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1、常州市正衡中学20172018学年第二学期八年级期中质量调研 (英语)二.单项选择21. Quite few students were not sure whether Russia is European country oran Asian one when they were learning World Geography.A. a; aB. a; anC. /;aD. /; an22. The emperors with their families in Qing and Ming Dynasties a luxury life in thePalace Museum, anot

2、her name of the Forbidden City.A. were used to living;haveB. used to living; withC. used to live; withD. used to live; have23. - Have you found that David is thinner these days?-Oh, he an exercise machine to take exercise in any season.A. a little;boughtB. a bit; boughtC. a bit; hasboughtD. a bit of

3、; has bought4.1 lt is very funny that Google s Art&Culture app can help you a face yoursin its database (数据库).B. search for;A. search; look likelikeC. search; like D. search for; likes25. -The surgeon hasn t come back, has he?,for he Australia since last week and w川 be back in a week.A. No, has been

4、inB. No, has gone toC. Yes, has gonetoD. Yes, has been in26. Are you going to Xue Yan the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)?-Yes, I can imagine that the flowers are beautiful and bees are flying them.A. during, among B. during, betweenC. through, among D. through, between27. Many elderly parents their ch

5、ildren s marriage, because the young adults don another one.A. worry about; marrying withB. worried about; being marriedC. are worried about; being married toD. worry about; have been married to28. - Would you mind in the early morning if you plan to see the flag- raising in Tian an Square?-. It has

6、 been one of my hopes.A. getting up; You d better not.B. getting up; Of course notC. get up; Never mindD. getting up; Nevermind29. -The ruler was so powerful that he wants to control everything in his kingdom. -But , he made the world a better place for his people to live in.A. by the way B. in a wa

7、yD. in someC. in some ways way30.- It s so kind of you to make a video for me when I have problems making it. A friend in need is a friend indeed.B. MyA. Never mindpleasureC. All right D. With pleasure三.完型填空(13)-year-old Jim had been asking his parents for an iPhone all year. So on Christmas morning

8、 hewas very (1) to find one under the tree. But he had to agree to his mother conditions (2) the phone could be his. His mother wrote a s message for him on a card: Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. But if you want this present, Merry you have to follow my rules. ”The first rule o

9、n his mother s list: I bought this phone, so it is m(3i)ne.itNto w, I am you. Aren 11 the greatest? ”Then it read, “ Remember: breaking any of the rules will (4) the end of your iPhone ownership. vlf it rin gs, (5) it, said rule nu mber three.It is a phone. Do noteVeA agplooAecall if the screen read

10、s“ Mom ” or “ Dad. ”Rule number seven:Do not iusspehtohne to (6) another person or lie. And don t takepartin (7) that might hurt others. You are not a rude person; do not let the iPhone change that.Rule number nine: Do not text or email anything to someone through this phone that youwould not say in

11、 person. And do not text or email anything to someone that you would not say out loud (8) your parents in the room.”“Dont take lots of pictures. There is no need to record(9) . Keep your eyes up. See what !s(10) around you. Listen to the birds. Talk to a stranger. The experiences w川be (11) in your m

12、emory forever, read rule number seventeen. Atlast, it read, Most of these rules listed here do not just ap 用 yjtc)( the iPhone,butto (12) . I love you. I hope you will enjoy your new iPhone. ”(1) A. excited B. worried C. luckyD. i nterested(2) A. sinceB. asC. beforeD. after(3) A. expla ining(4) A. c

13、ome fromB. Ie ndingB. lead to(5) A. an swer(6) A. callB. stopB. textC. returni ngC. make upC. protectC. emailD. describ ingD. care forD. refuseD. fool(7) A. experime nts B. experie nces(8) A. except(9) A. noth ing(10) A. movi ng (11)A. used(12) A. childre nB. withoutB. everyth ingB. leav ingB. store

14、dB. pare ntsC. con versati onsC. because ofC. someth ingC. happe ningC. hiddenC. lifeD. express! c c cD. withD. anythingD. in creasD. raisedD. health四.阅读理解AHave you ever heard some one use the phrase“ once in a blue moon ? People use thisexpress! on to describe someth! ng that they do not do very of

15、te n. For example, some one might say that he tries to avoid eating sweets because they are unhealthy, but will eat chocolate-4 -oneeblue moon ” . Or some one who does not usually like to go to the beach might sayl visit the sh(海滨)once in a blue moon. ” While many people use this phrase, not everyckieows the meaning beh ind it.The first thing to know is that the moon itself is n ever really blue. This is just an express! on.In fact, the phrase“ blue moon “ has something to do with the



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