【最新】陕旅版英语四年级上册 Unit 6 What Subjects Do They Have单元练习

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1、最新版英语学习资料Unit6 单元练习一、给下列单词找出合适的图片。(1) PE A. (2) music B. (3) math C. (4) art D. (5) science E. (6) Chinese F. (7) English G. 二、单项选择。( ) 1. -How many _ do you have?-We have six.A. subjectB. ChineseC. subjects( ) 2. -_ subjects do they have this morning?-English and math.A. WhatsB. What C. How many( )

2、 3. -Do you like music?-No, _.A. I doB. dont C. I dont( ) 4. Its _ English book.A. aB. an C. /( ) 5. Im good _ drawing.A. atB. in C. on( ) 6. -Whats this?-_ an “o”.A. This is B. It C. Its( ) 7. You like _!A. eating B. to eats C. eat( ) 8. What are _?A. itB. they C. he三、读一读,选词填空。How, an, at, in, What

3、(1) I have _ English class in the afternoon.(2) _ subject do we have?(3) She is good _ Art and Music.(4) Whats _ your school bag?(5) _ many subjects do you have?四、读一读,选择合适的选项补全对话。A. What about you?B. I am good at Math.C. Whats in your hand?D. Are you good at Chinese?A: _(1)_B: Its a Chinese book.A:

4、_(2)_B: No, Im not. But I like Chinese very much. _(3)_A: Oh, _(4)_B: Thats really good.五、根据短文,选出正确的答案。I have two subjects this morning and two this afternoon. I like English and Chinese, but I dont like math. Im not good at math. Today, we dont have math. I like drawing very much. My friend, Alice,

5、 likes drawing, too. She doesnt like English.(1) I have _ subjects today (今天).A. twoB. fiveC. four(2) I dont like _.A. EnglishB. mathC. Chinese(3) My friend and I all like _.A. EnglishB. ChineseC. drawing(4) Alice doesnt like _.A. EnglishB. math C. Chinese(5) I dont have _ today.A. EnglishB. mathC. Chinese参考答案一、(1)-(7) EBCFGDA二、1-8 CBCBACAB三、(1) an(2) What(3) at(4) in (5) How四、(1)-(4) CDAB五、(1)-(5) CBCAB


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