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1、教学随笔爱学生学生爱好教师是热爱学生的人。如果没有爱,则万物自身的生活是死气沉沉;如 果没有爱,则万物的生长是七拼八凑的;如果没有爱,则所见的是一片漆黑。构建道德课堂,教师要做到热爱每个学生。热爱一个学生就等于塑造一个学 生,而厌弃一个学生无异于毁坏一个学生。 每一位学生都渴望得到教师的爱, 尤 其是那些家庭有过特殊变故的学生,容易形成特别性格,这就要求教师真诚相待、 热情鼓励、耐心帮助,用师爱的温情去融化他们“心中的坚冰”, 让他们在愉快 的情感体验中接受教育。构建道德课堂,教师要具备令学生敬佩的个人魅力。孔子曰:“其身正,不 令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”学生总是把好教师看作学习、模仿的对

2、象。好 教师从小事做起,从自我做起,率先垂范,作出表率,以高尚的人格感染人,以 整洁的仪表影响人,以和蔼的态度对待人,以丰富的学识引导人,以博大的胸怀 爱护人。学生因“亲其师,信其道”,进而“乐其道”。构建道德课堂,教师要善于思考。“活着就要思考,教师应是一个善于思考, 渴求思考,勇于思考的人”。教师要思考学生的未来走向,引领学生做出正确的 人生规划。思考一切学生,一切思考学生,思考学生一切,是他们思考的逻辑起 点也是价值终点。构建和谐课堂,教师要能用正确的方法教育学生。例如某大学请我国著名教 育家陶行知讲课,陶先生并没有像其他教师那样手拿教案去上课。 他左手抓了一 把米,右手抓了一只饿了三天

3、的大公鸡,走上讲台,他先把米放在讲台上,然后 双手抓住大公鸡,让它嘴对着大米,10分钟过去了,大公鸡就是不吃。陶行知 改变了方法,他把大公鸡放在地上自己走的远远的, 结果奇迹出现了,大公鸡飞 快地飞上讲台,三下五去二就把大米给吃完了。陶行知再次走上讲台向大家鞠了 个躬说我的课讲完了。好教师认为既然不能改变他人,就先改变自己的方式和方 法,同样可以达到预期的效果。道德课堂要求我们把以往的“灌输”改变为“潜移默化”。现在的学生逆反的心理特别的严重,恶劣的态度根本解决不了问题。有时候还是需要“温声细气”、 需要“和风细雨”,要学会宽容和理解学生,多 一些耐心“摆事实,讲道理”,用情感人、用实际行动感

4、化人。我在以后的教学中应着力从以下几个方面完善自己,构建道德课堂!一提高我的个人魅力。 我要做到在课堂上始终以笑脸待学生。在学生学 习上要有耐心,耐心辅导,有问必答;在学生生活上要有爱心,关注学生生活中 的每一个细节;在学生心理上要够专心,专心静心听取学生的倾诉,帮助学生健 康快乐的成长。只有这样,学生才能亲近我,亲近我才能信服我,我的个人魅力 才能彰显出来。二加强我的专业能力。我要努力学习教育科学理论。教育,是一门科学, 有其自身的发展规律。学生是一本复杂的书,既有某些共同的需求与发展特点, 又有不同的个性与行为表现,教师只有了解了学生不同的心灵世界, 才能和他们 融洽相处,引导他们成长进步

5、,其次,我要深入学习与自己所教课程相关的专业 知识。再次,我要广博地涉猎各门学科,这样才能及时给学生以指导,解开他们 心中的谜团,点燃那些容易被教育者的无知熄灭的智慧火花。最后,我要向实践学习,向名师学习每一门课都有自己的学科带头人或者专家,多听老教师的 课,多向专家请教是教师成长的必经过程。三规范我的课堂。我要努力改变教学当中的一些陋习。争取做到:一节课 45分钟,教师讲解20分钟,学生活动20分钟,学生个体反思5分钟;不早上课, 不拖堂;不占用学生额外的自习课;合理布置作业,不让学生因为我一门的作业 而占用太多宝贵的时间;早自习,晚自习不讲课,不备课,认真敬业地为学生做 好辅导。总之,道德

6、课堂讲道德,目的是为学生的学习构建良好的学习环境。只有当 学生拥有了良好的学习环境,学生才能更加主动的参与学习,取得更好的成绩。英语教学设计Good after noon, dear judges and teachers. My n ame is Li N a m frOmFutsmy pleasure to sta nd here and share my less on with you. Today, my topic is“ NewSta ndard En glish Book 11, Module 9”.First I ll taout Analysis of the teachi

7、ng material (教材分析)Module 9 : talk ing about a trip.Unit 1 describes visit ing the UN build in g.The UN wants to make peace in theworld, En courage stude nts to use the main sentence patter ns:Do you want toUnit 2 talking about someactivities they“ like ” or “ don t like ” .Can use thesentence patter

8、 ns:What do you like doing?Part Two : An alysis of the stude nts(学情分析)As the sixth-grade stude nts, they have a certa in degree of liste ning, speak ing, read ing and writi ng, so they will be in terested in talk ing about a trip, especially in talk ing about what they like doing .Part Three:The tea

9、ch ing aims.(教学目标)1. Knowledge aims:(知识目标)1 .The stude nts can master the new words and the sentence patter ns.New words: peace , world , kan garooSentence patter ns:Do you want to visit ? Yes, I do./No, I don t.What do you like doin g?I like .(do ing somethi ng).Does Xiaoqia ng like .(do ing someth

10、 in g)?Yes, he does. /No, he does n,t.2 .The stude nts can read and talk about the dialogue.2. Ability aims :(能力目标)To develop the stude nts abilities of liste ning, speak ing, read ing and writ ing.3. Emotion aims :(情感目标)To let the students know that the United Nations ,that is, for countries to wor

11、k together to solve world problems. En courage stude nts to use En glish freely in daily life.Part Four:Resources(课程资源)I used a lot of activities, CD-ROM, word cards and other teaching tools to en rich the class content.Part Five: The teach ing methods and study ing methods 教法学法)The teach ing method

12、s:1. Task-based method2. Com mun icatio n method3. Let the Ss pass“ obserinattati on -practice ” to study Ian guageStudy ing methods:1. Liste nin g-speak ing method2. Comu ni cative strategyAids:PPT a tape recorder. words objectsPart Six:Key points and difficult points:(重点、难点)Key poin ts: En able to

13、 grasp the senten ces of“ Do you want to .?What do you like doi ng?Does Xiaoqia ng like playi ng football?Difficult poin ts: The Ss can use the patter ns to talk about what do they like. want to do sth. like doing sth.Part Seve n: Teachi ng period: 2(课时安排)1. Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN buildi

14、ng ?2. Unit 2 What do you like doing ?Part eight:My suggestion (教学建议)1. words:Show the senten ce:The UN wants to make peace in the world.Teach the pronunciation of peace ea/i:/, c /s/ ,practice read ingpeacesay some words :ea /i:/ seat meatTeach the pronunciation of world , or /?:/, pay attention to

15、 the different pronunciation between“ world ” and “word ”.(Purpose Sixth-grade stude nts should acquire a certa in amount of phon etic kno wledge,a nd can be classified memory, con tact memory, so the word can be han dled this way of teach ing)2. Practice wa nt to do sentence1. Listen to the tape and find the sentences with“want to ”.2. Read the senten ces.3. Ask the stude nts:Do you want to visit the UN build in g? An swer:Yes, please.4. Practice “ Do you want to visit ?” (stupegte 35)s book5.Sum up :want to do sth , want to play, want to eat.(This part is to guide stude nts to discover t


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