父爱 英语作文

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《父爱 英语作文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《父爱 英语作文(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、父爱 英语作文父爱英语作文 父爱是那个宽厚而暖和的后背,有多少回,来回于家里与医院之间,我不明白父母的叹息是何意,只记得靠在父亲的背上放心地沉沉地睡。 父爱 Fthe's Lov People alwys sy a thr9;s loe i s quebut grnd tha i seem like a montai. Thywas bury thr love t cilre depn te bottom of ther hearts der showit. Father selom says loveyou o their hildren o doesometing shw t.Mr

2、oents s to t or ndpt n oclotes, but faer doesn t.Fatersldmassyurlife i schol or yourrelationshp with our frinds. When you re roulead ak suggestinsfrom him, ouldnot telyuhyo shold do but hepuind suto tead. Hever, fahersill las e mst mprtntl in yr le. He is alwys the sporeof yur ife.Weevr yued, e i

3、s alwas byour sid. This isth wy he s e 人们总说父爱如山,宁静、伟岸,他们总把对孩子的爱深埋心底,从不显露。父亲很少会对孩子说我爱你,也不做什么事去表现自己的爱。妈妈经常会叫我们多吃饭多穿衣,但父亲不会这样。他们很少过问你在学校的生活,也不关切你与挚友们的关系如何。当你遇到问题向他寻求建议时,他不会干脆告知你应当怎样做,而是帮助你找到解决的方法。但是,父亲依旧是你生命中最重要的人,他恒久是你生活中的坚毅后盾。不管何时,只要你须要,他就会在你的身边,这就是他表现爱的方式。 fater#3;sove moter39;sloe i pole s rse f

4、rits lflee .in fact, fthe's love s a great a hat. tey bury their in he de oto f thr eart a will nve shit. y fater isofthskind i emembered oceifet ill. mothr w tt hme t tht momet.fthr ated as ather and aa mter a well.whn he aehom fro wok, he would cok r for m firt.te wy fedm ademetinkofmy kin

5、 anender mother. hises were full oflove an pttnidd eel a faher';slve at tat time. moheyloe by its veryaueis ucondtional.moher loves he newoninfan ece it is h l, no beaue hechild hasfulfiled ny specfic cdition, ored uptoany speciic exetation.unconditional lve corrspods in ne o te deepst longin

6、g, not n f he child, btof everyhuman ing;on hthe ha,toevedbeus o one s mert, becaus one eservs it, alys leaves doubt: mb i d ot plee te per whi wat to love, ayb his or at-ere ialy a fearha lo couddisappear. frermore, ";desered&qut;loe easil leaves a ittr feling that one isot lovedfr oeself, t

7、hat one is loved only because one pleases,hat ne , te lnsis, not oat all bt ued. nowde ha we alllntohe lonng for mthe love, a children ad oas dut. eelaioshi ofathris qite differe. mote i te hoe we come, she is nt,soil, tocean; ae dos t reresentanysuh nrl hme. e ha ttle cocionwth the hildin the ir ye

8、arsof hs lie,an his mportane for te chiithis eaypriod cnot compared ith tha f mtherbut whilfather dosno epreet henaural wd, he represents the other poe o hmaexisnce; he woloftouht, of an-md tings, ofaw ader, of discilin, of travland advnture. fate ithe hoach chil, who showsim theroad ino the world.

9、atherlve i onditonal loe. itsprincple is &qt;le ou caus youulfill my etons, ecueou do yr uy, becaue ouarelike me&qot;in condtiofatherl loe w find,aswth uncoitioal moherlyove,a ngative nd ositveasect. th gte aspct is th very act that fatherl o h to be dsered, thaitcan be lt if ne donot d wht is expec

10、t. tepositiv side i qual importantsince his oe is conional, can smething to acuire it, ca work for it;his lve is ntoutsde ofmcotrol as herly loveis. eaiul oie Bein with h sme dormitoryn univesity,on of mclasmtes,hos from Hrbin,ner has not phoeis arets.Hsaidtht eewas nopn at home,It iskfor imto wie t

11、o is rens,e arsrprised at : quot;He lvsn moden ciy,iving conitioni otad, Wy nt intl a teone? Aftr the smr vacaon,e ofen wen to b t stent a ap sretly,whch ws aken fromhis homemeie hacryin or dne, We prpoed to orrowisae o sten, e dd o agree.One time whe as out,we gt teta nder thepilw andptit i rorr,fr

12、 e lsned to i,it seed a there s n any voicein it,We aeuzzed wha he a dealingwtthe bn tape eveynit. In hecomngof rauati,hold us abou is family, Hsparent wer ll deaf andmb. he w ver oung,is fatherdieTo mae aving, his mtheendured all adhips well as he n eresso of scrr his stdy,his ther paid uh atentio ocreae the bes cnditionfo hi.hey nvr hadhim suffer fth ardshp.After tir iingconitio was etter,he had tleavehimother t g tounveritye ad that he ftemise hr,His achivementwas from";ilet Lov"; of h



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