird catches the wormD.practice makes perfect13.Each different part of China has forms of traditional art.A.own sp

7、ecialB.special ownC.its own specialD.own special its14.The film made by Walt Disney all over the world.A.is used to showingB.is used to showC.used to showD.used to be shown15.There are so many old temples inBaotou.Thanks to the governments effort, most of the ancient buildings .A.are protecting well

8、B.are well protectedC.well protectedD.well protect.词语运用第一节用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子(每空仅限1个单词)。16.Like China, the UK has a long history. Kings and queens were once its .(rule)17.The players in the Chinese mens soccer team are paying more attention to their training.(day)18.Young children got a lot of from

9、dressing up.(please)19.No matter, he remained one of the of the crowds. (hero)20.Most of the in the games had already arrived. (compete)21.You cant imagine how the growing of e-textbooks is changing the students learning methods!(popular)22.His achievements, though hardly exciting, were admired. (wi

10、de)23.Which of them has more talent is not well known.(music)24.The theatre will provide in both English and Chinese. (translate)25.Im not sure if he believes me, but hes definitely everything.(doubt)第二节阅读下面短文,根据首字母、音标以及语境的提示在空白处填入适当的单词(1个单词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。We cant remember clea

11、rly when we started to take our mobiles to the dinner table. This happens a lot, 26.e when we eat out. Once a dish comes, 27. of lifting our chopsticks, we 28. (拿出) our mobiles and click. Later, we post the photos onto Weibo or WeChat, waiting to be “liked”. Then we check our mobiles 29.(时不时) during

12、 the meal, to see whether we get “liked” 30. not. We just cannot leave our mobiles for simply a meal.Does that sound familiar to you? Do you do that often? If 31., how do you feel when others do that when having dinner with you?A recent study suggests that what we 32. (习惯于) doing is not so good. Spe

13、nding time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant. To test this, some 33.rstz did an experiment. Some people were 34.a to take photos before they could enjoy food. 35.(结果), it showed that the 36. photos they took, the less delicious the food 37.s to them. So, why not stop taking photos a

14、nd just enjoy the food in front of you?So, next time you go out to have 38.d with your family or friends, 39.(怎么样) not taking photos of food? Let the food be delicious as it is and share your life with people 40.a you. Trust me, it will be a wonderful time.课时训练B层.2019泰州完形填空I will never forget May 15,2011. That night, my car crashed 1 a tree and everything has changed ever since.I lost most of my right 2, and I was left bleeding with sever



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