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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2015-2016学年度第一学期期末考试八年级英语试卷(桥口区)二、单项选择26、How do you make a banana milk shake?-Well, peel three bananas.A.first B. then C. next D. finally27、- What do you want to be, Tim?-I want to be an .A. cook B. pilot C. pianist D. actor 28、- For the games, do you think we should give peo

2、ple small gifts if they win?-Thats a great idea. The games will be more .A. exciting B. understanding C. crowded D. difficult29、- sugar do we need?-Just one spoon.A. How many B. How much C. How far D. How long30、-What will the future be like?-Cities will be more polluted. And there will be trees.A.

3、less B. more C. fewer D. most31、-Will you make any resolutions at the beginning of the year?-Sure. I hope that it can help to my problems with you in the future.A. promise B. agree C. serve D. improve32、It is best not to run away from our problems.-I will always remember to my problems with you in t

4、he future.A. share B. hide C. solve D. tell33、-Lily always says she is going to a hobby like painting or playing the guitar.=She is just talking about it.A. dress up B. grow up C. take up D. make up34、-Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?=Sure, .A. Im not available B. Id love to C. Im afr

5、aid I cant D. Im not free35、= ?=Its Monday the 14th.A. Whats the date today B. Whats today C. Whats the weather likeD. What day is it today三、完型填空What will the world of 2045 look like? Do you want to know about that? Six experts have their 36 .The experts predict that in 2045,your phone, car or compu

6、ter might read your 37 . For example, when you are 38 words into a computer, the computer might know about your mood(心情). If you are 39 , your computer might not let you read emails with bad news. When you are 40 a car, the car might also be able to read your feelings. If the car 41 you are angry an

7、d driving unsafely, it might 43 you.These experts also predict that robotic insects(昆虫) will be made in 2045. These 43 robots might be able to 44 air quality(质量),give early warnings about gas attacks ,etc. They might also be able to “ talk” with real insects. How 45 !36.A. questions B. predictions C

8、. resolutions D. discussions37.A. feelings B. books C. articles D .calendar38.A. writing B. drawing C .printing D. typing39. A. glad B. unhappy C. surprised D. excited40. A. shaking B. opening C. driving D. sitting41. A. decides B. organizes C. advises D. catches42. A. reply B. solve C. trust D. war

9、n43.A. dangerous B. flying C. careless D. normal44. A. pollute B. cover C. test D. clean45. A. cool B. upset C. impossible D. creative四、阅读理解AWelcome to our school !Open Day invitation All parents are welcome to our school on the School Open Day. You can have a cup of tea or coffee. And meet our teac

10、hers and other parents on that day. You can also go to the classrooms have a talk with the principal(校长),take a look at the school clubs and ask any questions. Please go to Room305for lunch.(lunchtime:11:30 a.m -12:00 a.m )We would like to invite you to the School Open Day on Tuesday, November 2410:

11、30 a.m 6:30 p.m,Please contact us if you have any questionsTel:021-46159986E-mail:admissiondoverschool.orgbbbWe look forward to meeting you !46. Who are invited on School Open Day?A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Parents. D. Experts.47. You cant on November 24.A. go to the classroom B. have lunch in Roo

12、m 503 C. talk with the principalD. have a look at the school clubs48. How long will the activity last?A. 5 hours. B. 6 hours. C. 7 hours. D. 8 hours49. How many ways can you choose to contact the school?A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five50. what day is November 25?A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday C. Thursday.

13、D. FridayB National Pie Day is created by the American Pie Council. Its the celebration of pie. Its a great chance to pass on the love and enjoyment of pie eating and pie making to the young.Here are some ways to celebrate National Pie Day. Eat pie. Eat some pies on National Pie Day. You can make it

14、 yourself, buy it at a supermarket, order it at a restaurant. Pie is great with lunch or dinner or as a late-night snack.Make pie. Bake your favorite homemade pie on National Pie Day.Share pie. If you make or buy a pie, share it with others.Teach pie making. If you know how to make a pie, teach others. If you dont , ask a pie maker, show you or go t


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